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Everything posted by radiomanxxx

  1. I have been running 17184 (Huge map). Solo I can knock it out in about an hour or so. When I add another in like an alt or randoms, I get Elite Bosses. Can I turn that off?
  2. Just saw this but just recently finished Black Scorp Arc twice lol. Oh well
  3. radiomanxxx


    Still somewhat new and learning. Just completed a fire farm brute so making money is pretty simple. I recreated one of my first Hero's back when CoH first came out and loved the little guy. He is 50 now working on T2/3 Incarnates but I have admittedly been "winging it". I am pretty ignorant at top end raids etc but I absolutely love the AE capability this hero offers. I have been trying to read what I can but the game is so different from when I stopped playing many years ago. I have not found a "go to" forum or thread that discusses end game builds (expensive) for AR/Devices. If enhancements were not so expensive, I would play around but time is money! Can anyone point me to a thread that can educate me a bit further...caps/stats/end game goals. I would post what I am working with now but it is kind of a mess atm and I cant stand flying/hover. Tks!
  4. The displays are correct already. It shows My main as 1 and my secondary as 2. All other games open correctly on monitor 1. Only CoH opens on 2.
  5. I originally fixed it by unplugging my HDMI (second monitor) to force it to my main 1440 monitor. However now day 2, I am having the same issue. Unsure why only this game is wanting to load up on my second monitor. Still having the same issue
  6. When I launch Tequila, it opens just fine on my main screen. When I hit play it say's loading on my main screen but when the actual game boots up, yep you guessed it, on my second screen. I deleted and re-installed and the same exact problem. Every other game I have loads just fine. How do I go about fixing this issue? **Edit** I believed I fixed the issue.
  7. TY, am half way through Black Scorpion now.
  8. Ok just dinged 50 and doing my respec. I dont see Mu Mastery anywhere?
  9. Good to know Cauld, Tks man.
  10. I have been playing for about 3 weeks or so now and am almost level 50. I am trying to digest all of the information but it is quite a bit. I am on the Hero side but see that everyone is taking Ancillary Pool: Mu Mastery which is Villain side? I dont have any Villain side heroes atm so pretty ignorant. What is best to use on the blue side? They all look pretty terrible to me but maybe fire although the first 2 abilities look like something I will never use? Trying to read what I can but like I said, there is a ton of useful information and my brain is close to frying. Making a strictly AE Farm guy to help my other toons. I love to farm!
  11. 1.96 I have updated but says I have latest. When I look at the date base version it say's 23.0 (15/Jul/2012) I am guessing that is incorrect and I need a link to the most updated version? **Edit #2** Looks like I had an outdated version that would not update etc etc. I think I am gtg now.
  12. Trying to set up a Brute Spines/Fire build but Spines is not shown under primary power set. I can go to scrapper and see it. Am I missing something? I'm new, be gentle.
  13. Link wont open for me 😞
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