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Posts posted by nzer

  1. 5 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    "the proper way to use reward merits"


    I respectfully disagree.  No such thing as a "proper" way, and it is in no way a problem. 


    2 hours ago, tidge said:

    I feel like you are offended that there are different ways to play the game and spend the in-game rewards.


    2 hours ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

    Quoted. For. Truth.  There is no One True Way.

    Please read more than the first sentence before responding. Railroading people into playing the way I think they should play is literally the exact opposite of what I'm suggesting.

  2. 7 hours ago, tidge said:

    I don't grok the problem as described nor does the proposed solution appear to address the problem. As near as I can tell the problem is that a player used merits to convert to recipes, but an SGmate felt she should have just used Inf instead? And that making Inf via the AH (where the recipes and IOs are for sale) was too complicated so the proposal is to send the SGmate to a vendor to get Inf to use in the AH instead?


    Why didn't you just give the SGmate 24M Inf and direct her to the forums? I've given away at least as much to PUGmates who don't have Team Transport. I suppose I'm bad because I don't check up on them if they spent the Inf wisely or not!

    The problem is that the proper way to use reward merits isn't something players will naturally discover or intuitively grasp, so many players end up spending them inefficiently and flushing lots of potential inf down the drain. The proposed solution is to allow merits to be sold for inf, which is both easy to direct players toward and simple for them to do.


    It's really fairly straightforward, but IMO it would be better to adjust the costs of existing merit sinks so they're all roughly equal. If the problem is newbies falling into traps, the solution should be removing the traps.

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, Veelectric Boogaloo said:

    I thought pets are immune to +recharge buffs, but would be happy to be wrong.

    They are, but the reason they are is that the AI doesn't handle recharge buffs properly. OP is wondering whether pets could reasonably be affected by recharge now that brawl isn't something ranged pets do anymore.


    The answer is probably no. For starters, non-ranged pets are still a thing, so if brawl presented a problem before it would still present a problem now for those pets. But personally, I'd be shocked if brawl was the only thing preventing this; I think it's far more likely that the AI's problem with recharge extends to all pet abilities, not just brawl.


    And, of course, this would represent an absolutely massive buff to MM DPS, which I think is unwarranted. MMs are already incredibly tanky with the right powersets, to the point of being able to easily solo +4x8. They shouldn't get 500+ passive DPS on top of that.


    I'll also add that I don't think this is the biggest problem with Kin on MMs, in that almost everything Kin has doesn't work well with MMs. Transfusion is basically useless for ranged pets. With a proper build pets don't suffer for endurance, so Transference is worthless. The MM doesn't have any need for recharge, so Siphon Speed is worthless. Pets have a rather low damage cap, so Fulcrum Shift and Siphon Power are significantly less useful than they should be, and FS is made even less useful by the fact that it's most powerful in melee range. Keeping pets alive is generally the biggest stumbling block for MMs in high level content, and Kin provides very little defensive benefit.


    So... basically everything it does isn't very useful, and it doesn't do the one thing MM secondaries are expected to do. It's just not a very good secondary pick.

    • Like 3
  4. 3 hours ago, Dr Causality said:

    Epic Res shields are almost always going to be superior to Epic Def shields' because they will typically let your MM reach higher overall sustain by reaching a higher amount of combined Res and Def.

    Your overall point is correct, but I feel the need to point out that combined def/res totals isn't a proper point of comparison for overall sustain; 40% defense and 50% resist provides exactly the same overall damage reduction as 45% defense and no resists, but doesn't protect anywhere near as well from debuffs and mezzes.

    • Like 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, BGSacho said:

    Hybrid support is OK, Hybrid Assault Radial is insane damage but takes some effort to use properly(you could search the forums for details).

    To elaborate, if you summon your pets while hybrid assault is active they'll get the buff. If you summon them while it's not active then activate it, they won't get the buff. So if you can live with only ever summoning pets while hybrid is up (which should be fine with thugs/time, since your pets will be very durable), hybrid assault is great.


    22 minutes ago, BGSacho said:

    You can also further cheese Farsight with Clarion Radial.

    Can, but note that clarion radial only provides mez protection for 90 seconds out of every 120, while clarion core provides perma mez protection. As thugs/time neither you nor your pets should need the extra defense, so you'll want to go with core.


    For interface, degenerative is better than reactive, though not by much. -maxhp is numerically equivalent to -res before regen is considered, but it stacks with -res multiplicatively and indirectly reduces regen as well, which thugs/time gets a lot of benefit from since it doesn't have a strong source of -regen.

    • Thanks 3
  6. 16 hours ago, Neiska said:

    Wow! So much information, much more than I expected. So thank you everyone for that.


    After reading all of this, I have decided to go Demons/Time, and probially use Mace Mastery for both Scorpion Shield and the Power Boost/Time combo. Also as mentioned by others before, I don't intend on going tankermind 100% of the time, but would like to be able to if the situation calls for it, while being effective both in solo as well as team play which is my overall goal.


