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Posts posted by MsSmart

  1. I actually support the ability as a minimum to exchange any salvage to include incarnate within an account. In my case, that is a special since I am an Alt-o-holic.


    In general, I also support letting us sell incarnate salvage and add that to the market aspect of the game, it certainly will bring new life to that part of of the game. At one time, when the company made money out of time-sinks, the limitation made sense, it was a business must. But today, the game is free, and the business model has shifted from tedious time sinks to simple player enjoyment; a change I am all too grateful for. Long gone are the idiotic travel torture, even the TFs are being changed to remove brutal stupid tedium, so it only makes sense that incarnate stuff should now be sellable; in fact it would be a very very cool thing if the various incarnate slot items (t1,t2,t3,t4) for the various incarnate powers be craftable and sellable; but if any, as a baby step, just happy to be able to sell and buy materials to make such slot items.





  2. When you have a power that last a period of time, you have enhancements that reduces the recharge time, the amount of energy it takes, etc. But I never seen one that simply makes the power last longer, which from a player perspective may be quite alluring from the perspective that the power can last the entire fight as opposed to stop in the middle of the fight to restart it; such as many of the melee buttons that are so critical and have stupidly long animations. here is the super in the heat of battle, they stop everything to get into a poze, it does not matter that their enemies are pounding them while doing the poze. This is dumb, so why not have enhancement that can mitigate such foolishness? Other areas of benefits is for some pets being casted to last longer, etc.


    Also would be nice to have some enhancements to strengthen effects, for example hurricane, there is no way to increase the intensity of the signature power, so EBs, AVs, and even minions of higher level simply ignore it; for example my stormy level 53 with T4s galore, employs her hurricane in a BAF and all the crazies ignore it, how insulting.



  3. Oro is a time and dimension place, so the cimerora destination is reasonable from that context, if not suggest, please! another much friendlier way to get to cimerora. The university and LFG are not good ways, so please suggest, be constructive, for a player friendly way


    Thank you

  4. I really do  not PvP much, in fact I am a badge hunter.


    As a result I had to visit the various PvP areas to earn my badges, not being into the PvP scene, it was a nightmare trying to figure how to get to the zones, if I am going to Recluse's Victory, on red side I haver to go to the tower and then by some arcane feat of knowledge, know to look behind the map? common, that is stupid!


    Perhaps the portals that can send you to many locations could include PvP zones such as bloody bay, etc?


    Also while at it, can you at Cimerora to the oro portal?


    Thank you



  5. Hi:


        Been doing lots of safeguard missions, mostly at Peregrine Island, and noticed that if I could not one shoot an operations engineer, I would be rewarded with him deployi9ng a turret. Turrets are very tough, hit hard, and when eventually defeated awards nothing, a complete waste of time. The part that aggravates me, is when I kill the engineer the turret remains, now when I die, my pets dies too!, so my suggestion is this:


     Either my pets remain and clear the area (at least try) so I can rez safely or the Turret goes away when the engineer is defeated.


     Frankly, I like the idea that pets remains, if anything in an attempt to avenge me.



    • Like 4
  6. Was thinking of a new ARC, that is sponsored between the Vanguard and Portal Corps...


    Essentially the Vanguard found the "coordinates" to the Rikti home world!


    So we have Dark Watcher recruit a team of brave super powered folks to do an information raid series of missions. Missions could be to capture a Rikti communications officer, break into rikti facility and hack a computer, capture a Rikti beacon, protect the beacon from being recovered by the rikti, protect the beacon from being stolen by the Malta,  defend the portal at portal corp from rikti assault team.


    Once the mission/task force has been completed, Dark Watcher remains as a contact for powered folks to do missions in the lines of Mayhem missions, were the humans go to the rikti world and "vandalized them". plant bombs in their research facilities, breakout captured super folk from rikti jails, break into a research facility to capture technology, sabotage a facility spaceship fueling station, etc.



  7. Recently, I got the badge bug...


    So the never ending quest in pursuit of badges begun, it was then I learned you could get previous anniversary badges added to your collection, even those earned during "live" days. I spoke to a friend who had those, 1 thru 16 and inquired. He told me that in "may" there is a window of opportunity to buy them from a vendor in Ouroboros.


