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  1. Just select lfg, choose imperious as the tf.... lock to group.... Click enter. Done
  2. Hi all. Wondering about the ability to '+5' enhancements. I see that the boosters are quite expensive. Where will I get the best bang for buck doing this? For example if I have 2 generic recharge rate IOs in hasten - is it worth boosting them? What about boosting damage? Are the gains really minimal? Or maybe money better spent elsewhere. To note my main is a fire/fire tank (already have all IO sets and t4's so looking for what to do next)..... Thanks!!
  3. Hi. Sorry if this has been answered before but if I attempt to solo task forces and have my difficulty set to end bosses instead of AVs does that setting still work? I tried to solo synapse but got stuck killing the clockwork King and couldn't damage him enough. Thanks!
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