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Everything posted by CU_Krow

  1. I'm against Incarnate respec for the above reasons. If you want a different incarnate power set, you simply have to work towards it and switch the incarnate powers out. Unlike regular respec, where those options don't exist. Honestly, I hope an incarnate respec DOES NOT happen, as I think it may potentially reduce numbers for incarnate trial gatherings. Give players something to work towards, not take away from. If anything needs to be added to the incarnate system, I say add more difficult incarnate content.
  2. Fair enough, I appreciate all the feedback so far. Least it's confirmed that there's no added benefit rewards-wise from the trial MSR outside 1) Everyone is bumped up to lvl 50 and 2) Potential for increased Vanguard merits. In the end, looks like it will come down to personal preference of the raid leader. My SG on Everlasting has several raid leaders that run various trials. In addition, we're friendly with the other known raid leaders on the server. From my understanding, the average MSR run is usually well-balanced with lvled toons, so having lowbie toons has never been a major concern for MSRs on Everlasting server. We're pretty consistent with kicking known leechers as well and being able to find easy replacements within very short time. To my knowledge, there has not been any complaints about the vanguard merit count either. The lvl 50 leader crashes are far and few between, so that has been another minor concern that I rarely witness/hear about as well. So as of the moment, I still can't see the outweighed benefits of running MSR trial in contrast to reg MSR, just based on recruitment time alone. Like I said though, since this came out two days ago, the outlook on this could very well change and maybe people will lean more towards MSR trial for the reasons mentioned above. From above comments, my highest seen concern is in regards to the RAM and system resource usage build-up, which I was not aware of, but makes sense.
  3. Hello, Decided to post this here instead of the Patch thread. As of evening of 10/02/19, on Everlasting server, we attempted the MSR trial through LFG by recruiting 48-man league. Some things to note: 1-MSR recruitment took longer than usual time, not due to the lvl 35+ req, but the badge requirement. It was just unnecessarily long, and some people were willing to do MSR despite the Vanguard merit obtainment. 2- With current league bugs+the badge req, the decision was made to disengage from the MSR trial and instead resume it regular through RWZ without going through the LFG. Currently, It's easier, faster, and simpler than MSR trial through LFG. 3- At this time, MSR Trial through LFG does not seem to pose a greater benefit compared to running regular MSR through RWZ (e.g. as far as I'm aware, MSR trial does not give increased awards, badge...). If there are known reward benefits, #3 will be reconsidered. At time of league creation, none of the 48 members could identify any reward benefit of doing MSR LFG trial compared to the regular MSR run. Summary: As of now, Everlasting players (and I generalize, cause this was general consensus from league discussion), have not found the greater benefit of running MSR trial through LFG in contrast to regular MSR run through the RWZ. Despite that, I am planning to run a minimum #, 16-man lvl 50 incarnate MSR trial test run just to double check if there are any awards given through the trial that are not obtained through regular MSR run. If so, I will post those results in this thread either the night of 10/03/2019 or some time on 10/04/2019. I know some people were test runners for the MSR trial, so if they have any feedback where they disagree with any of the above points, please share! P.S. Just a side note, and this is towards the Devs, very big THANK YOU from multiple players for the added timer on the MSR! Everyone who commented on it were appreciative. :}
  4. Apologies for double post, just saw Hedgefund's comment. So it is the same for missions? Interesting, I never recalled this occurring during Live. Curious how it was never reported as a bug, unless it was reported and just never addressed.
  5. We probably did. If I recall, the last mission is the "Transit" mission. Some people went to the monorail, others may have used the Oro portal. If so, that explains what happened as you described it. If so, it still sounds like a bug report worth addressing because the difficulty, I feel, should be consistent throughout the trial, regardless order/difficulty setting of the person who loads into a mission. Is this a bug report that has already been submitted? To me, it should be a bug, because you don't see difficulty settings change on mission teams based upon zone changes or people with varying difficulties. It is usually determined and set by the team leader and consistent throughout----or it should be.
  6. Hi, This happened probably two weeks ago. Per GM email response, I'm posting this bug report here to see if others have any feedback on it. On Everlasting server, me and a few SG/coalition-mates were doing a +4/8 Market Crash trial. The settings were consistent with +4/8, then as we entered last mission, it switched randomly on us to +0 difficulty setting. I was team leader, so I did not switch the difficulty settings at any time during the TF. The team at first discussed everyone logging out, then having difficulty switched to +4/8, but at that point everyone just wanted to finish the trial, so we wound up completing it at +0. Best, Kenny (Krow)
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