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Everything posted by timpanda

  1. I was excited when I first heard about this before the reward was announced. I'm one of those players with hundreds of characters, and I'm always interested in dusting off an old concept and revitalizing a "forgotten" character, bringing something relatively uncommon to the group. This reward just doesn't seem worth making new toons or new builds, which is what I had started to do in preparation. I'm not blaming anyone for my expectations or actions, and honestly I'm not sure what I was expecting. To put a positive spin on it, I can now strip down those Defenders and use their enhancements on toons I'd actually have fun playing. Prismatics are cheap enough that most people I play with regularly could just buy one for the whole team if that became a deciding factor. And I can keep joining Mastermind Mondays without feeling like I'm missing anything. I honestly hope some people enjoy it, but this won't have an effect on how I or anyone I know plays the game. Which is fine.
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