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This thread and a few other revelations has me reconsidering the amount of -KB my TW/Nin has... ^_^ Free slots!
I said it was meh, not bad. Albeit, I'm coming at it from the perspective of only ever running an Ice/Regen Stalk to 50, and with the amount of Recharge I crammed into her, I'm RARELY wanting for Frozen Aura to be ready to fire. Regardless, on an Ice/Shield which will THRIVE on being surrounded, having to jump OUT of melee for a cone to maximize DPA is less than ideal - hence, meh. Yes, it opens way low with similar DPA to Frozen Aura. It's not a bad attack. I just felt it unnecessary on my /Regen stalker... on the magnitude of extra resiliency that a /Shield Scrapper would have, not to mention the damage buff from saturated AAO, I'd downgrade it from unnecessary to borderline detrimental. Is it useable? Yes. And maybe when I roll this Ice/Inv Scrapper I've been thinking about, I may change my mind, and rate it higher.
The Taunt. The Cone is also meh, since you'll want to be in the middle, anyhow.
Stalker MA needs AoE, hard core.
Haven't made a call on my Staff/Stone Scrapper... But, my Staff/SR Stalker skipped it... Same DPA as Serpent's Reach, unless you're consuming stacks.
Legit, Staff is best on stalkers, due to the insert of AS and BU, and the permanent Form of the Body. Still functional on other AT's. Ninjitsu is useful, SR lite with more tools, less "fire and forget" and DDR, tho. Also, not all of it is necessary (Caltrops, Blinding Powder, and the T9 are all skippable). If Staff is the lock-in, but AT/Armors are flexible - I'd suggest looking at either /Ice Scrapper, /Ice or /Nin Stalker... If you're going /SR, I'd 100% recommend Scrapper over Stalker for that, larger HP pool means the passives work better for resistance.
Pandora's Box - Lastri Kayumanis - Investigate the Energy Anomaly - There is a missing wall in the Arachnos Base at [-517.0 88.0 -509.3]. No image, didn't think to grab a screenshot, initially sent in-game ticket.
Poor Stalker MA... It has needed a look since Legacy.
Redside main here... They're dead.
I've an Ice/Regen that I leveled solely on Goldside... she's a bunch of fun to play. I didn't go for stacking defenses, tho, just +Recharge spam. Running FoW/Speed/Weapon/Leaping/Leadership for pools. I'll eventually go back to her, and grind out her incarnates on Gold as well. Just getting to 50 was enough of a trial.
I have a baby Staff/Stone that seems to be working out well, so far... Not into the slotted territory yet, tho.
I appreciate this discussion, as I realized I'd somehow left Battle Axe off my master list of planned Scrappers, to get one of each Primary to 50, with minimal Secondary repeats. I have fixed that - going with BA/FA.
Either a MIDS build/chunk/list, or at least screen shots of your Enhancement screen, will make it much more transparent for others to see your character's slotting/build. You'll get better/more advice with a clearer starting picture.
Slow AS is a melee snipe - suffers from being interruptible and requires LoS to initiate and complete successfully just like ranged snipes. This means that a queued Slow AS can fail for multiple reasons: 1) You missed. - This should not break Hide. 2) You moved after you activated it. - This should not break Hide. 3) You hit, but your target was moving and blocked LoS before the power animated. - This will break Hide (IIRC), due to you hitting, but deal no damage, as the snipe was blocked. 4) The server hiccuped. - This happens, happened often on Legacy, I've not noticed it as a major problem on Homecoming. This breaks Hide, no damage dealt. Lastly, only AS is a stay in Hidden power on a miss. Any other damaging power you use will break Hide, regardless of damage dealt.