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Posts posted by Veracor

  1. 4 hours ago, TheOtherTed said:

    I don't do Hami raids either - never saw the point of 'em.  But on Everlasting I can't remember seeing a Hami raid announcement.  If it's not announced on General or LFG, I definitely wouldn't see it.


    The Hami raids on Everlasting are at 7pm, 10pm and 12am Eastern every day of the week, and additionally 3pm on the weekends.  They're listed in the daily motd for the channel Everlasting TFs and also announced in LFG 15 to 20 minutes before they start.  It's quite a lot of raids for a shard so if you haven't seen any of this then I would assume you only play in the morning (based on Eastern time, anyways).

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  2. Saying your team/league is full in LFG is not to respond to people that already sent you tells, it is to not waste others' time who see your LFM message after you've filled or even launched.  You can still use backspace to respond to people who shot you tells before you filled.

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  3. Build #1: General purpose tanking build with Leadership pool and Vengeance, IO sets for evening out Bio's holes and the recharge to make attack chains gapless with Vigor (so that a jousted Taunt into a mob can be used as an opener for maximum aggro across a spread out group without having to use the Taunt as a filler on the first Momentum break).  The build of choice for casual runs, itrials, and teaming, and also sees a lot of use in Aeon SF.


    Build #2: Hami tanking build, capping S/L res and then focusing on just max HP and regen.  Minimal recharge and low DPS attack chain, has un-perma'd Hasten purely to speed up the initial taunting of yellow Mitos before the Mito taunters themselves get into position at the start of blooms.  Takes DNA Siphon, has multiple Power Transfer procs slotted, and also has Vengeance to slightly boost team 1's DPS when a Corruptor invariably facetanks the monster wall.


    Build #3: Semi-speedy build with Teleport pool instead of Leadership, IO slotting for capped run/jump speed and ED range for Teleport.  Has Teleport Target to deal with the new disabling of Incandescence in Mo runs.  Sees use in MSRs as well, as Combat Teleport allows me to be lazy about cornerpulling without worry of being bodyblocked.  Set bonuses are a bit lackluster from build #1, and this build uses Spiritual when it needs to have no gaps in the Momentum break.  Switches to Cardiac/Intuition if skips require additional Teleport range.  Has a macro that switches the key used for Vengeance to Teleport Target.


    It would be nice to be able to switch to a fourth build so that I can have one for low level content.  TW Tanker attack chains suuuuck when exemplared below 35.

  4. It's mostly about identifying over a period of time what you subconsciously want to be in the game, rather than you're currently thinking you want to be.  This is largely an introspective process to find the style of play that you will enjoy the longest, versus what AT/powersets/character concepts you think other people will be the most impressed to see in a team (as this is a social game after all).  And then you actually need to "live" that character, slowplaying the story and being a completionist so that you feel you belong in the game, and realizing that you will always have weaknesses and faults no matter what you choose, and that that is actually okay.  As long as you identify with the character and accept the flaws in it, you'll stick with it.  Being level 50 doesn't mean you HAVE to do level 50 content right away, you can totally just join lower level content and be exemplared.

    There's no shame in having many characters and playing different things, but if you're looking to narrow it down to just a few it can help to identify the details of a quick daydream: what do you imagine yourself being congratulated for doing by friends following a victory against a difficult opponent, or what they're counting on you to do well?  For me, that was to be the teammate that fearlessly threw himself into harm's way to prevent friends from dying as they played out their own roles.  But how did I translate that to CoH in 2019 as Homecoming launched, a game I had hardly played on live and had zilch for experience with, and whose only info I could get was cross-referencing old archived forum threads with Pines' outdated hero builder?  I explored Brute numbers, Willpower, Fiery Melee, and even considered Warshade!  What ended up tipping my decision into Bio/TW Tanker was the acceptance that I needed to specialize if I really wanted to be exceptional, that Bio offered greater flexibility within that role than the other armors, and that having a weapon powerset was an additional cool costume piece.  Titan Weapon, based on what I was reading from archived 2012 forum threads, also seemed to me a powerset with higher skill ceiling/payout than most, and I wanted any "best tank" reputation to derive from skilled gameplay no matter how much that meant that I would have to learn and play pre-emptively.  And so after two weeks of hardly playing Homecoming on its launch and instead soul-searching the permanent choice of AT and powerset for my namesake, I decided to be Veracor the Bio/TW Tanker and have never once regretted it.


