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Posts posted by Blackfeather

  1. 1 hour ago, FrauleinMental said:

    The range for Terrify is within (or close to) the enemy aggro range, since it's a cone, so their alpha frequently triggers before Terrify hits them.  I usually open solo against groups with Mass Hypnosis, which has better range, lasts longer (barring damage), and doesn't aggro even for the mobs it misses.

    Hmm...I'm not so sure Terrify is working as intended then. For example, take a look at Seeds of Confusion: it's a great (perhaps a bit too great) opener for fights, and it's also a cone. One with a shorter range than Terrify by 10 feet at that!


    The only difference is that it inflicts the Confused status effect, which shouldn't be an issue for Feared enemies, so long as they're not subsequently attacked. If Terrify really were causing alphas to trigger before it hit targets, then this would be doubly the case for Seeds of Confusion...but that's not the case. Seeds does an exceptional job at mitigating initial enemy attacks (and then some of course).

  2. 7 hours ago, SwitchFade said:



    On paper, is amazing. In practice, the alpha pot shots are murderous. Terrify should mitigate that, with SOMETHING. Debuff tohit, 3 second stun in the beginning... Anything to cut down on the return fire.

    Hmm...that's interesting. The Fear status effect ought to stop enemies from retaliating so long as they aren't damaged, and if it doesn't, I'd consider that a bug - one would think that the damage that Terrify deals wouldn't interfere with the Fear status effect; something like having it applied after the damage or something along those lines. Might be worth submitting that as a bug report on the forums.

  3. 7 hours ago, Redlynne said:

    That's ... an expansively broad over interpretation of what is being said.


    Getting things to explode is easy.

    Getting things to implode in a controlled way ... that's hard ...

    Again, in the absence of further dev comments saying otherwise, it sounds like it's possible. How else is this supposed to be interpreted other than a "reverse repel"?


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  4. 8 minutes ago, MTeague said:

    I read that more like... they'd have he possibilty to make Gale a Targetted Knock..... so you activate the power, you choose a location.  If you click a point to the RIGHT of the mob, then gale would blow from that point towards the mob, sending them off to the LEFT.  If you click behind the mob, gale would blow from that point toward them, shoving them directly at you.   If you clicked BELOW the mob, Gale would be an updraft flinging them up into the air. 


    But I don't see them saying you can pick a point and mobs will be pushed from all directions to this center point. 


    I've love it if we can do that.  But I wouldn't expect that on first pass.  Because as I'm reading this, to get that to to work, they'd need to identify every affected mob, then calculate a vector from the affected mob to the selected location, then apply a vectored knock to that point. And also, no guarantee they wouldn't be pushed BEYOND your selected location.  Maybe the mob 4 feet to the right of yoru selected location ends up 15 feet to the left of your selected location, because the knock threw him 15 feet in that direction... not stopping at any kind of invisible barrier at the "center point".


    Can they get there?  Yes, I think eventually.  But first pass, I think you're more likely to see knockbacks where a direciton is applied a thte mob sails however far in that direction, whether or not it goes further than you might want them to.

    Well...I found this link on the HC Discord: https://imgur.com/a/suD2avn


    So in the absence of further dev comments, it sounds like a "reverse repel" is indeed possible with this new system.

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  5. 7 minutes ago, Zepp said:

    If by "negative repel" you mean an x' radius aura repelling x' range towards the center of the aura, then yes. Very exciting! Just want to be clear on what can happen as it allows for more meaningful discussion of concepts.

    Nothing wrong with further clarification of its capabilities! Needless to say, it sounds very versatile.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Zepp said:

    To clarify, the code does not appear to allow "negative repel/knockback" but to allow vectored knockback. That means that the knockback would be applied in a specified direction and not necessarily from point of impact.

    Yup - meaning that "negative repel" is just one example of something that they can now do. It's exciting stuff for sure.

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  7. 5 hours ago, r0y said:

    Something like Gorefiend's Grasp?

    Potentially! Per Number Six's quote:


    That said, we don't need hacky pseuedopet workarounds. The Issue 25+ engine has a revamped powers system with a bunch of new features that have not yet been utilized by many, if any powers. One of features of the new framework is the ability for any effect (or mod) to take arbitrary extra parameters, which makes it easier to implement variations. There are plans for some point in the future to leverage that to add vectorized knockback and repel. That would take the form of an extra parameter on Knock and Repel effects that powers could use to set the direction of force to apply. The default of course would be along a line from the source to the target -- exactly how KB and Repel currently work. But there are a lot of possible options that could be set including a reversal of that, and various other vectors relative to that one, or to world space.


    Such a feature would essentially make the Knockup attribute obsolete, as it would be redundant with Knock with a vector of straight up. One other interesting thing this would enable is the possibility of powers that deliver high-magnitude knockdown.

