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Posts posted by Puma

  1. 1 hour ago, Megajoule said:

    Force of Will and Savage Melee were both "unfinished", not "new".

    Savage Melee was not "unfinished".  It was barely started...basically just a concept  if I recall, with a couple of animations done.  The entire set was worked and reworked, including how frenxy worked, etc. Force of Will and a few other power pools  sets were conceptualized but missing animations and power specifics.  That's entirely my point.  They were much more easily able to adjust/adapt/create powersets than they were to create mission arcs and contacts. 

    Now with the increased resources that the server being public brings, hopefully both are going to be easier. But claiming "Making new missions is the cheapest 'cause you've got a ton of people willing to write endless stories just for the sake of seeing their work become a part of the game they love" is simplistic and ignores all of the complex system work that goes into mission creation.  It also, of course, ignores that this very thread (not to mention the one that Steampunkette started as a rip  off of this thread) is evidence that there are ALSO a ton of people willing to work endlessly on powerset concepts just for the sake of seeing their work and ideas become part of the game. Which also reminds me...

    You said "Yes, you can half-ass a (potentially) broken, imbalanced, untested powersets much quicker than the timetable I gave."  I can't name a single power set in the game  that hasn't gone through extensive testing.  Hell, people who helped test Savage Melee saw iterations change drastically with its powers, and it's still being rebalanced.  Which is not surprising, considering even on live Devs were constantly adjusting long standing sets to refine them.  Your weird attitude that anything new is going to be rushed and unbalanced seems entirely unsupported by experience.  We do have a couple of sets that I think are overpowered: Bio, Rad Armor, and arguably Titan Weapons.  But two of those were unbalanced on live, and were basically "pay to win" sets.  And Titan Weapons is overpowered, but has a REALLY long investment time to get there, and a penalty just annoying enough to it to make many hate it, which is why we dont see Titan Weapons on every team.   

  2. 8 hours ago, Steampunkette said:

    Back when the Architect launched it was described as being the same system used to create in-game arcs with an interface that made things easier.


    In fact there was distinct mention by the devs that it would make content generation easier on -them- because they didn't have an interface before the ME was being constructed.


    So while I don't doubt that the mission mechanics are really awkward and hard, I think I'll trust the Live Devs that it'll be a lot easier going forward. Especially since two AE Arcs created by a community member now exist in the game world.

    Well, since I specifically know and briefly helped someone who was trying to help the devs come up with an easier way to create missions, and know for a fact that it's not like the AE, and it's a spaghetti code that is a mess, I'll just tell you that you're wrong.  

    Again, if you need evidence, look at what the devs were able to develop while the game was shut down and what they weren't. You had an entire -archetype- created (sentinels), an entirely new powerset developed (Savage Melee), a new power pool set (Force of will), several unfinished sets finished off and introduced (Rad armor, rad plant and time manip for blasters, etc.), and several other sets in development but unreleased. During that same period you had just one trial created that had to be launched from the LFG window and only recently was transformed into a TF with a contact, and only even more recently exactly two new contacts with arcs. 


    This was not due to lack of interest in furthering content, nor to a lack of skilled writers with arcs. It does look like they've started making breakthroughs.  The point, though, is that it's not "easier" to do good story and contact content than it is to do good power development.  In fact, I would argue it's actually at LEAST as difficult, if not more.  

    Want to get a good guage of how hard it will be, even aside from the programming? Go do a poll about what people think should happen with The Coming Storm.  What you'll find is MASSIVE disagreement about the dircection it should take and where the story should go, and PASSIONATE disagreement.  


    Far more than you'll find disagreement on whether auto-powers should be capped at 9% or whether tankers should get any sort of pets.  

  3. 12 hours ago, Steampunkette said:

    Making new missions is the cheapest 'cause you've got a ton of people willing to write endless stories just for the sake of seeing their work become a part of the game they love. Taking AE Arcs that the playerbase has reviewed and tying them to in-world contacts and mission doors takes a lot less effort than building a powerset.


    A powerset needs:

    Data Entry for Each Power Individually (Which is not copy-paste)

    UI Changes to accomodate the new powerset in the appropriate archetype lists

    Icons and Descriptions



    Balance Passes

    Have you ever actually looked at the coding a new mission requires and how they need to be written? I have. It's incredibly complictated, and NOTHING like AE mission  creation. There's a REASON the devs on the secret server were able to create multiple new powersets and yet could only make a single new mission arc that, for a LONG time, had to be launched as a trial.  Granted they've come a long way which is why we're starting to get new arcs finally, and that trial has been converted into a new TF, but creating new arcs is VERY hard.  And unless you expect all new content to only use existing NPCs, you have similar problems stated above, but ALSO the difficulty of the mission mechanics, which are a mess.   Trust me when I say that this is an incorrect assumption.

  4. 4 hours ago, Megajoule said:

    And I have.  If you'll check some of the other threads in this forum, I'm consistently against "new powersets for their own sake" of all types, not just defense.  This is just one of the latest examples.