    Am I typical?  Probably not.  There's lots of other ATs and powersets that I could've had my main be and there will always be weakness or fault somewhere.  But that's fine!  I feel that in this game it is much more important to main an over-arcing role than it is to fill a niche, and for me it is to be a protector for altoholics to rely upon when they try out all the new-fangled powersets.  And that is always what I will play when I'm not required by a team comp or speedrun to be on something specific.  All those other people that I witness having cool concepts and costumes for their squishy Blasters and Scrappers?  I don't want to be them, I want to work with them so that we shine as a team no matter what their level is!  I am Veracor!  I am a tank, and I seek to be exceptional not for my own glory, but for the well-being of others!  (Although I will laugh if you faceplant from forgetting EoE in a Hami raid >.>)

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  5. I have to agree.  After many MoTFs/iTrials led on Everlasting, I have observed that it really is mostly my fault if something fails.  Most causes of failure are from someone simply not understanding a pre-run instruction, rather than someone being a jerk about following them.  Should they have spoken up about what they're confused by?  Yeah.  But it's still my fault.  A lot of experienced players get on my case for having extremely long and detailed instructions for MoKeyes, but it has proven to make a significant difference in getting through it with new players in the league.


    1. The leader is responsible for making sure people know what the run entails.  If they don't, the leader is responsible for explaining it to them.  If this is a league, the leader is also responsible for league management to help success, including equalizing levels or level shifts, ATs, and support among the teams.
    2. The leader should be putting out detailed instructions before the run to give a plan of action, and then giving simpler versions of those instructions during the run to make sure everyone is on the same page.  You shouldn't be messaging people directly before the run starts unless it genuinely looks like they're going to be in over their heads.
    3. During the run, the leader should be messaging anyone that doesn't seem to be following instructions and making sure they understand what's going on.  Sometimes it's just a cat on their lap distracting them.  At the very least make sure they didn't close their chat window after the run started (Yes, this is a thing).
    4. If a squishy is bragging about how good their softcap build is and is running into melee range, it is still on the leader when they inevitably die to defense debuffs.  It is also on the leader to be chill and to tell the person what they need to do differently on the re-run.  Be informative and decisive about it, no matter how much it personally irks you.  Sometimes a dummy has to die first before they're open to any advice.
    5. The leader is responsible for kicking griefers, and usually immediately as soon as they act.  You must be watchful and suspicious at all times, but also to not jump to conclusions until you get that split-second confirmation.  It is also the leader's responsibility to keep track of intentional leechers and to not invite them in the future.  The team/league's well-being is on the leader.
    6. One thing that the leader is not really responsible for is experienced players running ahead of the league in good faith.  I don't care if it's your 100th MoUG run with me and you're simply moving down the hall to where we begin the bomb phase.  Don't go past me until I've run the bomb instructions so that newer players understand how the badge works.  I will give you the Incan of Shame back to my position if you do.


    You have to be patient when leading public Mo runs.  While you should always shoot to win, in the grand scheme it's not a big deal to lose.  Try again tomorrow or next week.  Be observant for things you can improve upon and treat the failed runs as lessons.

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  6. Mechanics or numbers aside, it would be nice to have more opportunities for slotting special enhancements in this game.  Since slotting for set bonuses often already hits ED numbers in a power, a Hami-O's most common use is to hit ED numbers in powers that have ~4 procs slotted, which is effective but niche.


    If/when proc-based builds ever get nerfed, having more flexibility or options with special enhancements would mean a potential escape for the lower damage powersets that were utilizing such slotting to shore up their damage, while not being overbearing on the stronger sets that can still go back to set bonuses without losing much.


