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Everything posted by firelightx

  1. SG Name: The Protectorate RP/RP Friendly: We are a heavy RP group that focuses on weekly/monthly plots & campaigns. Theme: We mimic the MCU's Avengers in terms of general feel. That sort of "save the world" power scale dealing with major threats to the city. Redside/Blueside: Blueside exclusively. Timezone/Event Times: American timezones, most events happen around 8 or 9 PM Eastern Recruitment Message: The Protectorate is a large, highly active, heavy RP supergroup, and we're looking to add new members to our roster! We put a lot of focus on storytelling, and giving our members the tools to get involved, or tell their own stories if they wish! Heavily inspired by the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we are always looking toward our next big adventure, and how we can shake up the status quo. In Character, The Protectorate is based out of the top floors of the largest skyscraper on Peregrine Island, known as the Monolith. From their headquarters, they work closely with Portal Corp, providing security and regularly assisting expeditions into new dimensions. They also patrol the city, stopping threats and looking for opportunities to inspire hope among the citizens. The Protectorate believes that a hero must not only inspire the people to be brave, true, and strong but to stand for what is right. They should be willing to lay down their very lives to protect it, and find strength in being a symbol others aspire to be. A member of the Protectorate isn't merely looking for the next bad guy to arrest, their goal is to bring hope and community to a world that should feel a little brighter. Even in the darkest of times, what good is saving the city, if those we save have no hope? Contact Details: Join the discord and chat with us directly there. We love to get to know people, and keep most of our SG activities open to anyone, member or not. OOC Details: The Protectorate has a long history - it was an SG back on the live servers, and it is one of the first SGs on Everlasting. We've been going strong since Homecoming launched, with a team of DMs that keep SG story arcs, AE missions, dice events, and RP hooks rolling all month long, every month. We love to coordinate with members to help get their character's story arcs in front of the other RPers, and put a high focus on making sure each character gets their moment to shine. We use a custom dice system that is very easy to learn and works well with our RP events in game. The system rewards cooperation with others, featuring things like Superhero Combos and Heroic Moments to make sure you have every opportunity to show off your character's coolest moves against the supervillains. And to top it off, we have one of the largest bases on Everlasting - a full scale 40-story tall skyscraper and accompanying complex, complete with all the amenities a superhero could ever need. It includes a listening post, briefing room, dorms, arena, workout areas, medical, brig, and more. Plenty of options for engaging in casual RP in between events! OOC Expectations: We are looking for people who have an interest in getting to know us, and letting us get to know you. Our application process can take up to a couple of months - this gives us time to feel you out, make sure it's a good fit, let you meet people and see how we do things. Fear not - almost all of our RP activities are open to non-members and guests at any time, so even while you're in our long application process, you'll still be able to take part in everything we have going on. If you'd like to meet us, ask questions, or submit an application, just join our discord! https://discord.com/invite/coh-protectorate
  2. How are you feeling about this build after the changes to sorcery & Rune of Protection?
  3. The answer is to pick a different power. There are plenty of sprint powers that go roughly half the speed of Super Speed already - Ninja Run, Athletic Run, the new Infiltration travel power in the Concealment line, etc.
  4. This is a minor thought - since you added the flight animations to Hover... is there any chance you could add Hover animations to Peacebringer's Combat Flight?
  5. I mentioned it elsewhere, but I'll mention it here, too. Losing Invisibility is fine from a mechanics point of view (being rolled into Stealth makes a lot of sense, those powers were always weirdly redundant), but aesthetically I'm going to miss being actually invisible. Is there some way we can get Invis levels of transparency added to Stealth's tailor options?
  6. These are the new movement speed caps (without Afterburner or anything) To achieve the running speed cap, it took 1 Run speed IO in Swift 3 Run Speed IOs in Super Speed To achieve the flight speed cap, it took: 1 Flight Speed IO in Flight Turning on Evasive Maneuvers (unslotted) To achieve the Jump Speed & Jump Height caps, it took: 1 Jump IO in Hurdle 2 Jump IOs in Super Jump With Afterburner on, the flight speed cap goes up to this. This is using the same slotting as mentioned above.
  7. It's been about a year since the last time we got new base builder or tailor items. I know making new art assets isn't easy, but are there any plans to bring in more of the existing assets?
  8. What about getting tailor options for Invis levels of transparency again? Is that possible?
  9. From my testing, both Super Jump and Mighty Leap hit the same caps (101.8mph, 200ft height) with just 2 lvl 50 IOs (plus a level 50 in Hurdle) So they're exactly the same in that regard. Takeoff increases the speed cap to 110.39, so only a 9 MPH speed increase. And it doesn't increase the jump height at all. And that speed increase only has a 25% uptime. Compared to Superjump, which now as a power that increases your jump height to infinity, with a 25% uptime So I don't know if I'd go calling Mighty Leap 'better' per se.