    It's been shown again and again in MMOs that devs cannot reasonably be expected to produce new content at the rate that players consume it.  This is just as true of new, balanced abilities (classes, powersets, etc etc) as it is of story arcs/chapters, raids and trials, etc.  When they lag behind, people complain they are bored; when they rush to push things out, the product is usually of inferior quality.  And we're dealing with a small team of volunteers here, not paid employees.


    Some of the threads here and in the Beta forums are struggling to balance powersets that were in the game when it closed, or all the way back to launch, and which have already been talked about for years.  If this idea - ill-advised though I think it is at its very core - were to be greenlit tomorrow, I doubt you'd see anything on Test before the end of the year, or in a "final" (ha ha) release before the middle of the next.  What will you do until then?


    tl;dr (again):  if you're relying on new powers to satisfy your craving for novelty, you will be disappointed, the game will suffer, or both.

    IMO, of course.


    Yeah we'll deeply disagree here.  I actually feel like you just made my case for me. 

    Players will consume new content/raids/missions quickly.   You know what takes longer to consume?

    Running entirely new toons to level 50 through all of the content.  The one thing CoH did RIGHT versus other MMOs is consistently come out with new power sets that let players make -multiple- new toons to run through all of the same content and have it feel different.  Altitis in this game is beyond any other MMO for a reason. And it's a good reason, even if it isnt your personal play style. 

    And you're creating a false choice:  lag behind or rush things out.    I don't see anywhere in this thread where -anyone- has demanded a certain timeline.  And this small band of devs have already shown the ability to create new powersets, port over existing ones to new classes (time and plant for blasters, etc.), and modify other sets (energy melee).  Heck, they even created an entirely new archetype...though I think it needs some loving. In that same time they've only added a couple of contacts, and a single TF/Raid event.  Adding new contacts and missions is not easy. At all.  And they get burned through much faster than entirely new characters.  New toons are pretty much why I keep playing the game even though it's been out for 15 years and I've run everything it offers multiple times.  

    tl;dr: Investing in new powersets is the cheapest way to keep the game alive and fresh and maintain the player base. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Megajoule said:

    This is true.  Is it your intent to argue that we can, or should, increase the number of armor sets until those numbers match?


    tl;dr not every concept needs its own unique powerset.

    Not at all. The point is, if you argue that "there are enough armor sets already" then you're ALSO discounting any new blast sets, buff sets, melee sets, etc.

    Like it or not, for many people, trying out new sets is part of the fun.  I've rolled over 200 characters, gotten most of them to 50.  So yes, I've had an Energy Aura brute whose concept was explained as using a suit of high tech armor.  I would put money down that I've been AT LEAST as creative as you in explaining away how powers work on my toons, and in finding creative new explanations to get the concept I want.  

    That doesn't mean I wouldn't love to see an ACTUAL body armor set that has a different set of powers to try and survive.  It's fun to see how different combinations of different power options (heals, buffs, debuffs, etc.) play out.  

    Just like all those energy blasters who also wanted to try Beam Rifle, even though they could explain their energy blasts as energy beams emitted from hand blasters.


  6. 3 hours ago, Steampunkette said:

    I actually waded into the idea and came up with this: 



    Shifting the focus off "Always On Autopowers" and onto "Long Duration Clicks"


    You still get the benefit of not constantly spending endurance throughout your fights on 2-3 toggles and the odd click. But you wind up with 2 toggles (3 if you count the Pet but it's set up like the Vanity Pets so there's no actual cost to it at all), 2 long time clicks, and some nifty secondary options. But it's -absolutely- going to cost you your Auto-Fire button on one of your two clicks (I'd recommend the Tier 1 armor power) and make it really hard to fit Hasten into the build because of the amount of clicking you'd spend trying to keep it, your armor stacks, and your mez protection active (Which is why the Mez has a 1 minute overlap!)


    Opportunity and Focus cost rather than Survivability.

    Im sorry but in my opinion you went from "too weak" to crazy overpowered. It's tier 1 is practically as strong as many tier 9s.  Performance serum provides +200% regen, mez protection, and recharge boost and stacks before even IOing? And that's on top of another power that adds regen, recovery, and recharge?  Plus you'd be the only armor set to get pets.  And damaging pets.   But you thought making an auto power have a higher res number would be tweaking the formula too much?  It looks like you just took the best concepts from Bio and Rad and Ninja and upped them and then combined them. 

    You have some interesting mechanics but this is insanely OP.  I definitely see a disconnect in what we see as balance in a powerset. 


    • Like 1
  7. On 10/19/2019 at 10:20 AM, Steampunkette said:

    Ohhhhh that's -brilliant-!


    Tanker getting 6% Resistance from a Body Armor autopower, Scrappers getting 4.5% Resistance on an Autopower... It's not a TON but it could mean the difference between Capping S/L or not.