    I like the suggestion.  Numbers can be reviewed and tweaked, but increasing build diversity by giving new functionality to underused content is often a healthy win.

    • Thumbs Up 4
  7. I can confirm that the RX 5700 gets micro stutters like crazy on City of Heroes.  It has something to do with the dynamic sleep mode that can't be disabled on this line of cards.  Tried one last year and CoH was unbearable on it.  I returned mine and got an RTX 2060 instead for the same price -- no micro stutters with CoH unless the game is in regular fullscreen instead of borderless fullscreen.


    It seems that some modern GPUs have trouble recognizing older games as things they need to be constantly awake for.

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  8. The majority of problems with leagues are caused solely by what is generally called the "teambug," where someone joins a team but didn't actually, and doesn't show on the team's list but they do on the league list and they don't get sidekicked.  This is almost always caused by the person previously solo-queuing for a trial or task force to fast travel to a contact and not using /teamquitinternal after arriving.  If you invite a teambugged person, you usually get a "BlockingAccept" error on first invite followed by "Unable to join your team" as they join it anyways, but not always.  However, if the league leader themself is bugged, that's when you see the common issues where the league star is jumping around or a seventh team shows up on the league when it fills.  If you are LFG queuing to Apex or Woodsman or something before forming up your league, you must use /teamquitinternal before inviting anyone or you're going to have a bad time.


    Teambugged league members can be fixed by moving the person to a new team and back, or kicking and reinviting them if the league is full.  It gets particularly annoying if the teambugged person is also on hide mode, as you won't be able to reinvite them via /sea if they are not in your immediate area to be targetted (PSA: Don't put yourself on hide mode when asking to join league content).  Interestingly, "teambugging" never seems to happen to anyone who gets invited to a small league and consequently gets put on a fresh team by themselves.  I'm not sure of the mechanics behind that.


    There are some other things to be aware of with leagues.  When you join a league (and thus a team in it), you get placed on the end of two indicies that function similar to linked lists.  The league's index (the raw join order) will determine where the person appears in the team's list in the league view unless they are a team leader, who will always show at the top of their team, while the team's index will determine where the person appears in their team in the team view if they aren't the team leader.  The team's index determines who gets the star next should the team leader leave, so the league leader can modify this for each team (including their own) by shuffling people off the team and back on again.  This is useful if you're running a Hami or MSR, as it allows you to keep the low level people low on the list so that they don't auto-exemplar people if team leader disconnects.  However, the league's index can only be modified by kicking and reinviting people, which might not be an option due to being in an instance.


    The league's index is primarily the cause of teams themselves shuffling around in the league view.  This is because the team orders of 1-6 are determined by the team leaders' raw join order to the league.  So if the third person who joined the league is leading team 3 and the fourth person who joined the league is leading team 4, and the fifth person who joined the league is next on team 3 and team 3's leader disconnects, team 3 will become team 4 and team 4 will become team 3 because the new leader of team 3 is further down the list on the league's index.  Additionally, inviting people to the league will attempt to fill up the slots on the team whose leader has the lowest index on the league, followed by the next team leader.  Typically this isn't an issue since the league leader is usually #1 in the league index, but if they disconnect or if the league star was passed to them for whatever reason, their team will not be #1 despite the league view being hardcoded to display the league leader's team as #1.  This is one reason why I prefer to create my Hami leagues by inviting the targetters first and their "substitutes" should they drop, so that team orders don't shuffle much if they do.


    Another thing that tangentally interferes with leagues and indicies are people not being in the zone and people being mixed alignments in a coop zone.  If a team leader leaves the zone, you can't move anyone onto their team unless you invite people directly onto it by filling up the lower-number teams.  If someone is not present in the zone and there are mixed alignments in the team, the team leader (league or not) cannot invite people while in a coop zone until the absent person comes back or gets kicked.  The league leader also usually cannot invite people of the opposing alignment if they are in a coop zone and the person asking to join is in an opposing zone.  The exact specifics of the alignment problem are unresearched, as it is usually just solved by being a Vigilante and sending a "Come to zone for invite" tell to redsiders that ask to join while in a redside zone, and also by keeping Hami raids in the same zone instead of running both Hive and Abyss.