  10. I just tested it - the unenhanced speed is the same as before. They increased the caps, but not the base speed. So if you never put a flight speed enhance in the power, your movement will be the same as on live. 🙂
  11. Can we get the new Stealth to have the old Invisiblity's visuals? I really liked being almost impossible to see out of combat, for RP and aesthetics Edit: Maybe as a power customization option? Which I also notice, they're missing the Minimum FX settings they used to have
  12. I don't think it needs to be immediate, that's pretty extreme. Shorter would be nice, though.
  13. So my first thought: I like these changes. I'm sad to lose the GM command, but I honestly think what we're getting in place of it (the new beacons, the VIP power to place my own portal, etc) is a really really good addition that makes losing the command feel a lot better. And honestly, I think the droppable portal power will be a lot more immersive, too. I will say - the Accolade Long Range Teleport? Fantastic idea. Buuuuut having to collect the badges from every single zone in order to unlock each zone? On every character? That's a hell of a grind. And there's really not much incentive to do that when I can just drop 10m inf on the P2W vendor, get the base portal, and memorize some base code with all the beacons. You know? I like the idea of doing some exploration to unlock the initial accolade but I think the effort needs to be weighed against the effort required for similar options of getting around.
  14. Totally fair! Just spitballing ideas 🙂
  15. If it's worth anything... I might actually recommend range instead of endreduc in that one? Extra range on buffs is a quality of life thing at best, but likely more impactful than endreduc would be, considering their low cost already
  16. I really think what we really need is a reasonable set for passives where we're only 3 slotting for Endmod anyway. Quick Recovery, Stamina, etc. There's a lot of those powers across several melee ATs and nothing feels right to slot into them
  17. Regarding the endmod sets: I'm not sure how necessary the endreduc is, for those sets. Maybe for the damage themed sets, sure, but any powers meant for boosting Recovery/Endurance already come with dramatically low Endurance costs already. Also, this is confusing: Why is there Accuracy in the set for powers that don't need accuracy?
  18. The Protectorate is a large, highly active, heavy RP supergroup, and we're looking to add new members to our roster! We put a lot of focus on storytelling, and giving our members the tools to get involved, or tell their own stories if they wish! Heavily inspired by the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we are always looking toward our next big adventure, and how we can shake up the status quo. In Character, The Protectorate is based out of the top floors of the largest skyscraper on Peregrine Island, known as the Monolith. From their headquarters, they work closely with Portal Corp, providing security and regularly assisting expeditions into new dimensions. They also patrol the city, stopping threats and looking for opportunities to inspire hope among the citizens. The Protectorate believes that a hero must not only inspire the people to be brave, true, and strong but to stand for what is right. They should be willing to lay down their very lives to protect it, and find strength in being a symbol others aspire to be. A member of the Protectorate isn't merely looking for the next bad guy to arrest, their goal is to bring hope and community to a world that should feel a little brighter. Even in the darkest of times, what good is saving the city, if those we save have no hope? https://discord.gg/ThTvtHF
  19. SG Name: The Protectorate RP/RP Friendly: Very RP Heavy. Several RP events per week, most activities are done in-character Theme/Era: Avengers / MCU style heroes and stories (Standing for hope, justice, fighting off threats both big and small) Redside/Blueside: Blue How to join: Start in our discord, you can meet us there and apply! https://discord.gg/ThTvtHF Recruitment Message: The Protectorate is a large, highly active, heavy RP supergroup, and we're looking to add new members to our roster! We just finished up a major storyline as the Protectorate faced off against Arachnos to foil their latest plot, making this the *perfect* time to join up as we prepare for our next big story. We put a lot of focus on storytelling, and giving our members the tools to get involved, or tell their own stories if they wish! Heavily inspired by the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we are always looking toward our next big adventure, and how we can shake up the status quo. In Character, The Protectorate is based out of the top floors of the largest skyscraper on Peregrine Island, known as the Monolith. From their headquarters, they work closely with Portal Corp, providing security and regularly assisting expeditions into new dimensions. They also patrol the city, stopping threats and looking for opportunities to inspire hope among the citizens. If you join, you'll be able to join one of several teams that will help you find specialized RP that suits your character's interest: The Technology Team, building all the tech and hacking all the computers for the SG The Magic Team, keeping the spirits in line and unraveling mysteries The Investigations Team, spies and sleuths keeping their ears to the ground looking for clues The Security Team, assisting Portal Corp and defending the Monolith The Medical Team, patching up the other heroes and looking for ways to fix the damage done during plotlines The Public Relations Team, focused on inspiring the people and standing as a beacon of hope for all``` The Protectorate believes that a hero must not only inspire the people to be brave, true, and strong but to stand for what is right. They should be willing to lay down their very lives to protect it, and find strength in being a symbol others aspire to be. A member of the Protectorate isn't merely looking for the next bad guy to arrest, their goal is to bring hope and community to a world that should feel a little brighter. Even in the darkest of times, what good is saving the city, if those we save have no hope? https://discord.gg/ThTvtHF
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