    Could also play with Permanent Damage buffs? Things like "Reinforced Stikes" autopower that add +5% damage. Or even typed damage, so Reinforced Strikes only adds the +5% to attacks with an S/L Component, like the IO Set Bonuses?


    Give the set a later power that boosts the lower level powers, like the original suggestion, so that it plays into the Boxing/Kick/Crosspunch setup.


    Then you could combine this kind of set with something like Ninjitsu to get a more well rounded Gadget and Armor style concept going!

    I can handle this as a possibility. 



    So out of curiosity, Steampunkette, since your intial problem was with the levels of this set, what would you suggest to make it more balanced assuming it were staying a full armor set. What levels and with what powers? 


    What about something like the  tiers 1 and 2 remaining auto powers with 9% Res level similar to the auto power in Energy Armor, but moving Enhance Body Armor and to tier 4 (available at level 10, so very early on) and making it a toggle power that raises the res to those two powers to toggle levels, but only costing the endurance run of 1 toggle (EBA) as opposed to both.  Then you'd have numbers closer to this: 


    Level 50 Scrapper with SOs:

    40% Resistance to S/L/F.

    45% Resistance to Cold.

    51% Resistance to Nrg/Neg.

    22.5% Resistance to Psionic.

    11.25% Defense to S/L.

    16hp/sec regen (Including Unslotted Health), but also a fast recharging +48% heal. 
    -7.5% Tohit PBAoE

  8. On 10/18/2019 at 4:49 PM, Megajoule said:

    There are plenty of "armor" sets already in the game.  Pick one, and a costume for your character that fits your concept.

    No offense, but under this logic all new powerset development would be halted. 


    There are far more melee and blast powersets, for example, than there are armor sets. 

  9. 8 hours ago, Steampunkette said:

    Level 50 Scrapper with SOs:

    22.5% Resistance to S/L/F.

    45% Resistance to Cold.

    33.75% Resistance to Nrg/Neg.

    22.5% Resistance to Psionic.

    11.25% Defense to S/L.


    16hp/sec regen (Including Unslotted Health)


    This is the durability of your average cobweb at 50. And they'll be setting aside their damage dealing for 3-7 seconds near the start of every fight on Flashbangs, Caltrops, Self Healing, and Stuns to try and survive the Alpha Strike of any group.


    Yeah, Puma, there are cases where the Standardization is put aside to fit Concept. Hardened Carapace has part of it's bonus deferred so that the Defensive Toggle can boost it up, the Efficient Toggle can shift Healing up, and the Offensive Toggle can be good for dishing out the DPS. And yeah, some powers have lower values from their Autopowers... Those powers tend to cover 3-5 different things (Or in the case of the 5.63% example: EVERYTHING plus some extra HP).


    Wanna know why Radiation Armor gets the 30% Fire/Cold/Nrg/Neg toggle? Look at the entire set. Instead of having a series of toggles and autopowers that provide comprehensive defenses the set relies on 2 Toggles (Okay, 3 if you count the Mez Protection providing a token amount of Psi/Toxic) to provide all the defense boost it's going to get. Everything else is a Click Gimmick, Self Heal, or a Damage Toggle. It relies more on damage deferral (Absorb) and damage recovery (Regen/Healing) than it's defensive values. Those things work in fights with AVs. Caltrops won't. Stuns won't. Smokebombs won't.


    I'm saying it's not going to have enough defensive ability. A Tanker with this set needs to be able to stand to to toe with an AV because all the other Tankers can. As it stands? 


    Someone using this powerset would become very familiar with the different textures and patterns of Paragon Office Carpets.


    Here are Willpower's numbers on SOs for Scrappers according to Mids

    35.1%  Resistance S/L

    32.2% Resistance Psi

    15.2% Def E/N/F/C

    11.7% Def Psy


    48/regen per sec 




    Level 50 Scrapper with SOs:

    22.5% Resistance to S/L/F.

    45% Resistance to Cold.

    33.75% Resistance to Nrg/Neg.

    22.5% Resistance to Psionic.

    11.25% Defense to S/L.

    16hp/sec regen (Including Unslotted Health)

    But WP gets no self heal, a weaker -tohit, and no crowd control.  

    So the defense this set gets with S/L is equal to the defense WP gets to all elemental attacks, but it also gets 22% resistance on top of that.  Would you want to see the defense from Bracers increased? What do you think would make this somehow more "sturdy".  

    I could see an argument for upping the regeneration rate given by Adrenal Shot, but don't want to entirely replace the heal effect. 


    Perhaps you could add an "absorb" element to "metal fibers" or replace metal beads with "Impact Resistant Coating" that gives a +absorb affect/chance for knockdown, where foes are knocked back by the impacts of their attacks. I really don't think this would need it though, and think you're really underestimating how it might perform.  Willpower is considered an excellent set, and its numbers really aren't that out of whack with what we're seeing here, only trading a chunk of its regen and resistance of S/L for debuff/crowd control, S/L defense, and a self heal.  Its less set and forget than Willpower, with more variety in what you can do for survival, similar to Dark Armor. 



