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About THEDarkTyger

  • Birthday 03/02/1976

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  1. That fact that you think its shortcoming is that it only has a slightly longer reach than most melee attacks do? And its cone is freaking WIDE, that isn't "teeny" by any sensible definition.
  2. It pretty much sweeps my whole forward arc slightly longer than melee range. It's a melee power. I'm not expecting to hit guys across the room with it and it's kind of ridiculous if you are expecting that. It's good damage in a wide arc. Like....you have no clue what you're talking about here. I NEVER see it skipped in Savage Melee. People skip proton sweep because its damage vs end cost just straight up suck. That's not the case with all or even most melee arc attacks. Especially not with Shred.
  3. What?! Shred's cone isn't the widest, but it's not teeny by any stretch either. Not only should you take Shred, you should have it procced out and fire it every time it's up even if you're only fighting a single target. It's an AMAZING power.
  4. OF COURSE Blasters do more damage. Damage output is 100% of what they bring to the table. They're also glass cannons. You're not going to get extra survivability without sacrificing damage output. Sentinels are not and were never meant to be "tank mages". Also, yes, unslotted is also skewing your impression. Slot your powers, geez. Granted, DP is not the most damaging "blast" set, but it's still a decent set.
  5. Oh, good, thanks. I'm apparently searching impaired as I never seem to pull up threads that are RIGHT THERE when I try to search for a power combo. XD
  6. Seems to be an uncommon combo. Is there a solid reason for that? Any tips on making it an effective setup? I've never really run /sonic anything so don't know how it holds up. And my building skills are somewhat lacking. Any advice would be great, even if that advice is "Yikes, reroll as X!"
  7. Busy week, sorry for the late reply. That looks like something I can definitely work with. Thanks lots. 😉
  8. I can find a thousand spines/fire builds but it seems most anything else is scarce at best. Anyone got a mid price range spines/WP focused on survival?
  9. What's confusing me here is the build ALREADY HAS THE SLOTS in Stamina to slot a PS +end and PS EndMod. The difference in end recovery would be better, but only slightly, plus have the benefit of the move speed set bonus without needing any extra slots. I'm not talking about adding them to what's already there, but replacing the plain EndMod IO's already in Stamina. The figures you gave indicate that it'd be slightly better, so why not go with that? I'm sorry if I sound argumentative, I'm just trying to understand the decision. So far the explanations you've given don't apply because you're talking about not enough slots but it doesn't require moving a single slot.
  10. I am a little confused why you keep bringing up end recovery pieces from Panacea and such. Those have no bearing on slotting PS into Stamina. You don't have to choose between Panacea or PS...
  11. THEDarkTyger


    It seems I have a knack for making power combos no one plays. Which sucks when I need build to tweak and work off of because I can't build from scratch. Someone help me out here? 😉
  12. Maybe I'm reading that wrong, but it sounds like the PS proc + PS End Mod would still come out marginally better than just 2 EndMod IO's, plus have the benefit of the movement speed set bonus ( which is minor, but still ).
  13. Minor quibble: What's with the lack of Performance Shifter +end proc in Stamina. 😉
  14. Is this a problem with all weapon primaries with redraw? If I don't have my staff "out" already, there's a slight delay between the AS activating and damage being applied where stealth is dropped and the target gets a chance to fire back. Even if it's a one-shot kill with the AS, they can still get a return hit in.
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