    I really can't see why the acquisition of them is limited to May, frankly it should be at any time. Is it possible to make them available year round?


    Thank you



  8.  Love the idea of balance among ATs, I like the concept of parity...


    But not lets do the old broken set of balance were some ATs are all about support (the ones shafted) while other ATs can do both team and solo quite well. Would be nice, if the "support ATs could be fixed to be at par with any other AT for both Solo and group activities.




    I play a Storm/Dark Defender, so I am not the buffing kind, my contribution is to ACC debuff the baddies and pound them, but my damage is so handicapped in groups, that defeating a boss is pathetic, the saying death a hundred cut, well if you are defender, it would be more like depth by 1000 cuts... Another issue, my only survivability to mobs is defense, and there are more and more anti-def mobs  that impact support classes far more than melee classes. I get it, we want challenge, but does 100% of the challenge must be accomplished at the  non-melee's back?


    • Like 1
  9. I would get rid of the near binary status effect protection in the game, and allow more shades of grey...


    Tanks get 12 protection from everything, nice helps them do their job solo and in teams

    Scrappers and the like (rest of melee) get 8 protection, actually very nice and they shrug off any status effect even when spammed by a group.


    and here is the problem, the rest gets absolutely none, which is dumb.


    I would give all others, following the trend shown above, a 4 protection to all others, for it is enough to take the first hit of 1 or 2 mobs in the first round, but not enough for 3 mobs attacking you in the same round, nor a second refresh of status effect attacks attacks by 2 on the second round. This means the non melee are still vulnerable, but not absurdly vulnerable.


    This would be nice to implement despite the eventual availability of Clarion, would say with IOs defenses can be very high, but many unbalanced mobs that can use status effects, and spam them as a practice, cheats the non-melee player by not having their attacks with both positional and type components; for example the rikti "controller" is a type attack with no positional component, and guess what trying to get 45% defense versus psionic is rarely possible for a non melee class to attain, and toxic is even more ridiculous; which ultimately  renders defense as a survival method rather lame against this 2, then of course there is the spam use of defense debuff, that debuffs you with out even having to hit you or again exploits the non paired damage type attack.


    So at the end, non-melee which are combatants too in groups and solo, need status effect protection albeit not as good as melee, but common let them have something reasonable.



    • Like 6
  10. Hi:


        I am now getting into the badge craze, and often there are markers, objects that are somewhere in a map, and the goo d folks in wiki usually give me a location that is rather difficult for me to understand and fine.


       The first problem is there seems to be no rhyme or sense as how the Cartesian coordinate system is applied from zone to zone, at times it seems there are several Cartesian systems in the same map! wish they would have been decent enough to say the bottom left is (0,0,0) (X,Y,Z), which would make it easy to navigate and find the locations since it would provide a logical  location system that can be readily interpreted.


       But I am sure the effort to change the chaotic coordinate system to a simple straightforward system would be monumental, thus the fall back, which at the end would be the most pragmatic solution...


      Why not make your location status, something that can be monitored, and thus a widget you can move around in your screen indicating your present location in the map.


    Thank you




    Ps: I conducted a search and to my surprise I could not find any recommendations such as this, I found a place where folks could report /loc bugs...



    • Like 2
  11. Sweetie:


    I can quite get warm with your concept, I am a bit tired of the screwed up defender concept that their powers are nurfed for themselves and another group support power sad excuse. After IOs and Immortals, the concept of group support only power sets are pretty much useless as a whole; for instance how critically important is an emp today? In the old days (live) you would not dare do a task force without one! I frankly do not want to go back to the live game teaming restrictions, nor do I want to see more nurfed support builds following this obsolete line of thought, where support classes are reduced to melee class servants and thus second class heroes; that because they are so handicapped by the developers they do most of the dying. Reminds me of star trek, to show how bad the guy or monster is, they had it murder a red shirt! In this game support classes are stuck being red shirts.


    I like the overall idea of the concept you propose because Psi and Toxic are in a way a developer exploit, just like the use of status effects on support being spammed is another developer exploit against those classes, of course if you are melee, you were given immunity to them, and thus you do not have a problem, thus, life is fine.