  10. 7 hours ago, Steampunkette said:

    Autos are 7.5% because it's Standardized. Because you're not spending any endurance on it, 7.5% is what you get based on the balancing metrics the Devs put into the game in the first place. Yeah, we could break the rules for your specific set to spend almost no endurance whatsoever... but why -should- we? So you can have a set whose gimmick is "Low End Cost"? We've got Regen and we've got Bio Armor and we've got Willpower. We're covered on that gimmick. All of them, by the way, also have good defensive values.


    And nah, I'm not saying "Without Enhancements". I'm saying 60% for a Scrapper/Brute as an SO Baseline would be cool. Strong enough to over halfway resist the most common damage type in the game.


    And Controls are all 'Fun' but there's a variety of enemies that Stealth and Debuffs have minimal effect on. Also Bosses and EBs.


    Unless you're intending this armor set to be used -exclusively- by Scrappers and Stalkers who just feel like being basically defenseless, it's got to be able to tank Recluse as a Defense Set for Brutes and Tanks. Yes, all of them should be able to tank AVs. Every Tanker should reasonably be able to fill that role in a group. Solo him? Heck no! But stand toe to toe with him (Or 15 basic Council Mobs or whatever) with nothing but SOs? Yeah.


    The concept (Armor set that is just normal armor in concept rather than superdodging or setting yourself on fire or something) is cool beans, to me. But your implementation is /Jranger.

    This is false.   Armor sets all have varying degrees to their armors and unique gimmicks.   Hardened Carapace gives 18.75% res to S/L, while Dark Embrace gives 22.5%.  Charged armor gives 26.5% S/L resists.  Dampening Field in Energy Aura gives 9.38% resistance to S/L and 7.5% Energy...and it's an auto power.  Proton Armor gives a 30% res to Energy/Fire etc.  Toggles hover anywhere from 18.5%-30%, in other words, and auto powers also have variation already.  Auto powers right now vary from 5.63% resistance to 9.38% resistance.  The degrees armor powers give is different depending on their respective sets, and each set also has unique aspects to it to work in combo with those differences.  Bio makes up for that smaller amount in its toggle by a "gimmick" toggle that adds res per enemy nearby, an entirely unique concept (though +def per enemy exists in other sets). Did they "break the rules"for their specific gimmick there? And Dark relies on two status effect powers and a heal as well, and is a fine set, even though it's not top tier.  Not every set can be Rad or Bio indestructible, nor should they.  You stated Def autos were only 3.75% but according to Mids, SR's autos are 5.63%, and are positional, not typed, making that even more powerful.  Even Def autos vary in degree depending on the set. 

    As for overall survivability, compare the numbers on this set to Willpower.  You'd actually have more overall res on this set, more def, less regen though you get a click heal component, and in exchange for the -tohit being in a taunt aura you get it in smoke grenade.  

    Here is a side by side comparison between Willpower and Protective Armor:

    High Pain Tolerance   Auto: Self +Res(All), +Max Health    5.63% Res
    Mind Over Body   Toggle: Self +Res(Smash, Lethal, Psionic)   16.88 Res
    Fast Healing   Auto: Self +Regen   75% Regen
    Indomitable Will    Toggle: Self +DEF(Psionic), +Res(Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Fear, Confusion, Knockback)
    Rise to the Challenge   Toggle: PBAoE, Foe -To Hit, Self +Regen    +26% Regen (stacking to 250%)  Foe -3.75% tohit
    Quick Recovery    Auto: Self +Recovery
    Heightened Senses   Toggle: Self +DEF(All DMG but Psionics), +Res(DEF Debuff), +Perception  (2.48% Def)
    Resurgence   Self Rez, +Recovery, +DMG, +To Hit, +Recharge
    Strength of Will   Self +Res(All, Disorient, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, Knockback), +Recovery


    Protective Armor: 

    Tier 1:  Treated Leather: [auto]  +res  s/l/c  10% Res  increasing to 15% with EBA

    Tier 2:  Thermal coating:  [auto] +res F/C   10% Res increasing to 15% with EBA

    Tier 3:  metal beads: [Targeted AoE] Foe Knockdown 

    Tier 3:  Adrenal shot:  [click] self heal, +regen/Status protection  25% heal, +75% Regen,  +15% Res Psy with EBA

    Tier 4:  Metal Fibers:  [toggle]+Res Energy/Neg  Res 20%  increasting to 22.5% with EBA

    Tier 5:  Bracers:  [toggle]+Def S/L Def  5% Defense increasing to 7.5% with EBA.  

