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Everything posted by CU_Krow

  1. Apologies for double post, just saw Hedgefund's comment. So it is the same for missions? Interesting, I never recalled this occurring during Live. Curious how it was never reported as a bug, unless it was reported and just never addressed.
  2. We probably did. If I recall, the last mission is the "Transit" mission. Some people went to the monorail, others may have used the Oro portal. If so, that explains what happened as you described it. If so, it still sounds like a bug report worth addressing because the difficulty, I feel, should be consistent throughout the trial, regardless order/difficulty setting of the person who loads into a mission. Is this a bug report that has already been submitted? To me, it should be a bug, because you don't see difficulty settings change on mission teams based upon zone changes or people with varying difficulties. It is usually determined and set by the team leader and consistent throughout----or it should be.
  3. Hi, This happened probably two weeks ago. Per GM email response, I'm posting this bug report here to see if others have any feedback on it. On Everlasting server, me and a few SG/coalition-mates were doing a +4/8 Market Crash trial. The settings were consistent with +4/8, then as we entered last mission, it switched randomly on us to +0 difficulty setting. I was team leader, so I did not switch the difficulty settings at any time during the TF. The team at first discussed everyone logging out, then having difficulty switched to +4/8, but at that point everyone just wanted to finish the trial, so we wound up completing it at +0. Best, Kenny (Krow)
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