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Posts posted by Doc_Scorpion

  1. 5 hours ago, I Dream of Greeny said:

    Blarf is at present, stuck in one of the bars of the NE cage.. Regardless of where I went, careful to stay of interest, the lil' fella didn't return to the spawn point. Did interact as designed however, granting a random training enhancement as well as the badge.

    As per Cobalt Arachne on the GS Discord - known bug, will be fixed in the next patch.  Not clear if there's currently a way to get him unstuck.

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  2. 11 hours ago, Cobalt Arachne said:

    They were designed to be easy to accidentally lose, so that it's impossible for any players to try and monopolize control of Blarf by running away from other players.

    Understood.  But with the May 24 patch, it became significantly easier to lose them than it had been with the May 20 patch.  To the point that it was all but impossible to keep their attention.

    Whatever you changed May 26 patch seems to have corrected that.  They now (mostly) properly follow a character moving at normal movement (Athletic Run and Flight) speeds.  Their attention can be kept so long as the player pays attention.  They're easy to lose but not nearly impossible to keep (as they were with the 24 May patch).

    They handle ramps and stairs nicely, but they will not enter the upstairs bars hero or villain side.  (WAI or "hospital" zone set too large?)  Couldn't otherwise get them to go somewhere they shouldn't be.  Did some crazy 3D maneuvers on the ramps, and so long as I paid attention to speed and distance they caught up to me as soon as I stopped and didn't appear to get hung anywhere.

  3. I laugh because it sounds true... But also having been an event organizer for a large historical re-creation society, I've kinda done the same thing.  You always end up negotiating with the stakeholders trying to keep them happy, but also balancing all the other considerations (which the stakeholders are sometimes unaware and are often dismissive of).  It's neither as easy or as fun as it sounds.


    • Haha 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Greycat said:

    See: Every "successor project" started right after sunset.

    Yeah.  I am entirely unsurprised that none of them have ever really gotten off the ground.  Even back then I knew they had no idea what they were getting into.  (Especially the ones overconfidently predicting we'd all be together in a new City within a year.)

  5. 2 hours ago, Cobalt Arachne said:

    This is un-fixable, it's a side-effect of the way real-time updating works with waypoints.
    If I make it less jumpy, it means it is updating less often, and thus shows Blarf's true position less accurately.

    Did some more testing, and the jumpiness is directly proportional to the character's movement speed.  The accuracy appears to be inversely proportional, but it's hard to look in two places at once to make sure.  I'm not sure either of these are an actual problem, just noting the behavior for reference.

    Blarf will climb DJ Zero's platform, but will not climb the ramp to the portal.  Interesting behavior on the latter - they went along the floor on the left side of the ramp.  I jumped off to the right and they remained in place.  When I moved to where I had line-of-sight, they came right back up to me.

    They properly reset when I exited Pocket D via the SG portal or an Ouro portal.

    Logout behavior is...  interesting.  When I quit to character select, they appears to remains near where I logged out for a minute or more.  When I log back in, they reset and I can watch them make a beeline back to their spawn point.  Quitting to the login screen or desktop, they appear to immediately reset.

    And the washing machine just dinged and I really need to stop screwing around and get my day in gear.  🙂

    • Thanks 1
  6. Blarf will go upstairs in the Fight Club, can't make them go upstairs elsewhere.  Seems to me this is counterintuitive.

    Bug: Going upstairs (Blueside or Redside), Blarf gets "stuck" at the base of the stairs (rather than teleporting back to the spawn point) and remain "friended".  Blarf resumes following the player as soon as the player returns to their vicinity.  Also, upstairs Redside needs to be added to the patch notes.

    Blarf will not enter the Tiki Bar, and immediately breaks friendship and returns to the spawn point if the player does so.  The Tiki Bar needs to be added to the patch notes.

    Minor annoyance: Out in the Club, Blarf follows the player fairly smoothly.  On the minimap, his icon updates at intervals and as a result is "jumpy".

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Techwright said:

    Two others come to mind:  The gaseous green rooms populated by the Vahz in one of the early TFs (Posi 2?, Synapse?).  After repeatedly seeing unthinking teams wipe in that room I've taken to calling out "ambush room" every time I see the green haze.  The teams fare much better when someone alerts them.