    Tier 6:  Enhance body armor:  [auto] You upgrade your layers of protective armor.  This power increases the effectiveness of your treated leather and thermal coating, drastically increasing their effectiveness. It also lightens the weight of your conductive fibers and bracers, reducing their endurance cost and slightly increasing their effectiveness.  You line some of your metal beads with razors, giving them a chance for lethal damage to foes who are knocked down. Likewise your Adrenal shot now grants you resistance to psionic damage.  +special

    Tier 7: Charged fibers: [click- PBAoE stun.]

    Tier 8: Smoke flash: [click, 15 second duration, 45 second recharge] .  Foe -7.5% tohit, self +3.5% Def all.  

    Tier 9: Gangbuster:  [click, 120 second duration, 480s recharge]   Self +Resistance, +rech, +recovery, +dmg.  -25% Hp, End after 120 seconds.  



    Those do not look insanely out of line to me at all.  As a matter of fact, I wanted to make the "gimmick" (I prefer the term flavor) of this set to be both a lower end cost and a +recharge boost since you can move more easily and freely, but thought the +recharge would be overpowered.  Having such small end costs coupled with much of your protection coming from auto powers that don't require click management like Regen and can't toggle drop is benefit enough, I think.  

    Now, the numbers above could be adjusted, and if you thought it would be "better" we could make either treated leather or thermal coating a toggle, but then I'd want to add back in the +recharge concept.  

    • Like 1
  11. 16 hours ago, Steampunkette said:

    So... For a Scrapper/Brute/Stalker those Auto Resistance powers are going to offer up 7.5% Damage Resistance. 11.25% slotted with SOs. Defense autos are at 3.75%.


    Toggles typically provide 22.5% Resistance or 12.75% defense (Typed. Positional is 13.88%)


    So we're looking at a baseline of:


    7.5% S/L/F Resistance

    14.5% Cold Resistance

    22.5% E/N Resistance


    12.75% S/L Defense


    This character would get -destroyed- in basically any normal content. They'd be marginally more durable than your average low level blaster. Barring a near 800% benefit increase from the Treated Leather power (Boosting it from 7.5% to 60%) you're going to be having simply the -worst- time. And if the power was increasing the 7.5% resistance power up to 60% it would be -way- too powerful to also have a ton of other effects tied to it. It's just an unreasonable expectation of power increase.


    Also there's no way for CoH to do Retributive Damage based on the player taking damage. The game doesn't track the required information to make it work.

    Actually, the autos are 7.5% damage on other sets. Nothing says that they must be for this set.  But as stated, this set requires you to utilize crowd control methods, not just stand there and take it like other sets. You'd basically have "ice patch" in the metal beads, which is excellent mitigation, have a strong -tohit/stealth feature with the smoke bomb that also grants self defense, and have enemies attacking you get stunned, functioning like a slightly weaker version of dark's stun aura without the HP penalty.  And I dont know where on earth you're coming  up with a need to get to 60% resistance without enhancements.  Most resistance based sets don't come near that.  Coupled with a strong heal/regeneration power, and I think it actually could work.  It's similar in concept to fire, not being as outright sturdy but relying on a strong regen boost and mitigation (fire uses damage, this uses status effects).  

    The numbers might need to be adjusted.  But if they started with a base of 10% resistance, upping to 15% after your armor upgrade, before enhancements. You'd have 15% S/:L/F resistance unenhanced, 22.5% E/N unenhanced, 30% cold unenhanced, 12.5% s/l defense unenhanced, plus the +10% defense to all from smoke bomb unenhanced (stacked with enemy tohit), plus two forms of mitigation, and a clickable heal/regen boost.  

    It's not going to able to tank Recluse...but not all armor sets should.  


  12. Protective Armor:
    You use a mixture of gadgets and specialty body armor to survive even the most dangerous situations.  This armor is light weight, allowing you to move more freely and exert less energy, though it offers less protection than other armor sets.  As you grow in power, however, you will be able to upgrade many of your powers, making them more effective. 


    Tier 1:  Treated Leather: [auto] You wear a specially treated leather, giving you resistance to smashing, lethal, and cold damage.  This power is always on and its lightweight nature costs no endurance. +9% res  s/l/c 

    Tier 2:  Thermal coating:  [auto] You wear a thermal layer that makes you resistant to fire and cold attacks. This power is always on and costs no endurance.  + 9% res F/C

    Tier 3:  metal beads: [Targeted AoE] You scatter small, round beads on the ground around you which have a high chance of knocking down nearby foes. 

    Tier 3:  Adrenal shot:  [click] You carry a specialty blend of adrenaline that you can use to boost your regeneration and give you strong resistance to status effect powers.  self heal (25%), +regen (100%) /Status protection.  The status protection of this power does not stack. 