    Leagues also have issues with the turnstile system.  If you launch a 24-person iTrial as a closed full league, you may have noticed that 5 people almost always mapserve at the start.  This is because when the event launches as a closed league, the league is broken apart and each player is sent to the instance, and the mapserver for the instance rebuilds the league as it comes in.  This results in the fastest-loading player to become the new league leader, with it then filling out the rest of team 1 followed by team 2.  However, a bug in how closed leagues are handled by this process causes the 8th slot in team 2 to not fill, with the next 4 people then taking up leader positions on the remaining four teams, and then finally the five slowest loaders can't be placed anywhere and get kicked out.  If the league leader is not fast enough (or didn't get the star) in moving people off of teams 1 and 2 and onto teams 3/4/5/6, it will result in up to 5 mapserves.


    This mapserve issue does not happen with open leagues of any size, however open leagues can stay in the turnstile queue for several minutes before the event launches and it also prevents the ability for the league leader to kick a griefer or leecher (because nobody in an open league "owns" the event), and so should only be used on iTrials like DD where sabotaging badges can't really be done.  Note that if you launch as an open league, the team leader that loads in the fastest gets the league star (as opposed to whichever player loaded the fastest), but otherwise the league is kept in the same order and with no mapserves.  If you want to run a large closed league for something like the instanced MSR, it is recommended to launch it solo as a closed league and then advertise from inside of it and invite people that want to join.


    There is one other thing involving leagues.  As above, if someone mapserves upon entering an iTrial due to slow loading on a closed league, they are removed from the event and need to be reinvited to the league to get back in.  However, if the person successfully joins the iTrial and then leaves it in any fashion (exit door, SG portal, game crash, etc.) they MUST use the LFG window's "Rejoin" button to get back in.  If they send you a message wanting to get back in, you must tell them to do this.  If you send them a league invite instead, it will forever lock them out of the iTrial AND bug them in such a way that they need to completely log out and back in again before joining other content.  This is why I always ask "Is there a Rejoin button in your LFG window?" when someone asks to get back in but I'm unsure if they successfully joined the iTrial in the first place.


    Uhhh, it just occurred to me that I've been at this league stuff for a while.  Maybe I should be writing a guide on it, lol.


    Edit: Forgot to mention that the Search window (/sea) will identify teambugged people in a league if you uncheck the "League mode" setting in the top right.  It will show them as not being in a team.  Much faster to use this than to go through each team view individually.

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  9. It's possible to skip some cutscenes by not triggering them, but it's not possible to skip them once they've been started.  This was something we looked briefly into when HC was new and we were looking for speedrun shortcuts.  Cutscenes put the mapserver itself into a frozen state, so even if you find a way to break out of the cutscene state for yourself you still won't be able to move until the mapserver is unfrozen.

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  10. It's entirely possible that even if the conditions are met, that it still waits for the full 10 minutes before making the tentacles wave.  It's also possible that if the 10 minutes pass without it happening that it waits 30 minutes to start the next attempt at it.  Someone did confirm shortly after I made that Discord summary that the tentacles could wave, but they didn't mention how long they waited for it to happen.  Since the counter only shows the 100 police defeats, it might be easiest to test this by defeating the 12 seers in the Protest event first so that you can check back at the popup progress window for how many police are still needed, then watch the horizons on the 100th defeat.


    I'd have to go digging again to see if there's a similar event for Imperial City and Neutropolis, but it's been a year.  I do vaguely recall seeing that scrapped DE invasion event being referenced in the IC and Neut files.  Might have just been something very early in design similar to Rikti/zombie invasions.


