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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. On 3/5/2022 at 7:33 AM, brasilgringo said:

    In my experience it was exactly this.  Plus people not slotting KD into Meteor, because they like the LOLZ, is no so fun ...

    LOLZ are fun if they don't ruin the game.  I was fully looking at KB --> KD on that when I reached it.  I have friends who Tank so I am aware of their pain.

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  2. 14 hours ago, Onlyasandwich said:

    100% hover is great on a stormy. Of course you can pick up CJ as well for the immob prot and extra cheap defense. You don't want to rely on Fly for in-combat maneuvering both because it's heavily suppressed and also for the end cost.


    Years of Hover-Blasting on Freedom taught me that lesson.  Thank you for the information though it has helped.

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  3. I am enjoying it even with the little quibbles about certain animations because its fun to hit people with rocks.  Its the most fun I've had with a Blaster since the old days on Freedom with my namesake Energy Blaster.

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  4. Hi, so I have started a Storm Summoning/Water Blast Defender and have spent a good part of the day reading peoples various posts and their links to some good external material.  So I have some general questions that I cannot seem to find a concrete answer on.  I am primarily focused on solo work with this character.


    1. Are there powers or power synergies that don't work well when not on the ground?  I know Seismic has some restrictions like this.


    2.  Airborne Storm - So when solo and airborne using Hover, does the KB of Hurricane become KD to ground-bound targets of normal type (Minion/Lieutenant) or just outright ineffective.  I have to assume I wont be able to herd and corner as well if at all but I cant really find any statement to that effect.


    3.  Outside of the additional mobility aspect, should I even bother with Hover and instead use something like Combat Jumping for the minor defense and increased mobility?


    4.  I am not Wind Wench


    Thanks in advance


    High Beam (Still Bitter Someone Else is Using Her Name)

    Formerly of the Babes of War on Freedom Now on Excelsior

  5. 19 hours ago, Nemeroff said:

    I can't speak for anyone but I'm on Excelsior.

    Bases. Every so often in the Help Channel someone asks for the macro for a public Cosmic Base. It has everything. I just use it for zone teleports.


    Hi Beam!


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