    Tier 4:  Enhance body armor:  [Toggle] You upgrade your layers of protective armor.  This power increases the effectiveness of your treated leather and thermal coating, drastically increasing their effectiveness. It also lightens the weight of your conductive fibers and bracers, reducing their endurance cost and slightly increasing their effectiveness.  You line some of your metal beads with razors, giving them a chance for lethal damage to foes who are knocked down. Likewise your Adrenal shot now grants you resistance to psionic damage.  Self +Res for both Treated Leather and thermal coating to 22.5% Res each, +7.5% Def to bracers.+special

    Tier 5:  Conductive Fibers:  [toggle] You line the outside of your armor with a special conductive fiber, which absorbs energy and negative energy attacks. +22.5% Res Energy/Neg

    Tier 6: Bracers:  [toggle] You wear durable bracers on both your arms and legs giving you defense to smashing and lethal attacks.   +5% Def S/L 

    Tier 7: Charged fibers: [click 1 min duration, 2 min recharge] You release the energy your conductive fibers have absorbed, making lining of your armor become charged for a brief period.  Any enemies in melee range may be briefly stunned when trying to attack you and suffer minor energy damage. Mag 2 stun, minor dmg nrg. 

    Tier 8: Smoke flash: [click, 20 second duration, 45 second recharge] You throw a smoke bomb at your foes. This smoke bomb blinds even the most perceptive foes, making you difficult to spot.  Even if spotted, you will gain some defense to all attacks until the smoke wears off. -7.5 tohit foe.  Self +3.5% Def all. The effect s of this power do not stack with multiple applications.   

    Tier 9: Gangbuster:  [click, 120 second duration, 480s recharge] For two minutes you push yourself to the limit, without concern for the damage done to you or your armor.  While going gangbuster you become highly resistant to all damage.  Your recharge and recovery are both increased, and your damage is increased slightly.  After 2 minutes your armor will give way and you will lose some hit points and endurance.   Self +Resistance, +rech, +recovery, +dmg.  -25% Hp, End after 120 seconds.  

    The uniqueness of the set is it is an incredibly low -end cost armor set, but that comes at the expense of effectiveness at early levels.  Instead your survivability will depend on utilizing the sets three crowd control powers and the ability to upgrade your equipment later on.  The upgrades move you closer to other sets, while also decreasing your endurance costs and adding a small damage aura effect to your metal beads. This would be a fun pairing with thematic sets like Street Justice or Martial Arts, but also a nice pairing with sets that are endurance heavy like stone melee or Titan Weapons.  

  13. Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.962

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    Level 50 Magic Brute
    Primary Power Set: Spines
    Secondary Power Set: Fiery Aura
    Power Pool: Leaping
    Power Pool: Speed
    Power Pool: Fighting
    Power Pool: Leadership
    Ancillary Pool: Mu Mastery

    Villain Profile:
    Level 1: Lunge -- SprBlsCol-Rchg/HoldProc(A), SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg(3), SprBlsCol-Dmg/EndRdx(3), SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(5), SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(5), SprBlsCol-Dmg/EndRdx/Acc/Rchg(39)
    Level 1: Fire Shield -- Ags-ResDam(A), Ags-ResDam/EndRdx(7), Ags-ResDam/Rchg(7), StdPrt-ResDam/Def+(9)
    Level 2: Spine Burst -- SprAvl-Rchg/KDProc(A), SprAvl-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(9), SprAvl-Acc/Dmg(11), SprAvl-Dmg/EndRdx(11), SprAvl-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(13), SprAvl-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(13)
    Level 4: Blazing Aura -- SprUnrFur-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(A), SprUnrFur-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(15), SprUnrFur-Dmg/Rchg(33), SprUnrFur-Acc/Dmg(43), SprUnrFur-Rchg/+Regen/+End(48)
    Level 6: Healing Flames -- NmnCnv-Heal/Rchg(A), NmnCnv-Heal(15), UnbGrd-Max HP%(17), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx(17), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(19), UnbGrd-EndRdx/Rchg(40)
    Level 8: Combat Jumping -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(19)
    Level 10: Build Up -- GssSynFr--Build%(A), RechRdx-I(23)
    Level 12: Temperature Protection -- GldArm-3defTpProc(A), Ags-ResDam(36), Ags-ResDam/EndRdx(36), Ags-ResDam/Rchg(39)
    Level 14: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(29)
    Level 16: Plasma Shield -- UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(A), UnbGrd-ResDam(29), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx(31), UnbGrd-EndRdx/Rchg(31), ImpSki-Status(50)
    Level 18: Quills -- SprBrtFur-Rech/Fury(A), SprBrtFur-Acc/Dmg(21), SprBrtFur-Dmg/Rchg(21)
    Level 20: Consume -- Obl-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(A), Obl-Acc/Rchg(23), Obl-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(25), Obl-Dmg(33), Obl-Dmg/Rchg(36), Obl-%Dam(37)
    Level 22: Kick -- Empty(A)
    Level 24: Maneuvers -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), Ksm-ToHit+(25), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(37)
    Level 26: Ripper -- FrcFdb-Rechg%(A), ScrDrv-Dam%(27), ScrDrv-Dmg/Rchg(27), ScrDrv-Acc/Dmg(33), ScrDrv-Dmg/EndRdx(34), ScrDrv-Acc/Rchg(37)
    Level 28: Burn -- SprBrtFur-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(A), SprBrtFur-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(39), SprBrtFur-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(40), FuroftheG-ResDeb%(42), Arm-Dam%(42), Erd-%Dam(42)
    Level 30: Tough -- Ags-Psi/Status(A), Ags-ResDam/EndRdx(31), Ags-ResDam(40)
    Level 32: Throw Spines -- MckBrt-Taunt/Rng(A), MckBrt-Taunt(34), MckBrt-Taunt/Rchg(34), MckBrt-Taunt/Rchg/Rng(45)
    Level 35: Fiery Embrace -- RechRdx-I(A)
    Level 38: Weave -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def(48), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(50)
    Level 41: Electrifying Fences -- Ann-ResDeb%(A), Ann-Dmg/Rchg(43), Ann-Acc/Dmg(43), Ann-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(50)
    Level 44: Ball Lightning -- SprFrzBls-Rchg/ImmobProc(A), SprFrzBls-Acc/Dmg(45), SprFrzBls-Dmg/EndRdx(46), SprFrzBls-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(46), SprFrzBls-Dmg/EndRdx/Acc/Rchg(46), SprFrzBls-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(48)
    Level 47: Assault -- EndRdx-I(A)
    Level 49: Rise of the Phoenix -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Fury 
    Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
    Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
    Level 4: Ninja Run 
    Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A)
    Level 2: Health -- Pnc-Heal/+End(A), NmnCnv-Regen/Rcvry+(45)
    Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
    Level 2: Stamina -- PrfShf-End%(A)
    Level 50: Agility Core Paragon 

