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twozerofoxtrot last won the day on November 6 2023

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  1. Seriously. One more level and OP would have unlocked the win condition.
  2. What kind of Ninja? I imagine things like "Shinobi" are taken but if you can provide some details on powersets and/or costume, it becomes easier to help provide suggestions that haven't been taken. In particular I can help proof Japanese suggestions with a native speaker. Examples of names I have used include Ashinaga (still in use) and Yamabito (deleted), but both are tied to the lore of their characters and aren't random Japanese words.
  3. Complicated Outcast Slugger Thin Line
  4. For Christopher "Back Alley Brawler" Bruce: should Kick have a lower animation time that makes it as viable as Punch? Also, shouldn't Kick's animation not force a weapon or shield to be put away, since the alternative animation for Brawl that looks identical does not force this behavior?
  5. For Melissa "War Witch" Bianco: what were some of the biggest leadership challenges you faced as the game transitioned through management (and revenue generation phases), and what strategies did you adopt to help overcome them? This includes but isn't limited to how sunset was announced.
  6. It's really, really cool to see the Live devs rejoin the community. Thank you for highlighting that and thanks to those devs for coming back and devoting their time to our rabidly engaged community. Also, I appreciate the consideration for time zones. As a +9 GMT player I'm really glad I won't have to take a day off just for a chance at the costume contest. 😄 Hopefully some of the players from Hawaii, Oceania and the Philippines can make it too.
  7. This may have less to do with exploiting the proc calculations to get a high proc rate on use and have more to do with the sheer variety of things that can be placed into Dehydrate becase it's a Accurate Heal Single Target Ranged Damage attack with Accurate Defense Debuff and Slow secondary effects. This opens up 5 different damage procs besides the usual 2 found in Single Target Ranged Damage sets, plus as mentioned above non-damaging procs such a Achilles Heel to debuff Damage Resist and Theft of Essence for a chance to get 10% of yoir total Endurance back.
  8. Nah. This is a game. If you're not having fun, leave and go do something else. Your time is valuable, and you don't owe a presence to anyone in a PUG.
  9. What time do you guys do your Euro Runs? I'm in GMT +9 so it's pretty impossible to make your usual Tuesdays unless I have a Wednesday off.
  10. Seems perfectly fine, as long as the boost to Fly Speed and Friction are kept the same and only the +Fly Protection and out-of-combat Defense values were lowered to compensate for it being an Auto vs. a Toggle. I don't see the power going from a Toggle to Auto without there being a cost, but nicking at Fly Speed and Friction would make it even less valuable than it currently is.
  11. All for the OP, but I do feel Scorpion Shield and the alt effect for EnA's Entropic Aura kind of already do this. Maybe not exactly as Rudra has outlined but it definitely seems to me like a Force Field.
  12. Link Minds is really not worth the squeeze on Doms. The Defense/Res is a pittance and the amount of time it takes to cast is frustrating. I've tried it on 3 Doms and so far only kept it on one mostly as a LOTG mule since I had to take something to get to Mind Over Body. For the concept you outlined in your thesis, I did this with a Hasten-less Permadom Grav/MA/Scorp. I use Teleport Target to make sure Singy is nearby, Wormhole a mob to me, and then pound on them relentlessly while they're stunned and Singy plays with them. In order to achieve Permadom, you have to really aggressively lean into the face kicking aspect to proc Force Feedback. The Permadom precludes the need for additional mez protection. Scorpion Shield doesn't go as far as it used to for defenses, but it still suffices if I'm not being silly while solo. I think it can be a permadom character you have fun with! I'll come back later and post the build and you can decide for yourself if you'd like to go this route over Ill/MA.
  13. This is a very niche thing but I'm sure it's affected a lot of people with dedicated "mains" that have accumulated many, many temp powers over the years and it can be quite annoying when you decide to respec that character. This would toggle off Temp Powers from auto-adding to your trays on respec, making them behave like powers who haven't become available yet like self-rezzes, Domination, or Vulnerability. The benefit to this option is that on respec, you don't have to cleartray and start from scratch and/or hunt-and-peck for which powers you want to keep. Currently on at least one main I have so many temp powers that it literally crowds out my primary and secondary powers from adding to all 9 trays. Alternate suggestion would be for Primary/Secondary/Pool Powers to have precedence for auto-adding to your bars over temp powers.
  14. Title. Not certain if this is new or has been like this for a while. Probably should update the damage type to match the rest of the set (Toxic) or fix the Power Description.
  15. Multiple cone holds with a 2.03sec cast and a 40s recharge, with a 70ft radius and a 30deg arc, or a 60fr radius and 90deg arc. Plus an Aim that was all ToHit and perma-able, and a recovery toggle that competes with Efficient Adaptation. >:3
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