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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. What I am trying to figure out in this conversation paired with what the patch notes say, is if there is this "everything aggro's now" deal is the concept of an aggro cap gone and secondly, does that mean taking and/or using Taunt (or its analogs) is essentially rendered obsolete now?  I am still new to melee in the game (always preferred range) and have zero (zero) level 50 melee types yet (I am close, I promise).

  2. 2 hours ago, Marine X said:
    Microsoft stopped support for the 3D Sound that the game used after Windows XP, when 3D Sound stopped working was when I began having trouble locating Glowies, and that was quite a while before shutdown. I actually had a 2G Video Card, an Aegia PhysX Co-Processor and a Yamaha 3D Sound Card and had no clue upgrading to Windows 7 was going to kill the Sound, oops. ( That was late 2009, early 2010 ), they had already ended support with Vista.

    I am at a loss here with regards to this, what am I missing/doing differently here.  I have a Windows 7 machine with onboard sound using an ASUS Motherboard.  No problem hearing glowies or any sound for that matter, directional, intensity changing depending on near or far.  Glowie hunts are in fact the only time I turn on the sound to my game because my spouse is in the same room watching effing wives with knives shows on A&E and doesn't like the sound of my demons growling.

  3. Back on live I went through this "I have had it with teams" phase then apparently had a stroke because I rolled an Empathy/Psychic Defender named ParaMedic.  I played her, slowly, painfully to level 50 solo; no Task Forces, no teams and to be blunt, no fun even though psionic was so not resisted.  I mean the primary is so team oriented even when you do get to the RA/RA level.  I did not take the same patch when I found HC, I love to team.  I think now it is quite doable with all of the P2W powers and buffs you can activate from your base.

  4. Because I wanted to do Symphony as my first Dominator, wanted to be as range-centric as possible (due to my comfort level at the moment) but also wanting to try something new I went with Fire as the secondary (I experimented on test with this combo) and am enjoying it because of the fluidity I expected.  Granted she's still low level but I am enjoying it so far.

  5. I had two drop on my beginner Symphonic (or Symphony) Controller while doing a radio mission in King's Row; almost didn't notice it.  What I noticed was 61 Million each.  That's gonna help kit out several higher level alts.  Thanks Aether Bunny (bwak bwak).  Back in the day on live the badge thing would have made me go quite insane but I got better.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. The truth is, the only place a Tiki-themed anything belongs is along a beach.  Funny that Talos has this stretch of Beach with a boardwalk on it that would have been perfect for that but nah, lets keep that area designated for the Warriors and Tsoo and never visited unless someone is doing the Redemption of Alexander Arc or having to pass through it while humping it out to Ithaca Island to click a telephone box.

  7. If one was to look at it from a pure business standpoint, it was market oversaturation in as many areas as it was (11 in Paragon including location in two Hazard zones).  I mean the fiscal expenditure of maintaining those buildings from a pure infrastructure standpoint had to be crippling and then there is services consumption (electric, water, sewer).  Story-wise the logical thread would be aggressive fiscal rightsizing and since Aeon is EBIL, all those employees just got their pink slips without warning and no severance benefits (Paragon is a work at will city).


    Now if I was writing it I would do a whole arc where players discover that AE is an elaborate scheme by Aeon to document in finite detail the powers and capabilities of as many metahumans as possible in order to develop countermeasures against them or ways to remove their powers or copy them (akin to the Revenant Hero Project).  The players stumble on it and it becomes a grand adventure to reveal the truth to the masses.  The players could face enemies that are powerful amalgams of themselves or other "signature" heroes who used AE, or super "AE Bosses".  Or the players are trapped in a deep AE Cyber world (with reality distorting fun).  Either way the end result would have to yield to simultaneous endings; the destruction of one or more AE buildings (there should be two or three max because really, have you ever been to the one in Skyway or Brickstown or Faultline for that matter?) and yet also the maintenance of the status quo (lack of acceptance of the "conspiracy" of AE) so that only the supers and those truly in the know understand the depth of Aeons EBIL!!!!.