    So it seems like choosing the direction with which Knockback/Repel applies is now something that can be done, with all that might entail.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Dirge of Chaos said:

    You sadly threw a lot of words/acronyms I'm not familiar with yet. I apologize for not being as up to date on terminology yet however I was wondering with this 'system' would this reasonable hypothetical situation be possible? (Log into game, get message from friend to 'pick them up at pocket d for a night at jokers they are fashionably late for already. You logged in and urgh already at some other point in the world you last logged out of, no big deal. could you say
    Warp to your base which maybe you have built as a 'flat/studio' to make some last minute adjustments to character wardrobe. Portal to pocket D to meet your friend, walk to the bar to pick them up and exit scene with them out of sight then be still able to somehow warp to Jokers without waiting for a mechanical cooldown?

    I can't answer that - whatever QoL (quality of life) updates that'll come to the base/mission teleportation powers are in the hands of the devs. We'll find out the specifics of what that entails when that happens, likely on the beta shards. Though I'm sure feedback from players such as yourself would be much appreciated by them when this does end up happening.

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  9. 1 minute ago, Dirge of Chaos said:

    I'll be honest, I am new to the game, so i don't have the same level of high end or specific instance use experience so many of the other players have. I totally understand why someone wouldn't want this to be functioning in a zone set up for an active mission or especially in a pvp scenario as that defeats the risk of loss. I would agree there should be some way to prevent that. 

    However for roleplayers I also see it as an invaluable tool for organization and coordination. it affords the freedom that wouldn't exist otherwise and can cut down on well trudging along to try to get things to work in an otherwise convoluted manner. 

    On that same front, while I also think that noone should be criticized for not using it, I can also see the benefits for getting a group together at the same point TO start some activity where you wouldn't use it as part of it. If you are already going to be playing with those people, any tool to get that to work easier is A-Ok in my book rather than having everyone standing around idly. For example yesterday before I did a run with a friend on here for leveling, we all had to assemble at an area, i am very new and was a bit confused at how to get there and thought in grand total my diversion took less than 2 minutes... I could feel the frustration in some of the players responses. If there was a way to cut down on such things i wouldn't be opposed to it but yea I agree that using it in an exploitive way to say 'get out of being defeated in pvp' or 'warping out of a zone/mission you are supposed to be locked into for story reasons' isn't the best.

    Hence why the restriction of the slash command will likely coincide with a QoL pass on the currently existing base teleportation powers, which effectively provides the same thing for RP purposes, but less efficiently at the moment due to its long cooldown times.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Dirge of Chaos said:

    I happen to really enjoy the enter from base passcode especially when it comes to player clubs/bars etc. When you want to roleplay it, you can walk to a point thats more appropriate to 'travel from'. Also when you have a base to work on or for roleplay campagns where you need to organize going between custom locations and set up scenes naturally, it cuts down on any potential 'out of character downtime' to break such scenes. Plus it seems like its something that can be 'ignored' if people dont want to use it but removing it would effect more people.

    To my knowledge, the intention is to allow the slash command to exist to prevent breaking macros, but only to make it work near base portals. I wouldn't be surprised if they kept the command functioning the same inside bases due to this, though that's just guesswork. In tandem to this, I figure the HC team'll also be looking at improving the proper base portal powers, etc. Of course, all that takes some work to do, and it's probably low on the devs' to-do list.

  11. On 5/22/2020 at 4:00 AM, capricorpse said:

    OR, to make the Repel more interesting, what if it worked like this - You activate Telekinesis, and for the duration, you get a click-target circle (like Teleport) and that becomes the source of the repel? Instead of moving yourself around, is it possible to just click around every couple of seconds to move them (or keep them stationary), in true telekinetic fashion?  I understand from earlier responses that the "implosion/reverse-repel" doesn't work with the way the game is coded, but could this?

    Actually, it sounds like 'reverse-repel' might indeed be a thing that's possible now. I'm pretty sure the HC team made some changes to Knockback behind the scenes that allows for things like this now. So who knows?

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  12. 8 minutes ago, ImpousVileTerror said:

    As a comparison; do you use the Ouroboros Portal to travel between zones quickly?  What about the various 15-second cast time Teleports?  Do you feel about them roughly the same as you feel about this slash command?

    I'm pretty sure the main difference here is that the /enterbasefrompasscode command isn't supposed to be something that players can access. Per Number Six:

    • Thanks 1
  13. On 3/7/2020 at 2:17 AM, Number Six said:

    Haven't seen it mentioned but instead of simply buffing damage for KB magnitude, one thing I've been wanting to experiment with is to apply bonus damage if a knocked target hits something, based on how fast they were going when they slammed into the wall, etc. Kind of like fall damage but not strictly up and down. Obviously this is just an idea and I'm not sure how feasible it is due to balance concerns and figuring out the right amount of damage, but I can't deny it would feel epic.


    Unrelated to that: How would people feel about Air Superiority's KnockUp being changed to a high-magnitude Knockdown?

    Very late to this discussion, but I like the sound of it a lot! Seems powerful and thematic, same goes to Air Superiority's proposed change for slamming things into the ground.

