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GM Crumpet

Game Master
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Posts posted by GM Crumpet

  1. I farm and play. I don't farm to get as many 50's as possible, I farm maybe once a month or longer if I have an alt that's struggling at lower levels and I want to get to a power tier that will help, or past content I'm bored with. Most alts have been played properly and once I get to tier 4 on all the incarnate stuff I move them to their own column and retire them. The only reason some of them have been logged in since they were retired 2+ years ago is to get the PaPs last Halloween. Otherwise they are not played. It doesn't mean I don't love them, and it doesn't mean I haven't sweated over keeping them alive and sworn like a sailor when I've done something stupid. So far I'm up to 21 retired level 50's and the number creeps up slowly. I have 2 more I'm working on that only need a few components to be complete, and maybe 6 that are 50 but are low vet level.


    The chances are their names are going to be in demand. I know this because I've seen others with the same name on other shards. The chances are also high that I probably will forget to log them in eventually and lose the names. I'd prefer that didn't happen. A lot of people retire their 50's and the farming to 50 discussion aside we tend to move on to other alts. I have probably a dozen or so at levels ranging from pre-10 to mid-40's. Those get played for a few days or weeks then I move on to a different one. The chances of losing those names is small. The retired 50's though, they are at risk simply because I've moved on. 


    Personally (and taking off my GM hat for a minute) I think it's a reasonable compromise. You can argue people have reduced the cachet of having an incarnated level 50 with farming, but people play how they play and if they are having fun and it's not hurting anyone else then that's their choice. I play how I play, which is mostly solo but team for the occasional iTrial or raid, and I'm not hurting anyone either. Alts under level 50 that get played at least occasionally will be safe. Level 50's will always be safe. Those 300 level 1's you made because you didn't want anyone else to have that name and will never use aren't safe. If you want to keep them you'll have to log them in very regularly, and that's going to get old very quickly.

    Getting to 50 even without farming isn't that hard now. With double XP, recipes, salvage, enhancements etc being reasonably priced, and purples being really common you can totally buff your character way past the difficulty. On live it was hard as most people couldn't afford more than a set or two. Now everyone can have as many purple recipes as they wish and can frankenbuild to the last fraction of a percent. People can work towards a build instead of just dreaming of it. We aren't stuck with 10 alts and that's all we get. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, ZemX said:


    Am I the only one surprised by this?  Maybe I missed some conversation since then but the Page 4 patch notes gave me the impression that Phase 1 warnings would become actual name releases on day one of Phase 2.


    Timer is really being reset for Phase 2?

    The way it is intended to work is depending on the level of the alt the timer increases. So level 1-X is maybe a week, X-Y a month etc. And nothing is wiped. The names stay on the alt until someone asks for it. You won't log in on day 2 and find all your level 1 alts named generic<number>. 

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  3. I have a few names I want but are taken and am quite happy to wait to get them. Or not get them at all, it's been a long time since I had them on live and I'm not so caught up in stuff the games ruined for me if someone else swoops in.


    It's  hard  to know how much to say being a GM with obvious ability to look at stuff players can't without getting into trouble  🙂. I will say that there is a huge number of names that would potentially be released. I think Number Six said a number that was mind boggling, but are they names people would actually take? Good solid names are most likely to be level 50 characters which would never be picked. A lot of the inactive names are pretty random and aren't likely to be chosen by another player. You might be lucky and find the perfect name that has been languishing on page 9 of someones alt list for three years at level 1. I wouldn't rely on it though. Nothing will happen on day one anyway. The timer will start then and it's quite a long timer. The low hanging fruit will release within a few weeks but the higher the level the longer the timer, so you might have to wait up to a year.


    I still think this is a better idea than others though. Some games will periodically wipe inactive accounts older than X years and you go away and come back after 2 years and find all your high level stuff is gone. At least here we don't wipe, and even with the name release system in place the chances are you'll still have your name when you return. Just don't expect your level 1 Captain USA to still be available though 🙂


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  4. We get asked this a lot and the simple answer is no. The complicated answer is also no, but it involves discussions of how each character is stored in the database with unique numbers and are tied to accounts also with unique numbers. If for example a character is accidentally duplicated both characters are locked until Cipher does some kind of dark incantation and probably sacrifices a rotisserie chicken which takes him quite a while. He has to get the grease off the keyboard for a start.......


    It was looked into, but sadly it's a mess up in the high levels of admin and most of the time touching one thing breaks five other things unexpectedly. 