    The Other Aeon Task Force

    Architect of Evil Task Force . . . oh that one is secksi, I have to write that down somewhere . . . oh wait . . . Architect Entertainment used for something other than creating the perfect farm.  What a story 🙂



    • Like 2
  8. Sprite Brute Furball.


    But to be helpful its a shortform abbreviation of Set IOs found in Mids (or Pines).  CrsImp is Crushing Impact.  FrcFdb is Force Feedback.  SprBrtFur is Superior Brute's Fury.


    There is no master translation list.  You just have to kind of HC Wiki-fu your way areound the Set IOs that match the power type  (in this case melee) then find one that looks like it.  FInd the power on the wiki, then look for the hyperlinked Set IOs it can take which will sent you to the page of all of the appropriate type and there you go.

    • Haha 1
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  9. I am sure the numbers people will have some data soon enough to be more empirical but I played my sonic/sonic and yeah there was a noticeable difference on the good side.  I couldn't tell you how impactful the -res changes were but the cast time and cool down reductions totally add up to a smoother and more satisfying experience (sexual metaphor intended).

    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. So Far:


    - Symphonic (or Symphony) Control - Awesome - Except the sound which I will once again point out sucks and is not symphonic (or Symphony).  Someone commented on accuracy.  I didn't notice any difference.  Remember, cones require more accuracy (and there are a lot of cones).  I made a Controller and a Dominator (like I did on Test) and am enjoying both flavors (buff or blast you decide).

    - Change to aggro - I didn't really notice it much on Test but noticed it a little.  It wasn't a problem, it just made things . . . different which meant a little refreshing.  Good going.

    - Removal of AE from AP (and that other place, somewhere in the Isles where nobody goes 🙂  ) - Twenty minutes of good clean fun listening to chat as the farm drones couldn't figure things out.  I bet if they left the building in AP but just shrank it they would still get lost.  People would politely tell them it had been removed then point out the other location options (The D and KR being near) and they were all "how get there" . . . glorious.

    - Watching the crowds at iCon in AP trying out the new sheathed weapons.  That was pure happiness (as opposed to watching the world burn with the AE shtick).  I only have one blade wielder (cutlass pirate scrapper) and those aren't strapped to your back (not a gripe).  Seeing cats running with Nemesis staves or those giant twenty foot long swords' on their back was very . . . pleasing.

    - DFB breaking was just amusing to me; again its about watching the world burn for a few seconds.  The devs are dealing with it and its not like its content you cant ever go back and do so the minor inconvenience just makes for great TV.

    - I got an Aether drop but was to distracted to se what was what.  I never really tested the costume doodle stuff.


    All in all what is there not to like.  Its a free game that continues to deliver new things (big or small) and while everything may not please everyone it should still be pleasing to everyone.

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  11. 8 hours ago, Greycat said:

    Any big "what happened" change after a patch - Read the patch notes.


    Apparently the AE building in Atlas (and I guess Mercy, for the two people playing redside) was causing hordes of people to be utterly unable to navigate out of a paper bag.

    It was hilarious because someone would ask and get a civil answer then 1.5 seconds later another would ask the same thing.  That coupled with the Lost Boss Break in DFB caused a large portion of Atlas Park inhabitants to literally vapor lock, so dumbfounded that they couldn't even lose their minds.  It was the best! 🙂

    • Haha 6
  12. I've done dual builds on characters that aren't kitted out hard with Set IOs, mostly on my support toons.  I have a Emp/Psi Defender who has a Team build (heavy slotting on Empathy) and a Solo Build (Heavy focus on the Attacks) which also means tweaking pool powers a bit; if they can only (mostly) buff others but not themselves they are dual.

  13. 3 minutes ago, InvaderStych said:


    "It must be too subtle for the human ear."




    I don't think I read all of them, been decades!  Solid pull there! 👍

    Plus Phil Foglio's art in the books and later the comics is perfect I tellz ya.


    Oh Wait, back on topic.  Grumble!  Symphonic (or Symphony) Control crappy sounds grumble.  Lots of alts to log on.

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