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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. I am looking forward to it.  I do not have as many alts as I used to so I am not having anxiety -  mostly.  The first pass will be mostly about tweaking and fine tuning as opposed to shifting major alignments for earlier usability.  Most alts are not exemping down any more so its not a super problem.


    - Mercs MM - The two upgrades and adding serum.  Fortunately I had some trash pool powers I could dump and realign slots.

    - DP/Ninja Blaster - Secondary selection change allows me to dump tranq dart and be extra swordy.

    - Fire/Fire Sentinel - Some tweaking relating to alterations to certain powers and an evaluation of Power of the Phoenix becoming a tool and not just a rez like that Dark one that stuns people . . . Noisy Death Stun . . . Howling Twilight.


    Now later on, when the OCD wakes me up at 3 AM and I am unable to get back to sleep because I am thinking about 108 permutations of Kinetics on a DP Corruptor, then I will have an issue.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  2. The text description should be cleaned up because I just got through about 45 minutes of testing on the Test server after I saw what I thought was a bug both with this and the Impervious Skin Resistance/Regeneration IO.

  3. Okay I just got done with the Hunstwoman  Same ultimate end result as the Merc, broke in iCon but fine on the outside.  But I was ale to get the screen shots working and I am gonna post them for information.  This is to not pick a fight, or question anything but rather provide you all some additional information to work with.  So as I said previously, I go into iCon and in the case of the Merc they have swapped the Merc gun for the frankengun (with the red fee and all) and the muzzle flash in iCon was actually good.  The Spider still correctly had her gun and it was good.  I did not choose the back holster change just went to the animation and watched the muzzle flashes render fine. (01 MERC and 03 ARAC)



    Then I go and make the changes to the Merc from Frankengun to regular weapon (still not doing holstered) and now it gets render broken.  With the Arachnos I do the holstered and it gets broken.




    Again, I understand that this is in iCon so in the scope of the patch and everything as long as its cool outside (which it is) then its more of an aesthetic quibble, but there is something to the issue being weapon customization unrelated to the holstered weapons.  Hope this helps.


  4. Okay just fired it up and executed the changes then left iCon. Sure as Rikti Monkies have gas the muzzle flash was good to go.  Note - When I jumped on Excelsior and went into iCon the tailor had put the default Frankengun in my weapon slot (16,000 influence red) but the muzzle flash animation was actually correct.  Then when I switched to the Merc gun it was off like on Test (as you noted), then when I went back tot he Frankengun it was also off.  Something to maybe put on a list of eventual look-see's.  But the "real world" out of iCon render is good.  Thanks.  Back to testing.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Cobalt Arachne said:

    Ah okay, yes, the power previewer doesn't handle the weapons right so that's not unexpected; If you can confirm in the zone when using a power on a target, everything should work properly.

    Interesting since I have never seen this before.  but I will be home in a few hours and commit the change then step out of iCon to test.  I suppose I should have posted this in Bugs not here.  Will advise.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. This was a transferred character from Excelsior (Munitions Mistress) Level 43.  Female Body Type, Average sliders, eye patch.  She has Burst, Slug and M30 Grenade.  Use the Mercenary rifle without silencer but tested it with every gun once I saw it.  Now this was in iCon because I was doing the costume change and when it went to the next page where it shows the animation, that's where you see it.  Conversely I actually never committed the change (because it drove me crazy) so I will have to go home and do so to see if it remains after I leave.

  7. That said, I really love this and look forward to more with the promise of holstered pistols.  Separately, and this is more of a wish statement, I would love to see a lateral rifle cradle on the back, it wouldn't really require any alteration to the draw animation (mostly) as it just sits on the back parallel to the shoulder blades.  There was one in Champions Online and it was really cool looking.

    • Like 1
  8. Specific feedback:


    Jumped on my Mercs Mastermind and there is something broken with the muzzle flash.  I tried to do screen caps for like a half hour to try and get one but no success.  I tried this with multiple different rifles, all the same result.  Muzzle flash from the side looks like its coming from the crook of the elbow.  But the most glaring is when looking head on at the character who is pointing their weapon at you.  When the weapons fire animates, the muzzle flash is what would equate to like 2 feet to the left (the characters right).  Again, it didn't matter what weapon or what animation; Burst, Slug or M30 it was all the same.  I will copy over my Huntress (Arachnos Soldier) today to check that out.