    6 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

    1. Proceed to the location of the cube

    2. Defeat 12 Seers & 100 PPD (while remaining in this location?)

    3. Success - Watch the Hamidon arms flail around


    Shouldn't need to go to the location of the cube to start or progress it; it's supposed to run on its own every 30 minutes.  It appears that's just where they decided to shunt a possibly-mandatory progress window for the zone event (which they wanted hidden).  Or maybe the developer put it there on purpose to make sure the event was working, then forgot to remove it afterwards?  The latter seems more likely with how it is perfectly situated above the center of a square texture.  We may never know the real reason for the cube's existence.

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  11. So we all know (or at least badgers know) that Nova Praetoria has a zone event called The Protest where you fight either seers or civillians.  What people don't know is that there's a hidden second event in this zone!  I looked into this a year ago and dug around the files for a better explanation, and then promptly forgot about it after making a quick summary of my finds on a Discord somewhere.  The recent discussion of Praetorian Hamidon here on the forum reminded me of it, so here it is:


    It started off with someone on another Discord mentioning they ran into a weird popup in the middle of nowhere in Nova Praetoria.  I checked it out and noted that this popup looked suspiciously like the default text of an iTrial or zone event box, with a timer that continually went up:




    It's still there today.  If anyone thinks I'm goofing on them, here's the location to check it out ingame:




    On top of this building, there's a rectangle of 4 square-like vents.  On the east-most one, stand in the center of it and then jump/hover about 20 feet straight up to get the popup (this screenshot is facing due west).




    So what is this second hidden zone event?  Judging from its text and volume trigger size/placement, it was probably only intended for the developer to check its progress when testing it.  When I asked, some people on the Discord mentioned they distinctly remember Hamidon's tentacles flailing in the distance of the zone on live, but nobody knew how it was done.


    Wanting the full answer, I dug into the files to get a detailed explanation of what this was and I got pretty confused when I found there was a third zone-wide event for Nova Praetoria that was never implemented!  It appears the original developers were looking to make a Devouring Earth invasion event in Nova Praetoria but didn't come close to finishing it -- just some bits and scraps that reused existing mapmarkers.  They had retooled this event into the Hamidon tentacle waving that people remembered from live, and that is indeed the event tied to this mysterious popup window.


    To avoid retyping, this is the summary of the two hidden events I sent to the Discord before forgetting about it for a year:




    So there it is, the hidden second zone-wide event in Nova Praetoria: Kill 12 seers and 100 police within 10 minutes and you get to see tentacles waving in the distance for 22 seconds.  Your memories from live were not false!  The truthHamidon is out there!




    Bonus screenshot: The tiny physical size of the zone event volume.  It fits only one player, or rather their feet, since that seems to be how volume triggers work.  Crazy to think that someone actually stubbed their toe here on accident!




    Thank you for coming to my Praetorian TED talk about "???" and "What is this?"

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  12. Praetorian Hamidon does not have a body ingame and I don't think he has one in the files either.  A year ago I did some shenanigans to go out of bounds on the "Rescue Marauder" mission to explore the map because I was curious how its horizon was made:




    Basically, the main takeaways I found were:

    • The tentacles are very large 3d models that rise up beyond the treeline, then fall back down under the map and disappear until their next wave cycle.  They connect to nothing.
    • The Avatars of Hamidon are supersized versions of the regular Avatar (From the Underground itrial) and appear to be implemented as cars that drive around the streets.
    • There's actually about 20 or so Seeds of Hamidon in the mission even though only about 4 or 5 render from the playable area.  Some are even flying above the zone's ceiling.  Hax!
    • All three city zones (Nova Praetoria, Imperial City, Neutropolis) were mashed together with lots of randomly-missing geometry, such as streets and hills.  Similar to Grandville's missing geometries if you go out of bounds on MLTF mission 1 to explore the horizon.
    • All of the entities out of bounds were untargettable and had no collision, and did nothing but make noise while moving around the map.