    Instead of weak to the player, let it be full potency to the player, who could "bubble" other players with psi protection in a way similar to sonic. But let this power not be a "Resistance Buff" which is useless, since it is capped to 95% and that does not quite reduce the "la la la" time by half; this needs to be status protection level like Clarion does, otherwise it will be a useles power.


    I really like the PSI bit because as I said earlier, this form of attack is spammed way too much, and their impact is way too disproportionate (melee immune, support helpless).



    • Like 1
  12. I am with you, and fully support your suggestion.


    I keep hearing the player economy, that is a bunch of self-serving trash.


    To begin with if you are into making enhancements or what not, and need materials, I will give you what so many others often tells me for anything I often ask: Play the content!


    If less players gives away the common salvage, then their value will raise, and thus making it worth while to collect and sell, for a crafter to buy if they do not feel like playing the content.


    Lastly, since when players should be subjugated to another player's whim?



  13. Hi:


       Recently I decided to get some of the Oro arc badges, and noticed that the way the award is given may not be entirely logical, and it is bugged as well.


       Lets deal with the bug first:


       I did a 16-19 Flashback with no temp powers (Curtailed); when I completed it, I received no badge. After trying it a few times, and doing other arcs and no luck; I finally submitted a ticket, and later documentation showing screen captures of what I did. Eventually the GM told me, that some arcs in the various Flashback groupings (1-15, 16-19, etc) were doable at lower levels and thus no badge was awarded. I had to do more arcs till finally I hit the jackpot.


    I believe this is a bug, and should be fixed, so if you open a flashback within a grouping, and meet the criteria, you get the badge, regardless if it was doable at a lower level. Or mark the flashbacks that are badge wise duds.


    Now to the central issue:

    There are power limitations you can choose such as no travel, no temps, and only AT powers.


    To get the badge, you must do 3 arcs with each of the handicaps to get the handicap badges, at a glance it only seems right. But wait, pay closer attention!


    If I chose only AT powers, I already gave up temp powers and travel!


    While if I choose no travel, I still get to use the temp powers less travel ones; and if no temps, I get to use travel powers.


    If I feel my alt is to weak to do AT only, I can see doing the less restrictive handicaps and getting the building my way up to badges.


    That said, if I do the AT only, I should by default get the lesser badges, this would only make sense.


    Is it possible to "fix" the Ouroboros Badge giving system to recognize the fact that the toughest level of a handicap was achieved and thus the lesser are also awarded.


    A real life example is with aircraft, their are awards for fastest, flying highest, carrying a standard payload for instance. If a jet flies the highest ever, and the fastest, and carried a bomb of the designated weight; in real world they get all 3 trophies for the 1 flight, and not forced to make 1 flight per trophie.













  14. To the developers and all concerned:


         Veracor has worked endlessly for a year, helping us , leading us, and making the game awesome.


         It would be nice, for a history plaque honoring Veracor to be placed, at the Safe Rock, where we gather for Hami raids, quick badge and really nice appreciation for one who has given so much


    Come On folks, lets all post our support here



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  15. Hi:


          Lately I been going after my defeat badges, and in the process been rescuing a lot of citizens whose purse were being stolen by baddies, don't ask me how a young lady is hanging on to her purse when a Tsoo is pulling it, but after I wipe them out, they come running and say thanks.


          So it occurs to me, that maybe after 1,000 rescues you should get an atta-girl badge...





    • Like 4
  16. I see what you are saying, but somehow I feel many of you are missing the mark,


    The reason for the timer, is because I am the raid leader, and yes I do tell others when to take their EoEs, the critical period is when the last green goes out and you call for a 75% damage to Hami, and then when to ask folks to stop and go back to the bloom, and lastly the last green before the call for a kill.


    It is in those 3 periods of time, where the not knowing how soon the inspiration is going to drop (the 5 second warning is not very good) can be very stressful, when trying to give the order to attack, stop attacking, etc and keep up with your health and EoE. Knowing how long before the EoE goes out, would be very comforting during those periods of time.