    That's something that seems to have fallen by the wayside nowadays, communications and warnings.

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  8. 9 hours ago, Tankshock said:

    So I need 2 more?  Thanks!

    (Also, bit of an unnecessary change?)

    Introduced (as per a dev comment in the Beta) with the specific intent by the devs to introduce new players to the idea that there was a world beyond Atlas Park.  The exploration badge tip missions are part of that same philosophical package.

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  9. 5 minutes ago, biostem said:

    Playerbases notwithstanding, if you were the proverbial "big fish in a small pond", (with total and complete control over updates or what gets added), why would you give that up?  So you can take marching orders from the HC devs?  (No insult intended).

    And my impression is that several of the other servers were expressly created "because (____) Homecoming (and/or Leo) and the horse they rode in on."  A dev team founded on that basis isn't even going to consider working with Homecoming.  (I don't even think they work much with each other.)

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  10. 27 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    I think if a person develops a real attachment to a character. (the concept/story/fictional individual....not just the AT Power on whatever alt) they will have a deeper relationship with the game, and the community.  They will be deeper invested, with stronger roots.  This will, in turn, make the game stronger as the community is more stable.

    Interesting point.  But I'm not sure "has played a single character a lot of hours" actually equates to caring and connection to the community.  My signature character is my least often played. (But also has the deepest and most worked out backstory.)  My various level-locked alts (mild alt-itus) collectively have probably at least an order of magnitude more playtime - but here I am and here I remain.

    I should think that encouraging the individual player to keep coming back would be the key to that stability.  But, as always, YMMV.

    Edit: @greycat said it better while I was writing...  "Big number does not really translate to quality."


    • Like 2
  11. Screenshot(1078).thumb.png.051f4d39a5ca789013eaa302c4995d25.png

    Dang file size limits...

    For example, here's one of my blasters.  Notice how the ST and cone attacks are grouped together, as are AOEs and melee attacks.  On all blasters, the powers available because of Defiance are always the first ones in the lower left corner.

  12. Screenshot(1077).thumb.png.8f40a4b42b3eb02af89bd97be69dce4a.png

    My cramped (monitor circa 2008) screen...  I'd love a bigger one but there's physically not room for a bigger one.  (Maybe a couple of inches left and right, but I haven't been able to convince myself to spend the money.)

    I picked one of my MMs to show where my pet using classes put their windows.  The trays on the right vary a little bit in detail, but they all follow the same common philosophy.  Quick access powers always displayed, room to pop up the alt tray with stuff I don't need so often.  (Such as the long range teleporter, Reveal, various other temp powers.)  In this case her summons and upgrades are also in the alt tray.  The powers in the trays are sorted by function.  Toggles in one continuous row, buffs adjacent to each other, etc...

    The exact details of how the various trays and the powers in them are arranged vary by character, and no two are quite alike.

  13. The title says it all...  I usually play bots/, but I want to fool around with a melee based primary.  Probably paired with /EA (though I'm open to suggestions) because I strongly prefer to concentrate on my supporting my pets rather than engaging with the mobs.

  14. 37 minutes ago, Bionic_Flea said:

      I can also attest that America's Angel, who posted on the last page of this thread, specifically posted feedback on the difficultly of the new Council and CoT on MMs in particular during beta testing.  I don't recall if any changes were made based on that feedback.

    I think I was on several of her runs against the nuCouncil, sidekicked up on at least one to better simulate a typical PI PUG.  Yes, changes were made (IIRC notably toning down the AOE when a nuCouncil bites it).  Not as far as we wanted, but so it goes.

    • Finland 1
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  15. It's not just you...  The "higher level" spawns especially (such as Crey and the Rikti) have heals/buffs that a lower level char would not normally encounter and are unequipped to deal with. 

    In my experience "even con" event spawns don't start to actually feel even until somewhere in the late teens/early twenties.  Nowadays, unless I particularly want a badge or something, I wait until a toon is in those levels to go hunting them.

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