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  1. This is like when your parents tell you you're going to visit your new baby cousin but you actually arrive at the assisted living community and end up having a chat with your great-grandmother instead.
  2. I'm really grateful for this win, and --I'm laugh-crying a bit over it. All of the entries were mind-boggling. So much beautiful work, so much talent. I'm also really thankful for the support of our SG members. Grimmsel College was built to accommodate RP, and so many elements of the current design , those fine details, come out of their RP and their imaginations and their requests. Come visit us any time!
  3. Harrowblade (SG Leader) @Phoebus Imago (Global handle) Grimmsel College (SG name) Everlasting (Shard) GRIMMSEL-8446 Harrowblade (@Phoebus Imago: solo builder) Grimmsel College arose from the old days, when beautiful and puissant lords and ladies of the gentry held court over the 'lesser people,' over their human bondsmen and wards and slaves, and paid homage to the Summer Queen and everything was perfect, everyone rejoiced, and everyone had endless days of wine and roses. Like all things made of glamour, it was all illusion. You've read the stories. You know how things go among fairies. Imagine how bad bad can get when there are no limits of a soul to confine the appetites, when a human can be tricked into service for ten thousand years, babies can be abducted from their cribs and replaced with dying monsters, when toothsome youths and maidens can be stolen to dance all night long forever, forever, with no dawn in sight. The truth was worse than that, there. But then something happened, something truly magical: this Court changed. Most of the unendurable things of this world are toppled over by the foundation-shaking anger of the oppressed below. Not so at that Court, at that time and place. The ones with power gave up their power. The ones who were bound found their chains were broken. The ones who wanted to leave had freedom to go and prosper. The ones who stayed for love brought in others to love. Something new and different was being born. This new Court called itself Grimmsel College. Other faerie courts were shocked and disgusted by these new-turned "Collegians" and their decision to dismiss notions of 'high' and 'low,' to live together as equals, learn from each other, teach one another, and make common cause for each other's protection, health, and dignity. Those are the vows the Collegians swear to. Today there is no real way to differentiate between Grimmsel Collegians who are human-born, goblin-bred, sidhe-redcap-nephil-born, rakshasa-dwarf-drinda-wrought, Hell-spawned or burped up into the world by the will of God. They welcome all and turn away none. Distrustful of the Elder, 'pure-blooded' fairy creatures, shy with witches and mages, and harboring a shocking amount of power in their midst, they confine their home turf to a single lost and hidden street in The Flop area of St. Martial. The following are pictures taken of the Collegians' base of operations, Brierwood Street, St. Martial, the Rogue Isles. Points of interest include: The Decrepit Medbay The Tree Root Teleporters The Apothecary The Orpheum Theater The Farmer's Market The Imps' Sanctuary John Barleycorn's Pub The Park The Thieves Guild Warehouse Banshee's Laundry Service The Smuggler's Canal (below in a basement entered opposite the park) The Burrows of the Red Branch Brothers AND: various buildings that the Collegians have appropriated for their use, both enterable and non-enterable. Please note that the street is seasonally decorated: currently for Fall (Sept.-Nov), but in December: Winter, in March: Spring, and in June: Summer. This base and supergroup is a work in progress: new members of magically-other-touched or human nature are always welcome. Chat @Phoebus Imago for more information.
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