  17. Hi:


        I have recently begun to lead Hami raids in Everlasting, and it is clear to me how important it is to make sure your EoE protection is always up. While trying to keep up with my EoE status, I am also trying to keep up with the raid, and during one of those close calls on watching the last green go and my EoE status, that it occurred to me:


        Why not put a timer on the EoE as we have for power cooldowns?


        Obviously this is going to be a tricky request to satisfy, for usually you click and the EoE is gone poof, consumed. So there is work to be done for this suggestion, I would suggest that when I click on the EOE it grays out (like the rest of them) instead of going away, and a descending timer (60 to 1) is overlayed on the grayed out EoE, at 0 it winks out, or winks out when I click on the next EoE (I think 5 seconds left on the timer) which then has the timer overlayed.


         Would love to be able to stack EoEs to gain duration as another quality of life help...



    • Like 1
  18. 4 hours ago, Doomguide2005 said:

    The problem there that jumps out at me is both the Incarnate cap and the 'soft' cap are in fact soft caps.  There are Defense Hard caps that already exist and vary by AT.  None I believe can currently be reached solo ... maybe an SR Tank could get there or close with Elude + set bonuses + Incarnate powers etc.  But for Tanks the Hard cap is 225% iirc and that is still way beyond the I-cap or "soft-cap"


    My answer would be bring on the Battalion.  Make them smart foes (AI wise) that bring buffs and debuffs to the battle where the players need to team and can't just zerg after doing so

    The problem with your suggestion, is at the end it really tears into the support classes far more disproportionately than the melee classes, as it is, every time I go into a tough TF, it is the support classes that are doing the majority of the "dirt-napping". While I embrace the concept of more challenge, it should for now be more focused on the melee classes, who are the ones clamoring for it anyway, and give the abused support classes a little respite.


    Some examples of how developers historically figured challenge, lets give all mobs aoe status effects and make super sure that support has no protections against them, and then lets spam those! Resistance (which is capped) at their very best halves the duration of the status effect, which is pointless, since it gives plenty of time for the mob to murder the support class. How does this challenge the melee?


    Ambushes! Oh yeah, where they do they usually spawn at? Correct at the rear of the party! Who is at the rear of the party? That is right the support classes, why? They have no protections versus status effect, laughable damage resistance, and poor defenses (until mega IO slotted, if the player even knows how to do that); so they are not going to be leading the melee at any time!, and have little choice but to be at the back. So who gets surprised hit first? That's right the support types, where is the melee challenge in this?


    As I said, more challenge is actually needed, especially since the incarnate system, there really needs to be much more incarnate material to drive challenge. Also needed are more challenge mechanisms that really, really, really needs to focus on melee. I have tanks, that are essentially invulnerable, I jump with them into any TF or scenario and don't even care what and how many I am fighting, they can't touch me! I don't even need support while at it, I can heal myself, recharge myself, give myself damage boosts, debuff my opponents, and what not. I may not kill as quick as a blaster, but frankly they don't kill that much faster than me, in fact I can do it so well, that it empowers me to farm efficiently with them, when I am inclined to, so damage is actually rather good is it not? So you all tell me, where is the fabled game balance? I thought in the beginning of live that melee sacrificed DPS for the sake of protections versus damage, and the support sacrificed protections for the sake of effects and damage; a balance that frankly is totally out of whack...



  19. Sweetie, I am so against this suggestion...


    When it it get for this game the concept of challenge, it is mostly at the expense of the support classes, their only means of survival are very high levels of defense; which you are so eager to deny them their main survival means.


    Why not suggest something that does something at the expense of melee types, for a change? Like attacks that ignore resistance?


    The game when it gets to challenge is horribly unbalanced, please don't make it worse.



    • Like 1
  20. Hi:


         Periodically while doing a mission, something will happen and a mob will get stuck in a wall, normally it is fine and can be skipped, until you get the good ole kill all, or like in the Requiem mission, Ghost Widow always get stuck somewhere.


         Would be nice, if we could target the stuck mob, and then type "/bump" to move the mob, akin to our own "/nudge" command to get us unstuck, but made for mobs instead.





    • Like 2
  21. For my life, everywhere I go to read about consume, nothing talks about the drain resistance as an ability, even when I delve into the power in game, it mentions nothing. Was the drain resistance removed?



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