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  1. power boost - benumb - soul storm - yum!
  2. my suggestion would be illusion/kinetics controller.
  3. now, now...just offering some constructive feedback, if you would like to improve on it, just message me in game sometime..👺
  4. its an interesting build, no FS/FSC, yet woah! many offensives, multiple 6slotted that achieve nada...no gaussians, sheild wall/reactive/unbreakable guard/absorb proc, ..actually took Stealth pool which has a far superior and easier alternative, not impressed at all Snark, you surviving off foodstamps or something lol
  5. it sure is ummm something, quick glance gave me a good chuckle..
  6. nope, wrong... i haven't followed any of the conversations, because i have no clue what you are trying to say, drop the attitude, and the petty insults, articulate yourself a little more intelligently and with some respect. you're coming off like an asshole, and its just kinda sad, i have no idea why you are talking about fire/fire blasters...lol
  7. exactly how did i miss it, when i quoted you saying it..?
  8. huh..? you are willing to bet your fire/fire blaster will blow doors off any toon i gots...and you can clean a few hundred faster than what, a tank..? excuse me..? having a little trouble understanding tbh Snark..
  9. sure, i agree with everything you stated, i should have chosen my words more carefully, i guess my point was leaning more toward what i may prioritize, tanks yes, deal damage they can, but lets not underestimate the low values.
  10. when i play tank i tend to take my responsibility quite seriously!....like a parent with 7toddlers at the mall, keep my eye on em at all times, i bounce around like a beach ball, furiously spamming tab and taunt....i not there to deal damage, and personally i love the challenge of trying to drag 2mobs into a 3rd, creating one big fine mess. ...anyways, probably not helping with what you asked, here's a pic
  11. sacre bleu!!
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