    I did have some further questions though, specifically about incarnates -


    Alpha slot - Does Musclature affect pet damage, or would it be better to stick with Agility/Cardiac?


    Interface slot - Would Reactive stack with Demons -res debuffs making them do more damage, or would it be more overall effective to use Degenerative for the -hp debuff?


    Destiny slot - I had assumed that Rebirth or Barrier would have been perferred, but @Dr Causality specifically pointed out Clarion's status protection and "Increased secondary effect buffs"? What is the secondary buff effect mean? Toggle powers, or somethign else?


    Hybrid - Zero idea what to stick here, Assualt, Melee and Support all look good. I assume it would depend if my MM and pet's defenses are capped, or if Assualt even would affect them.


    Without planning my build (at work right now), my initial incarnate plans are -


    Alpha - Agility

    Interface - Degenerative

    Destiny - Clarion

    Hybrid - Support (if not capped)


    Once again thank you everyone for your imput and advice! It is appreciated, and a special thank you to @Dr Causality for taking the time for an indepth descriptions on secondary powers. (We should make or pin a MM secondary powers guide somewhere. Theres lots of sites for what the best pets are, but not a lot about secondaries and their effects or playstyles.)

    Musculature does work with pets, and is generally recommended.


    For Interface I'd go with Degenerative, though I'm not entirely sure. -maxhp is better than -res point for point (and will stack multiplicatively with your pets' -res, while more -res would stack additively), but I don't know how the DoTs compare.


    Destiny I would definitely go with Clarion. The increased secondary effects is exactly the same as power boost, except I believe it also affects power boost, so Clarion->Power Boost->Farsight provides like 30% defense. That should softcap your demons, but it means you'll have to cast Farsight every two minutes exactly, so it could potentially be down for a few seconds in combat, and it means you don't get permanent mez protection, only 90 seconds out of every two minutes. Core has permanent Mez protection, which plugs the only major defensive hole /Time has.


    For Hybrid you basically have to go Support as the other ones don't affect the pets.

    23 hours ago, Dr Causality said:

    I think this is where it gets interesting, because as I see it SpiritFox, Xandyr and others are arguing that in fact that isn't the most efficient or necessarily proper way to play.   And I think on that point they're probably right.

    I mean, SpiritFox explicitly advocated for going in first to eat the alpha. And honestly, despite the power creep an MM's biggest concern is generally still keeping the pets alive through burst, so personally, I'd say jumping in to eat the alpha then letting the pets grab aggro naturally is almost always the best approach with sets like /Time or /Traps when you can actually do that.

  7. 44 minutes ago, TheSpiritFox said:

    This would be incredible though. Thugs, set your bruiser and arsonist to like 40 and 20 foot leash ranges with everyone else being stationary. Demons, set your demon prince to have a leash range and everything else stationary. Bots let the assault bot and drones have a bit of leash so that they take aggro off the protectors due to proximity. 

    You can activate more than one pet command in a single macro, right? If it was passed in as an argument to /petcom you could have a single follow or goto macro with different ranges for each pet so there's not even any micromanagement to it. You could have several different macros for each command with different sets of ranges.

  8. 59 minutes ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

    I don't.  In a game this complex, with so many moving parts, it's very believable that a minor bug would go unnoticed for a very long time.   Especially since a good chunk of those years were spent with a dramatically shrunken playerbase and dev team. 

    It was noticed here literally the same day as the patch...


    1 hour ago, ScarySai said:

    Regarding Soulbound Allegiance: Some bugs should be left alone, there was really nothing wrong with Soulbound proccing for the player on activation of a pet power.


    Kindly fix the damage caused by this change, imps, phantom army and such are kinda hit hard by such an important proc failing to fire off.

    I'm sorry, are we suggesting it was proccing on both the pets and the players now? Is that even possible?

  9. 42 minutes ago, SwitchFade said:

    Have you read the power description?


    And, where are you getting the 100% chance info from? I'm curious.

    Of what, Overwhelming Force? Yes, the description is "Provides a 20% chance to cause Knockdown to your targets, enhances the damage of a power by 26.5%, and converts any Knockback this power deals into Knockdown. Some powers may have their chance to Knockdown reduced when this enhancement is slotted. This enhancement also has a penchant for the dramatic..."


    That says it does three things:

    • Provides a 20% chance to cause knockdown to your targets
    • Enhances the damage of the power by 26.5%
    • Converts any Knockback the power deals into Knockdown

    The chance only applies to the KD, not to the KB to KD.

  10. 3 hours ago, SwitchFade said:

    I'm pretty sure it is a chance, also.

    Neither Overwhelming Force nor Sudden Acceleration have RNG on their KB to KD, they both apply a blanket KB reduction to the power. What might be happening with Overwhelming Force is that if the power's KB magnitude is just under 1 after the reduction, the KD proc triggering might push it back over 1, turning the KD back into KB.


    The two of you seeing different behaviors on the same power is odd, but if one of you has other KD enhancements in the power or has KD set bonuses (are those even a thing?), that might do it.