    The tentacles you see in this mission can also be seen in regular Nova Praetoria as part of a hidden zone-wide event that resets every 30 minutes.  I had actually forgotten about this reclusive find entirely until writing this post.  I guess I'll put it into a new thread to avoid going off-topic.

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  13. There are a few powers that apply an AI-only status called "Afraid" to targets, which tells the AI to immediately go into flee state.  Some AVs such as Romulus and Requiem do not use "Never Afraid" AI, nor do they have inherent protection against Afraid, meaning they'll run all the way to Galaxy City if they get hit by a single DoT that has it.  And despite most sources of Afraid being very short in duration, it can take a long time for the AI to loop back and realize it should stop being in its flee state once the status expires.


    Afraid is not to be confused with Terrorized, which is the status effect seen in some control abilities.  It is also not to be confused with kAvoid, which is a flag that tells the AI to merely move out of an AoE effect like Rain of Fire, yet not abandon the fight.  Afraid is its own thing; it can stack on players but it doesn't do anything to us.


    The most common sources of Afraid are Hot Feet and Tornado (Any AT).  If you are using those powers, you will definitely want some Immobilize to help counter it.  Sometimes Fire/Fire Blaster speedrunners will use one Bio Scrapper (Who has both Confront and a taunt aura) to prevent some AVs from fleeing their stacked Hot Feet, but it isn't super clear to us how exactly Taunt interferes with the AI's flee state, mechanically speaking.


    And yes, Director 11 does indeed use a power that makes himself Afraid.  So do Neuron's clones to tell them to move around in combat.  Lol.

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  14. When I run Triple Threat I have to dismiss my lore pets entirely for tanking Nega-Pendragon because sometimes he'll switch targets to them which usually results in him hitting teammates with the 80ft cones and charging a bunch of extra rage.  Whether that's from inheriting Gauntlet or from being an extension of my damage, I'm not sure.


    Everyone else's lores are fine, though.

  15. I am noticing that people testing this have not reported any missing hit checks when using Lightning Rod where they already are, and also that when Lightning Rod is used where the source and destinations do not intersect are the cases where it can fail.  I am also noticing that people are replicating the problem on Homecoming/busy mapservers, while not having the problem on Test/non-busy mapservers.  Given that the Tanker version of this power is implemented differently than the other three ATs for some reason, this suggests to me that this is an issue with server tick rate, or at least rounding on small time values, resulting in seemingly-random fails.


    The correctly-working versions (Brute, Scrapper, Stalker) do two things: they apply a teleport effect on you and they also create a pseudopet at the location that fires the Lightning Rod explosion, with the teleport and explosion lining up using a small delay (0.125 seconds) between the two.


    The Tanker version does something different: instead of creating a pseudopet, it applies the teleport effect on you and then the explosion off of you after the same delay of 0.125 seconds.  In "failed" cases of this power's usage, the teleport and the explosion may very well be taking place within the same window and thus triggering the explosion's hit check at the location you teleported from, rather than to.


    Now ArcanaTime is a funky thing so busy mapservers like DA or Homecoming in general might result in fails due to the window of time being wider, while non-busy mapservers like Perez or the Test server would work more consistently.  This same-frame timing issue applies to the Brute/Scrapper/Stalker versions too, but since the pseudopet is told at the start of the power to be created at the destination, it doesn't matter.  Regardless of the real reason, the cause of the problem is that the Tanker's version was simply implemented in a different fashion for whatever reason.  If the Tanker version of Lightning Rod were changed to use the pseudopet method that the other three ATs do, it would likely fix all fail cases despite the same-frame issue still technically happening.




    (And to directly address the theory that it is being targetted under the ground: (1) the Tanker version doesn't spawn any pseudopet at all, and (2) being under one-sided surfaces doesn't invalidate line-of-sight or hit checks, only collision (and most ground in this game is one-sided).  The Lightning Rod pseudopet itself fires its explosion instantly and is permanently flying, so it can't fall into the void and fail a hit check that way either)

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  16. I'd be down for some way of changing KB to KD without the player having to waste enhancement slots for it.  It would allow users of KB powersets a smoother choice to sacrifice some of the defense their KB provides (KB is longer than KD, can put distance on melee mobs) to be overall more team-friendly; and I'm all for good teaming, quality of life, and more variety.