    I am seeing that comment about firing point desync fixes and this testing was done after the very latest patch (Like I tested around 11 PM EST) so either that caused it or it didnt fix it, or dev magic 🙂

  9. Only the French would bill Edmund Gwenn, Pat Medfords science father who has a sum total of maybe 7-8 minutes of screen time over the three main actors, two of which are in damn near every frame of the film.

  10. 7 hours ago, Greycat said:

    What's a touch annoying (other than apparently being one-shot by some of the EBs when I can take others on) is that they seem to *completely ignore* mastermind pets.

    Joke Mode Enabled - Do Not Take Seriously


    Well they are Mummy's and since it was you that broke the seal of Ra Amun Ka's tomb they should only pursue you for their vengeance and not the 6 hired laborers you brought along.  As for the Witches, did they add the little dog too part or just the I'll get you my pretty.


    Secure from Joke Mode - Restow all gear.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  11. On 10/6/2022 at 9:55 AM, srmalloy said:

    There aren't any good 'U' buildings in KW for that purpose, but for solo ToT, I like to use one of the rectangular office buildings there; working your way around the building expires the lockout on a door before you get back to it.

    No but there is a pretty good cluster with a central courtyard you can work pretty hard as a League by the hospital.  I badge capped about 7 characters there in a few hours cycling alts and no lag.


    My problem was that my dumb a$$ forgot to turn on a costume so the Tip for the Malleus Mundi would drop on said alts so I could cycle in my badge hunter six times.

  12. 39 minutes ago, gamingglen said:

     they got rid of ham & cheese sandwich (or the one that is nearest to me did).  😞  

    I know right?  Dunkin Donuts too.   And what about Chick Fil A killing the chicken salad sandwich.  Justice for Chicken Salad!

  13. Speaking of unfocused feedback, ever since McDonalds started to allow people to actually choose to have or not have certain things on the food they ordered, their service has gone to shit.  And what's the deal with ham being more expensive than sausage at Dunkin Donuts to where they remove it as a breakfast sandwich option . . . on a croissant.  I mean really ham and cheese croissant is the standard, not sausage and cheese.

    • Like 2
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  14. Okay so I copied over my level 43 Mercs/Traps MM (kinda stopped playing her even though she was the first character I (re)created when I arrived on HC).  So that means no incarnates and only about half of her slots filled with either IOs or Set IOs.  She is kind of built as a proc monster on certain things and the pets have the RES and DEF procs (1 of each) spread around.


    Parked in PI and started hitting street mobs (46-48 Possessed Scientists/Death Mage types as well as Rikti and Malta), so we are talking Red to purple.  Now I do have Tactics running.  Bottom line, enemies didn't wipe me out, something that when tested on live in the same area (and same type) was happening.  Granted at 48 there were tough fights but I was doing solo small mobs (3-4).  I am not little miss hardest setting.  Jumped into a Council radio mission (since they are heavily resistant to S/L) and the boys did their job, I even notched the diff up to +2/+4 (about my limit).  On the live version at that same setting, I got my a$$ handed to me.  Also, and this is just because it felt good, I jumped a large spawn of Malta creeps, like 8 or 9 with 2 LTs and the rest minions all yellow or orange.  Wiped their sneaky xenophobic butts.  It felt good.  Hollywood.


    So in summary I am supremely pleased here.  I have never expected them to be buffed to some kind of uber level and while I still think the issue of their level scaling needs to be addressed, I feel that this is pure win for Mercs.  I mean when my Reinforced Fire Team rolls in with a wall of bullets, the bad guys should die loudly and now they do.  The pace is a little faster and they feel more fluid.


    I did not test Serum, never took it and may never take it because I am content, I will leave the testing and feedback on that to others.


    The Resistance and Defense slotting I did test by adding a second slot to each so that those buffs did provide a noticeable (at least to me) improvement when coupled with the pet global in that area.  I will tweak the future build a little to factor this in when it goes live, but not three slots there.

  15. 20 hours ago, The Curator said:

    Tier 2 powers moved from level 2 to level 1 (character creation)

    This means I might not have to pick undesired secondary powers:  I think I need some private time:


    Storm Kick instead of Ki Push on my DP/MC Blaster

    Sting of the Wasp instead of the Dart on my DP/Ninja Blaster


    So after Edit.  The feedback here is that the idea of expanding the options of the secondary power selection at creation really is a great idea and totally harmless in the scope of . . . well anything.  The other secondary level adjustments make sense to me in that I always thought that primaries and secondaries should have always shared the same level availability; leave it to the player to pick.  And that is the only quibble I have.  Primaries should be left where they are, you should have to learn to play (that specific character and their specific powers) a little before you get that big old Tier 9.


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