  11. On 2/21/2020 at 4:49 PM, Doc_Scorpion said:

    The economy is not robust - as it depends on an endless supply of cheap salvage supplied by The Goverment and a steady (read: also essentially endless) supply of Converters to keep the roulette wheels spinning.  It's heavily slanted towards the crafter and the marketeer.

    Salvage almost always sells for less than the seeded price, meaning the market is almost always running on player generated salvage, and I don't know whether converters are seeded or what they're seeded at, but the way the price fluctuates makes me think we aren't in danger of running out of those either.


    And let's be clear, the market is slanted towards crafters and farmers, and every player can easily be both if they know how to. The economy isn't held together by duct tape and prayers, it's more than self-sufficient with the number of players we have currently.

    4 hours ago, aethereal said:

    If lots of people switched from buying converters to buying inf directly, and we seeded the market with converters at a somewhat higher cost than is typical now, the net effect would be to sink inf, not create it.  If there are large numbers of people who are currently stockpiling merits or spending them in inefficient ways, who would convert to selling them for inf, it would inflate.

    If we have more of the former than the latter, this suggestion isn't necessary to begin with.

  12. It would be nice for this kind of stuff to be configurable on the player's end, e.g. a /Time mastermind could set follow and goto to have a shorter leash range if they wanted while a /Storm mastermind could set it to be wider. Maybe even allow leash range to be passed as an argument to the pet commands so we could make macros for follows/gotos with various ranges.


    I imagine that would take quite a bit more work though, if it's even feasible.

  13. 5 hours ago, ScarySai said:

    Not really, you exaggerated the problem in such a way that it sounded like you didn't know how to use the command properly.


    The command has flaws, but you went above and beyond to exaggerate the issue.

    Their description of the problem is perfectly accurate: goto used to mean "go to this area," and now it means "go to this spot and don't move," which renders melee pets useless unless something is standing directly next to them. You can argue all you want about whether the current goto behavior is useful, but at the end of the day the previous behavior was useful too, and is no longer possible.


    I also found your response arrogant and unnecessarily combative, and doubling down isn't helping.

    5 hours ago, biostem said:

    Why can't you issue your goto defensive command, then send an attack defensive command once they're where you want them?

    Bodyguard mode works with defensive goto, it does not work with defensive attack my target. Also, if you do this with a melee pet I'm pretty sure they'll revert to follow after they kill the target, meaning a significant amount of micromanagement is required if what you want them to do is stay near a point and kill nearby things.

  14. 1 hour ago, Apparition said:

    That is a known bug.

    Can you point to someone from the team confirming that? I know it was stated that proc enhancements from pet sets aren't currently affecting the pets like they're supposed to, but Gaussian's isn't a pet set, and per Captain Powerhouse non-pet sets are supposed to proc only when summoning pets and buff the player. Note that Gaussian's Chance For Build Up doesn't specifically say it affects pets like, for example, Soulbound Allegiance's Chance For Build Up does.

  15. 2 hours ago, Noyjitat said:

    Nope, not incorrect You can go back and see powerhouse literally agreeing with me on page 2

    Captain powerhouse was describing how it works as of this patch, not how it worked before, and how it works as of this patch is that it triggers only when summoning the pet, which is different than what you're describing.


    As for how it used to work, I find it incredibly hard to believe it being broken for years would have gone unnoticed, and even if it did it doesn't matter; how you're alleging it worked is clearly incorrect based on the enhancement text.

    • Like 2
  16. 9 hours ago, Dr Causality said:

    Maybe it's just semantics, but on my take what you're describing here is Tankerminding.

    I don't think that's what "tankermind" has historically been used to describe, and if it is it's not a very useful term. Jumping in to take the alpha then letting your pets grab aggro naturally after that is just the proper way to play defensive secondaries like /Time or /Traps.


    Tankermind is a step beyond that, where you use aggro tools like provoke to actively pull mobs off your pets and onto you.

    • Like 1
  17. 3 minutes ago, Zewks said:

    That still doesnt explain why FSAA 16x vs FSAA 8x are so dramatically different in game.

    16x is doing something with transparency or something as well. Look at the semi distant leaves on trees when you swap between 8x and 16x

    Sure, it's entirely possible it's doing something different after 8x. Without the source code there's no way to know.

  18. I did some googling and was unable to find any explanation whatsoever of how FSAA specifically is different than the other varieties of AA that exist, which leads me to believe it's just a blanket term for all AA.


    That means CoH's FSAA and nVidia's FSAA could work totally differently. Given how large the performance hit is for CoH's, I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually SSAA under the hood (though MSAA is a lot more likely).

    43 minutes ago, Zewks said:

    FSAA is EXTREMELY cheap to use as far as performance on modern day GPUs, even at 16x

    Pretty sure you're thinking of FXAA, which is a screen-space AA that does edge detection and blending on the final rendered frame. Cheap, but not very strong.

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