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  1. We're just fine! We live in the Bay Area, so Northern CA. I don't think we have anyone in the LA area anymore. Unless I'm mistaken, and if so, I apologize!
  2. Hello, Theme Teamers! I just realized I never updated you, and I sincerely apologize. I hope Midnyte kept you up to date. Unfortunately, we lost our old girl, Tinkerbell, on November 8th. We've been grieving her loss hard. I had my surgery on November 19th, and all went well, although my surgery was delayed until 2:30 pm. That made for a very long day. The most significant part of my recovery has been fatigue, which I understand may last a few months. I sleep a lot and haven't been able to get up for gaming on Saturday mornings. πŸ˜„ I return to work on January 6th, and the fatigue will be challenging, especially since I can't sleep in like I have been. You have been grabbing some new people while I've been gone, which makes me happy. Once I get my energy back, I'll return. Happy New Year! Here's to hoping this year is less full of drama and more full of fun!
  3. @FrauleinMental Put me down as a maybe for next Saturday with Evil Goddess. I think she's an Arachnos Widow, but I'll update once I'm online again πŸ™‚
  4. @FrauleinMental I created a new toon named Snow Flea - Ice/Ice Blaster for the Posi's! ETA: I had to rename her to Snow Flea II as there is already a Snow Flea on Indom 😞
  5. Me, too! I think I'm going to roll a new toon for it as my only bug character, Fyre Fligh, already has Posi 1 & 2. I'll let you know once I do πŸ˜„
  6. @FrauleinMental Please save me a spot! I haven't decided whether to roll a new toon or use an existing one. I'll look once I'm done with this MSR I'm on πŸ™‚
  7. Hi @FrauleinMental I'll be there with Kailani Bayou - Storm Summoning/Beer Blast Defender!
  8. @FrauleinMental I'll bring QT Pie - Kinetic Melee / Energy Aura Stalker
  9. Hi @FrauleinMental, I just rolled out a new MM. Hopefully, I can get her leveled up in time! For now, put me down with Abyssal Oracle, Demon/Dark Miasma MM! If I can't level her in time, I'll bring one of my other MMs who already have the badge. She’s at Level 27 now. I think I’ll have no issues getting her there. Also, I did not know one of her powers has the first name of Abyssal when I named her πŸ˜„
  10. @FrauleinMental Please put me down with Ima Wallflower - Plant/Nature Controller. Thank you!
  11. It looks like you guys have killed it with the themes! Kudos on all the fantastic costumes πŸ™‚ I was going to try to make it today; however, sleep won out. I'm doing much better now. Thank you all for the well wishes. The surgery I was supposed to have this past week was rescheduled to the second week of November, so I may be able to be on a little more until then. After that, I'll have six weeks of recovery and will have to take it day by day. Thanks to everyone for chipping in and leading! I'm logging all my toons and amazed at how crisp and alive everything seems! I also have a lot to catch up on from the new updates. @FrauleinMental, please put me down next week with Sandy Claws - Claws/Invulnerability Scrapper. I can make it as long as I get some good sleep this week. I'll let you know if things change. Thank you for all the amazing theme ideas!
  12. Thanks, @FrauleinMental! I appreciate it, and will be back when I can!
  13. Thanks, @Bananiac! I truly appreciate it.
  14. Hi Theme Team! I'm going through some pretty severe health issues and need to step back from leading for now. I almost died last Thursday, and if we had followed my PA's advice of going home and drinking Pedialyte, I would have died. Thank goodness for second opinions. I originally was supposed to have surgery next month; however, now, with my heart issues, I'm not sure it will be possible. Please keep your fingers crossed for me for doctor visits this week. I got out of the hospital last night after being in the ICU for a few days and then in a regular room for a few days. I need someone else to step up and lead until I get better. You can decide amongst yourselves whether you want to take turns or have one person lead for consistency's sake. This has all been very unexpected and is a bit overwhelming. I appreciate your patience until I get stronger and can lead again. By the way, I may be able to get on and join occasionally. Everything is up in the air health-wise, so I'll be hit or miss. Warm Regards, TrixieKixx
  15. Hey @Burnt Umber Can you lead this one for me? I won't be able to make it as we have last-minute plans to go out of town. Thanks! BTW, this is the look Evil Goddess was going to rock.
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