  14. I'd go with Duo for sure. I once posted a suggestion in old forums about a similar concept. Here was my breakdown for it:

    The concept was the reverse of Masterminds, whose role is to keep pets alive while they do the attacking.  In this, you had a pet that kept you alive while you did the attacks.  This was done though a mix of assault powers + powers that buffed you and your pet.  You also had a "bond" power that let your pet absorb damage you took, like Masterminds. The pet was controllable like masterminds as well.  And the cool thing was that depending on the pet, the way it helped keep you alive was unique.  A pet dog/wolf would keep you alive by increasing your own defenses and weakening enemies chance to hit you (by intimidation and intercepting, like a real canine), the hawk pet would keep you alive via crowd control through distractions/mezzes/confuses, through its areal attacks. The wisp pet kept you alive via heals and buffs, through a spiritual bond.  The Lion pet kept you alive via intimidation/stunning, and healing.  The monkeys pets kept you alive by a mixed bag of tricks, distractions, and confuses. 

    The bear pet kept you alive via  a massive mound of shared HP.  All of the pets had a couple attacks, but were mostly for keeping you alive while you dealt out the damage.  

  15. I do have one concern about this:


    When I first got here friends gave me a good chunk of influence to get going. Ive offered to do the same for others. Heck, I even talked to someone about starting a channel specifically so farmers like myself could help new players get their first inf building account going strong called "Kickstarter" channel, but decided I didnt have time to devote to it right now.  I just want to make sure your detection method is more complex than "party x gave party Y a bunch of money in a trade for nothing" so good will stuff like that doesn't get scooped up.  I assume it includes looking at chat logs, etc.  If not, it should. 


    Just my 2 cents. 

    • Like 5
  16. On 9/10/2019 at 4:02 PM, Foxfyre said:

    IO's contribute to toons OP'ness far more than Incarnates, IMO.

    True but I dont think the game has the ability to remove IO buffs in a zone...where "incarnate powers dont work in x content" is already an established feature at least to some extent. 

    That being said since we're already running Hami raids where you kill one set of mitos them zerg him to defeat even with the cap back to 50, I dont think its that big of a deal, really. 


  17. 2 hours ago, QuiJon said:

    Nothing in this is right. Hamidon was changed from his original form which was close to a crap shoot if you could beat him sometimes to this version that is essentially a slightly stronger version then what is in the LGTF. But it was changed so mitos spawns were set numbers instead of one per player. Mitos have certain weaknesses so all felt included. But when they made these changes the raid became boring. It was a time sink. If you had enough of each piece of the puzzle and were willing to take the time to do it right, you won, you would never lose. It was essentially like running a TF the only way you lose is if you didn't bring the tools with you to begin with. 

    The issue is that when this change was done on live, no one gave a crap about HamiOs anymore because we had IOs out then. But hamidon now is one of the best reward/time investment in the game for the merits. So capping the zones makes it harder to even be included. So for many people that can not camp out in the hive to make sure they get on a team to take him down, think like if there was a great TF in the normal game that awarded 160 merits for 75 minutes of work. But you were on a Sentinel and everytime someone said they were forming a team you responded and were told sorry we don't like sentinels they don't do enough damage and passed over for inclusion. That is atleast why I am upset this change right now atleast is effectively exluding me from content. 