    A global switch would:

    • Not invalidate existing builds or characters, for those that prefer it as it is now or for those that want to mix the two knocks.
    • Make the powersets more accessible to newer players who are still learning how enhancements work, and be less confusing to them.
    • Eliminate a lot of bad reputation of the KB powersets and cause newer players to have less negative experiences in teaming, especially at lower levels.
    • Cause people to actually check the KB powersets out, as I have heard many say that KB/reputation of the sets is the reason why they don't bother trying them.
    • Make teaming overall better for the character concepts that aren't centered around the KB component of the sets (Turns out a lot of people just want to shoot generic energy out of their hands so that they can reflavor it).
    • Likely increase the shelf-life of Energy Blast characters and Kheldians; I have seen many "mains" of these end up rerolling due to disappointment or frequent heckling.

    And there's multiple ways a global switch could be implemented, too:

    • A unique enhancement called Really Sudden Acceleration.
    • A toggle inherent to the powersets called Stop Yelling At Me.
    • A P2W option (Get On The Floor) with a revoke option (Get On The Wall).
    • Another Null the Gull option, bonus points for knocking you down when you pick it.
    • Some new-fangled amazing UI tech on the powers screen that lets you customize their effects a bit.

    To be honest, I don't really see a good argument for not providing even a simplistic option for it -- the best argument to me is CPH's "it would force everyone to do it or be outcast" and I feel that it's indirect to the issue.  The players that want their KB completely gone are already making it gone, and the players that don't are already being outcast for it.  This change would simplify the problem and make a clean switch for those players to not have to muck with their builds, especially if they're actively swapping between KB and KD for soloing/teaming, and just overall make their lives on Homecoming better.


    Now mind you, I would rather the knockback mechanic, or the sets centered around them, be redesigned to properly fix the issue, but a global switch would certainly be a good band-aid in the meantime (moreso for reducing toxicity and increasing play than for mechanical reason).

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  17. A few days ago the channel Everlasting TFs hit the cap of 2500 members (and appears to be the first channel on Homecoming to do so).  While normally this would be a cause for celebration, 2500 is apparently a hardcoded limit in how CoH handles chat and cannot be easily raised without creating new problems.  So, we are setting a timeout on the channel to remedy the situation.


    If someone has not logged in for 2 years they will be automatically removed from the channel, but they are free to rejoin if they decide to log back on afterwards.  If you know someone that hasn't logged on Homecoming in a very long time, they can use /chanjoin "Everlasting TFs" to get back in (or right click Chat Window -> Channel Search).


    If the channel keeps hitting capacity after this, we will lower the inactivity limit overtime to ensure there is always room in the channel for new users.


    Thanks to all who run raids and content on Everlasting!

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  18. 1 hour ago, GraspingVileTerror said:

    There was a brief moment in Homecoming's history, close to the start, where "Gold Traders" tried to break in to this market.

    I think it was, what?  Less than a week?

    Does anyone else remember this, or am I hallucinating?


    A few months after launch, yeah.  The bans for it happened in September 2019: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/10442-pro-tip-dont-engage-in-real-world-trading/


  19. I've run it a few times as part of my worldwide monster hunt events, but the Seed dies way too quickly for it to be worthwhile for making a group for.  The Seedling mechanic was an idea, but in practice only the defense and regen seedlings need to be killed.


    I was able to solo it as a Tanker using no inspirations or temps which is pretty sad.  Seed of Hamidon should've been more on level with Avatar of Hamidon.

    • Sad 1
  20. You can do this with launch parameters in Tequila and the HC launcher.  I know on Tequila it is Options -> Launch Parameters -> add in "-maxfps 72 -maxinactivefps 15" without the quotes.  HC Launcher should be something similar.

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