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Posts posted by Puma

  1. 1 hour ago, DamageSponge said:


     I just don't enjoy spending 1 hour on each character trying all kinds of different stuff to find that one that isn't taken.  I don't care if someone's got a level 1 alt gathering dust with the same name.  We have global handles to tell people apart.  (And no, I don't pick common names from well-known IPs, nice assumption there, though.)

    Agreed.  I mean, if DC and Marvel can have characters with the same name, so should we be able to.  

    It's not the NAME that makes your character unique. 

    • Like 1
  2. My wish list:


    #1: New content that furthers major game storylines, not just serve as one off contacts. 


    #2:  Two new Archetypes:  Melee/Support (so a staff/kin, or an electric melee/storm, etc.)  and then a single pet MM/damage hybrid.  Think  Snake Eyes and his wolf, Junkyard and Mutt, or Falcon and Redwing, He-man and Battle cat, etc.  Have the pet be based around aggro management and crowd control while the player is based on damage and self-survival.   In short the opposite of masterminds whose main role is keeping many pets alive while they do damage. Here, you have a single controllable sidekick pet who keeps you alive while you do damage. 


    3:  PLEASE MAKE A WAY TO "SHARE" AN ENTIRE BASE DESIGN SO OTHERS CAN "IMPORT" IT AND HAVE A SIMILAR BASE.  This would not only make for a new economy where people can sell their elaborate base designs for inf, etc. but would also let base builders easily share basic bases for non-base builders.  


    4: PERIODIC STORY LINE CONTESTS VIA AE:  Winner's AE arcs are made into real in game contacts and story lines.  Crowd source the development. 


    5: BYOE:  Build Your Own Enhancements:  Have a very rare crafting system that lets you design your own enhancement set complete with set bonuses, a proc, etc. based around a point system.  You can put more points into more damage, less end, more recharge, make the bonuses very defense based or regen based etc. The  use of "points" to keep it from becoming entirely too overpowered similar in some ways to how ED works. The more you put in a similar category (so defense set bonuses  for example) the more points each addition to that category costs.  You can also use a "proc" that changes the secondary effects of all of your similar powers to certain other effects related to that power.  So electric can change the -end aspect to a momentary stun, or extra energy damage.  Ice can change the slow to increased cold damage, fire can change the extra damage to a fear. 


    IDEAL THAT PROBABLY WONT HAPPEN:  A server that is "chaos-world" where there are no archetypes or power set restrictions.  Players can mix and match to their hearts content but only on that sever and no transfers to other servers.  If necessary, make it so it's only unlocked once a player has gotten a toon on another server to level 50 and has spent 100 hours in-game (to prevent AE farming just to get on the server).   Then use this server to data mine the combinations people come up with, etc. to see what might actually be viable in the real game or not. 




  3. Ok, so newblet question:


    When I went to unzip this, I didnt have a Data> folder or any of the subfolders.  Someone in game said that those werent made by default so I made them myself and unzipped the file inside the English subfolder.  I made the macro in game but get no menu pop-up. Any ideas? 

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