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  1. No real build, I used the classics: - QoL IOs like Kismet+7% hit chance, miracle +recovery, panacea, performance shifter...etc - Stack as much Luck of the Gambler as you can. - Weave, and the 3 leaderships. - Then one Thunderstrike set on top of all that so you don't have to use any +accuracy into your attack that way you can stack 3 damage and 3 recharge on each attacks (till you have a build at higher level) - Then i don't use the first warmace attack, that way all your attacks have a very high chance of controls. It was really that simple leveling with it, good damage, 3 AOE, high controls, simple to use
  2. I tried different /stoneArmor builds to see which primary would be best with StoneArmor. it was mostly on scrapper but the diff is not huge so I can post it here: - Katana/StoneArmor: Very safe, good ST, average AOE, quick and beautiful animations, could have a good bump in damage with full -20res proc's in every attacks. good balance attack/def. - Dual Blades/StoneArmor: Very high damage ! the higher level you get and the more -GlobalRecharge, the more you do damage by far, only problem is if you optimize your damage (which you should) you get 0 controls and it's a big problem when facing difficult fights, and some endurance problems too but it can be fixed easely. If you want damage this is the one for sure. On brute for the taunts if you hate runners, otherwise on scrapper for more damage. - WarMace/StoneArmor: great ST, great AOE, insane controls, very safe and good damage, it was the easiest to play and it's nice to see slow animations with good numbers that almost always stuns or knockdowns. I rank Warmace first for the ease of use (no active buffs, nothing), for the good ST/AOE damage, simplicity and insane controls. Katana is a close second for it's incredible balance between precision (-def on each hit), safety (+def buff) and can slot -20res into each attack, making it a good damage build also. Dual blade I love it but sadly no defense and no controls is simply dangerous in the long run, you kill quickly but you are also in danger, making the fight a race of who kills who first.
  3. Yes a few archetypes require a buff, unless you play an OP build almost every primairy/secondary will be better on other ATs Sentinel is a worst blaster Scrapper is a worst stalker Dominator is horrible for leveling Tank is a worst brute
  4. Can we get the build of this fortunata please ?
  5. After a few tries, I find that the only useful sentinel is the one with +Range and +Damage into its secondary. (Like Bio) with this secondary, you do a good amount of bonus damage/+hit AND you get almost the range of a blaster. Now all you need is a primary that get's you enough ST AND AOE damage and you're set (Controls is a bonus.) I can't understand any other way of playing a sentinel really, it's a worst Blaster/Corruptor if you don't optimize you power choices to the limit of the Archetype.
  6. Yes Not sure about it but my guess is that Shield adds damage but lacks heals/endu which can be balanced using IOs and powers. While Energy can add even more life/endurance, but will never be able to add damage. So I guess EA is more for tanks and Shield more for DPS ?
  7. I'm testing a Warmace/Stone scrapper, and With one +Slow bubble inside mud I can clearly see a big difference, it seems that they start running away later and of course a lot slower. Maybe with 3 +Slow it'll be enough vs runners ? I guess we'll find out soon Edit: let's hope they add an AOE taunt to scrappers someday
  8. Sadly after a lot of discussion it seems that the lack of TAUNT is a big problem for scrappers, so now the question is: Shield vs Energy aura ? I created a new topic for it, here's the link:
  9. For Warmace Which one is better, the Damage boost and additional AOE of Shield, or the Global recharge and extra regeneration/endurence of Energy aura ? Edit: Also which one is easier/faster to level with ? Which one is cheaper to equip during leveling and at high level ?
  10. I prefer defense to resist if I must choose. But I'd like a secondary that gives damage also, and I really can't figure out which one would be best. Stone Armor: - +100% Regen life - 15% global recharge - +20% fire damage - Aura fire damage - 20% endurance recovery Shield: - a bit more defense - a bit more resist - bonus damage per enemy around - an AOE attack that controls - Taunt - Less endurance needed overhaul Really don't know which one is better for a warmace scapper ?
  11. Hi I'm playing either solo or with a friend, and I want the typical "Attack first -> think later" kind of Hero. I want: - a mix of simplicity (no combo/stacks...) - effectiveness in both offense (Single and AOE) and defense/resist - Controls almost each time I attack. That's why I chose Warmace. QUESTION: My problem is I hesitate between Stone armor and Shield, both being simple, effective in both defense and offense, but which one would give the most out of this build. This char is for leveling for now, starting from level 1, and i can equip a few classic Quality of life IOs (panacea and stuff).
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