  14. 16 hours ago, Bopper said:

    Request #1) Increase minimum number of Pool Powers to 5, or have the Origin Pools not count as a Power Pool in the limit of 4 pool powers.


    Request #2) Remove the Requirement of the T4 powers in a pool needing 2 sub powers before selection. Only have the T5 power require 2 previous powers. As a compromise, move the minimum level for slotting a T4 pool power to level 20.

    Quoting to demonstrate my support for having the Origin power pools not counting towards the limit of 4...even if it's mostly to be able to pick a snazzier travel power outside of the regular pools, hahah.

    • Like 2
  15. There was a thread about this just bumped a few days back!

    I did mention one potential solution there:

    On 6/7/2020 at 12:01 AM, Blackfeather said:

    Hmm...at least when it comes to the easier sort options, I imagine it'd probably be done externally using the playerslot.txt file. Like for example, have the forums give a tool that lets you export a fresh file that contains all your characters on your game account, and choose the order with which you want to display your characters.


    Of course, for things like most recently played, that's probably a bit impractical, but plenty of other options could work just fine with it, so long as you're not creating a new character every week or something like that - even then it'd just be a matter of redownloading a fresh playerslot.txt file that included the new character.

  16. 7 minutes ago, Joshex said:

    well, they had a reason. and the def doesn't disappear. i could see them do the same thing with afterburner, half the def in combat.


    About that...


    Powers: Stealth

    • All self-stealth toggles should now recharge in 2 seconds.
    • Pools > Concealment > Stealth: No longer slows the user down.
    • Pools > Concealment > Invisibility:  Endurance cost lowered from 0.65 to 0.2275. You are now be able to attack while this power is active, but should you attack, all it's defense will suppress.
    • Illusion Control > Superior Invisibility: Endurance cost lowered from 0.52 to 0.182.
    • Thanks 1
  17. 11 hours ago, Chuckers said:

    Looking at the playerslot.txt file, the only sort that could be done off it would be alphabetical order by server. The file contains:

    Account, server, character name, slot number. 

    Exactly - that's why it'd be a tool on the forums: a tool with access to character data, allowing for generating playerslot.txt files with specific orders.

  18. Hmm...at least when it comes to the easier sort options, I imagine it'd probably be done externally using the playerslot.txt file. Like for example, have the forums give a tool that lets you export a fresh file that contains all your characters on your game account, and choose the order with which you want to display your characters.


    Of course, for things like most recently played, that's probably a bit impractical, but plenty of other options could work just fine with it, so long as you're not creating a new character every week or something like that - even then it'd just be a matter of redownloading a fresh playerslot.txt file that included the new character.

  19. 7 hours ago, ImpousVileTerror said:

    @Blackfeather, I appreciate the sentiment and agree with the application of it in the context of most commercial games.


    However, here?  At Homecoming?  It's not -ALL- we can do.  So long as the code is out in the wild, we can band together and work as teams by our own rights, and develop the ideas we propose.

    It's been a lot harder than I would have hoped, since it seems that in many cases the people who do such work end up taking their balls home and starting their own servers (if you can excuse the mish-mash of a metaphor there).  But that also just kind of proves the point:  Other servers exist, with all kinds of wild experimental development being performed!

    I really think that the Homecoming community would benefit immensely from community teams forming up and working on projects together here.  Documenting their projects.  Integrating broader community feedback in to the side projects, or at least amending notes which address and acknowledge said feedback.  Sharing their efforts publicly, for the added benefit of failure protection should the project members need to bow out.

    No, not everything is going to get used by the Devs here, and it can be absolutely heartbreaking to feel that kind of rejection.  And yes, the Homecoming Team could be WAY MORE encouraging for the players who want to do this (although, there is a potential litigious spectre looming over them, so I shall continue to give some benefit of doubt there).  And yes, you're absolutely right that these Suggestions and Feedback boards are expressly -for- spitballing ideas, and other members of the community would do well to be reminded that creative criticism would be much more productive than whinging about how all they can do is focus on the negative.


    But, after saying all that . . . I maintain that "just giving the ideas and polishing them" isn't the end of our potential journeys here.  We can do more!  We have that power now.


    Of course, if that was the intent of what you said . . . well, then I'm just happy to signal-boost you!

    Of course! Fleshing those ideas out into fully fledged concepts can potentially entail actually working on the game, especially with the code out there. And even without touching code, there's a lot that people can do to better realise some ideas, for example attaching tentative numbers to powerset suggestions, along with flavor text to go with them, etc.

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  20. It's a cool idea for sure, and honestly, I don't think it's really fair to needle suggestions for their potential complexity of implementation. This is, after all, the suggestions forums...we don't have some civic duty to make them easy to implement: all we can do as players of the game is suggest what we think is cool in some shape or form, and flesh those ideas out into fully fledged concepts. And then if the dev team ends up using some of those suggestions? All the better.

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