    Not that this will make you feel better, but any team that passes over ANY archetype in this game because they dont do enough damage is a team being run by a newb who doesn't know what they're doing and you don't want to be on. 

    There isn't a single archetype in this game that doesn't offer something valuable to a team. There isn't content in this game that ANY team can't handle if they're just smart.  You could literally run a STF/LRSF with nothing but emp/archery defs and have no problems. 

    Sorry you experience this, but that's their idiocy, not your too, that's the problem. 

  18. 1 hour ago, EggKookoo said:

    It's a bit of a combo for me. Sometimes the power concept appears in my head first. But it still hinges on the name. Two characters with the same power sets but with different names are completely different characters in my mind. Two characters with the same name but with different powers are... weird. Like, are they the same person? Are they related? Why do they have the same name?


    Look at it like costumes. If you saw two CoH players with the same costume, you'd think they were part of a team or otherwise somehow pairs or twins or related in some fashion. The costume is unifying the same way a name is. My very first hero back on live, I made a Blaster, created a costume, got him up to level 5 or so and then saw another character with a virtually identical costume running around. Deleted my guy and started over with a Scrapper (and didn't look back, so maybe I just wasn't having all that much fun with my first).


    I recently made a miniature Titan Weapons Brute named Jab. If I can get a name like that, the field is wide open.

    I mean...it's like you've never met people in the real world with the same name? 


    My name is Mike. 

    I mean, Captain Marvel...there's like 19 of them.  Does that somehow bug you? 

    I'm sorry but this just sounds really...weird...to me.  Why do you care about what someone else names the character they're playing.  Do you feel less special if they have a similar costume?  Similar powers?  No? Well then...and Im not trying to be a jerk, but it sounds kind of selfish to say "I dont want to be bothered seeing a player with my name" but NOT listen to someone saying "I dont want to be bothered having to look up the sanscit word for "fire guy" just so I can name my character what I want to."  It sounds really selfish to me.

    • Like 1
  19. 1 hour ago, DamageSponge said:


     I just don't enjoy spending 1 hour on each character trying all kinds of different stuff to find that one that isn't taken.  I don't care if someone's got a level 1 alt gathering dust with the same name.  We have global handles to tell people apart.  (And no, I don't pick common names from well-known IPs, nice assumption there, though.)

    Agreed.  I mean, if DC and Marvel can have characters with the same name, so should we be able to.  

    It's not the NAME that makes your character unique. 

    • Like 1
  20. My wish list:


    #1: New content that furthers major game storylines, not just serve as one off contacts. 


    #2:  Two new Archetypes:  Melee/Support (so a staff/kin, or an electric melee/storm, etc.)  and then a single pet MM/damage hybrid.  Think  Snake Eyes and his wolf, Junkyard and Mutt, or Falcon and Redwing, He-man and Battle cat, etc.  Have the pet be based around aggro management and crowd control while the player is based on damage and self-survival.   In short the opposite of masterminds whose main role is keeping many pets alive while they do damage. Here, you have a single controllable sidekick pet who keeps you alive while you do damage. 


    3:  PLEASE MAKE A WAY TO "SHARE" AN ENTIRE BASE DESIGN SO OTHERS CAN "IMPORT" IT AND HAVE A SIMILAR BASE.  This would not only make for a new economy where people can sell their elaborate base designs for inf, etc. but would also let base builders easily share basic bases for non-base builders.  


    4: PERIODIC STORY LINE CONTESTS VIA AE:  Winner's AE arcs are made into real in game contacts and story lines.  Crowd source the development. 


    5: BYOE:  Build Your Own Enhancements:  Have a very rare crafting system that lets you design your own enhancement set complete with set bonuses, a proc, etc. based around a point system.  You can put more points into more damage, less end, more recharge, make the bonuses very defense based or regen based etc. The  use of "points" to keep it from becoming entirely too overpowered similar in some ways to how ED works. The more you put in a similar category (so defense set bonuses  for example) the more points each addition to that category costs.  You can also use a "proc" that changes the secondary effects of all of your similar powers to certain other effects related to that power.  So electric can change the -end aspect to a momentary stun, or extra energy damage.  Ice can change the slow to increased cold damage, fire can change the extra damage to a fear. 


    IDEAL THAT PROBABLY WONT HAPPEN:  A server that is "chaos-world" where there are no archetypes or power set restrictions.  Players can mix and match to their hearts content but only on that sever and no transfers to other servers.  If necessary, make it so it's only unlocked once a player has gotten a toon on another server to level 50 and has spent 100 hours in-game (to prevent AE farming just to get on the server).   Then use this server to data mine the combinations people come up with, etc. to see what might actually be viable in the real game or not. 




  21. Ok, so newblet question:


    When I went to unzip this, I didnt have a Data> folder or any of the subfolders.  Someone in game said that those werent made by default so I made them myself and unzipped the file inside the English subfolder.  I made the macro in game but get no menu pop-up. Any ideas? 

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