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Everything posted by Redknight

  1. Does the recharge proc in kick only have a chance to work when you use the skill or is it a global thing?
  2. Awesome thank you very much!
  3. Looking for a good farm build that's actually decent playing the rest of the game as well. This will be my first 50 and I have ZERO idea on how to build IO sets for end game so any help would be awesome. Would prefer non fire/ but beggers can't be choosers right?! Especially ones with no influence made yet lol.
  4. Could you link me your beast/time build please? I'm a new player and definitely interested in playing a beast MM as my first MM.
  5. I am a returning player who dabbled in CoH waaaaay back in the day and would love to join an active SG that uses discord. Global: @Grimtiding Character: Old-School Look forward to joining.
  6. Downloading the game now and am 90% sure I am going to main a tanker. Neither of those sets existed when I played last and looking for advice. I am not a big alt player usually and don't want to waste a lot of time getting him to 50 if it's going to be a really subpar powerset combination. With it being my first character it will have to be able to function on the cheap for a very long time I imagine, so please keep that in mind. With all that said is rad/savage a good powerset combination? If so any build advice would be VERY appreciated and if not what do you recommend out of the newer powersets that's better? Thanks in advance!
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