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  5. As for the rest of the discussion, it's quite an interesting idea. Just remember that other people have opinions and they might differ from your own. And that's fine and good fun to see. Just remember to be nice if you disagree and be constructive. I have no opinion one way or the other 🙂 

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  6. I'll reiterate what has been said ad nauseum and some people still won't believe. We as a team (From Cipher down to lead GM's, normal GM's and CR team) do not now and never have spawned Kronos titan for funsies. It's actually a weird little bug that pops up now and again which we haven't been able to track down. Of course there are admin codes. How do you think GM's pop into your mission or SG base when we come to help? Or fix your broken missions? We never use them to grief or abuse players. I was actually on an Adamastor team yesterday and was just as surprised as everyone else when Kronos Titan appeared. It certainly wasn't one of us who spawned him, and the list of people with Admin access is very small.

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  7. 5 hours ago, Luminara said:

    I think it's some script kiddie fucking around with a new toy.  A Google search shows the same spam on multiple small forums, but it's not widespread, it's not hitting big sites, and it's not constrained to just one forum software.  It's all very recent (nothing before a couple of weeks ago), too.  The sites I'm looking at show the same slow, lackadaisical approach to the attack that we're seeing, nothing of the scale that a real attack would entail (hundreds or thousands of accounts all posting simultaneously).  Someone with a small botnet or a single bot, testing it, finding out what it can do.  That it goes dark for several hours between attacks suggests that it's either rotating targets, hitting a site for a while, then moving on to the next one in the list, or the user hasn't figured out how to fully automate it yet and has to be in front of the computer to make accounts and start the bot working.  My gut tells me it's the latter.

    Sounds very plausible. Baby hackers have to start somewhere I suppose. The sad part is there is a small but vulnerable minority who despite all the warnings and information available they still fall for it. I see it on Facebook where blindingly obvious fake pages are shared "just in case". No Karen, they aren't giving away RV's/ Massive TV's/ free coffee and donuts for the first 1000 likes and shares.

    A while ago it was "before and after" pics of some thin woman next to a fat woman saying this slime in a jar helped them lose 10 stone in a month. It was shared everywhere. That kind of weight loss is impossible unless you are extremely sick or you've had extreme surgery. When I had covid and covid related pneumonia I didn't eat for three weeks and barely drank. I lost 2 stone. No amount of keto crap would have made the weight loss any greater. Yet people still fell for it in a big way.

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  8. It was my pleasure. I didn't even know the map went down that far!! I'm just glad I saw the ticket in time. The funny thing is there is a rare duplicating bug where occasionally tickets will clone themselves and send repeatedly. You had 24 tickets all for the same thing. It took me longer to clear the ticket queue than it did to sort your problem out 🙂


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  9. I have a plant dom and I find the entangle and roots really useful. I solo a lot and the holds and imobs mean I'm attacking with a lot more effect than I would expect. Add in seeds of confusion and outside of some EB's I'm pretty well sorted. I forget the name of the secondary (It's the one where you throw bees at people) but I find I don't use it that much. I do just to mix things up, but with the plants set I'm spoiled for choice. 


    It's funny, some people have their "must have" power and other people look at the same thing and go "meh" 🙂 

  10. Please keep reporting anything like that. We appreciate everyones efforts to keep the forum spam free as much as possible.


    And yes, it's a bit weird to get lots of airline spam. I think they might have misread City of Heroes: Homecoming and  thought it said Lufthansa 😛 

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  11. 1 hour ago, WindDemon21 said:

    OK thank you for that! I can understand how that impacts the system for the pack openings, but what about claiming character items? Especially things like claiming converters and such, could there be an option to pop up a window where you put the number in there that you want to claim?

    I believe it's the same system so claiming too many at a time clogs the system till the server reset. I truly don't know the mechanics of it, I just had to deal with the fallout

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  12. I'm not a dev and only know a fraction of the problems, but the reason it was disabled was that it was overloading something and causing all kinds of mayhem and drama. We made the problem ourselves unfortunately by making something widely available that previously was only available in limited quantities. The system was never designed to open hundreds of packs a minute and it only became an issue when players found a way to do just that.  As per usual something that did one thing had an unfortunate effect on something else so had to be restricted. You can still open them the old slow way, you just can't open them rapidly and in bulk. The answer to any question that starts "Can't the devs just...." is generally "They could, but they don't have hundreds of hours to totally rebuild the system from scratch"

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  13. Hey guys

    I understand the strong feelings and have no issue with the discussion, but just a reminder to keep cursing to a minimum. 


    Also (and again I have no problem with how it was handled) just a reminder that descriptions of conversations are perfectly fine as long as the player you are discussing isn't identified in any way. No copy/paste of chat logs or screen shots. We all complain about people, and so far it's acceptable, but don't ask "Who was it?" or variations on that as then it will become a problem 🙂 

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