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Posts posted by Naraka

  1. 4 hours ago, Ukase said:

    I should say, I don't dislike all of them. But, for me, here are my reasons, specifically against dual blades. 

    I like the idea of the game pointing out an optimal attack chain. The problem is - in my builds, anyway, 

    I run into using the initial attack (no circles to tell me which to use first), then, a second. Then I get a circled clue, mash that, then the 4th circled is ready, I do that, and then the next attack is ready, and then..the next attack is not recharged. By the time it does recharge, it's no longer circled. 

    Additionally, I haven't paid attention to the specific numbers, but these attack chains do not seem optimal. I seem to get higher dps from different attack chains. So what good are they if they aren't a clear benefit? 

    Premise: The combo mechanic (for dual blades, anyway) will ALWAYS be limited the way CoH is played presently. ALWAYS. 
    Why? Because it's depending on slotting. It's relying on the player to slot for recharge, rather than some other attribute. And even if you do, it's sometimes not enough recharge anyway. Sometimes, you have to opt for defense & resist over recharge, but a lot depends on what you're fighting and your playstyle, and your secondary armor choice. 

    But if I'm just going off of feedback from the game - (do I have enough endurance? do I have enough defense? etc) - then I'm not always going to choose recharge to get that attack up and ready on queue. 

    Now, if each power's detailed info gave specific details on how much recharge was needed for a given power to be ready to fire, then perhaps I'd use the set more. A thousand cuts is a hoot to fire off in the midst of a mob. But, when the circled attacks aren't ready to fire when called for, it just fills me with frustration, and I'll soon log and choose something that doesn't rely on this stupid gimmick. I call the gimmick stupid because clearly, I'm too lazy/stupid to do the math to determine the proper route. But, should I really have to? It's the game's combat mechanic. If it's relying on recharge to use it properly, the detailed info tab for the attack should reveal the recharge required, or alternatively, adjust the damage from the attack accordingly. If used in 1 second - it deals X damage. If used in 2 seconds, it deals 2X damage, 3 seconds 3X damage, etc. 
    Of course, X should be some low scale value, with a cap of some higher value, so it's not taking unfair advantage. 

    But, hey, that's just my thoughts on it, since you asked the question. 

    As for Savage melee, I kind of like it...but I would prefer it give some notification beyond the icon in the buff bar. I was probably level 25 before I even knew what it was. I had seen no indication that I was building any kind of frenzy. Fury, yes. Frenzy? Those icons didn't really make themselves noticeable to me. And some attacks don't seem to give an icon at all. I just use Blood Thirst as a build up and don't really worry about building Frenzy. 

    I feel the divide here is the misconception that the combos highlighted by the system is outlining the meta-game goal of max performance. You can use whatever skills you calculate to be maximum but the combo system is meant to give bonus effects, not max performance.


    Tangent: I find it odd how players could be so concerned with how bad-A their character looks standing still but only ever bother using the attacks that barely have animations because they're mostly only concerned with performance. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 40 minutes ago, SuperPlyx said:

    Like most people, I like some, dislike others. DB is good in that you can use or ignore.

    My main problem child is TW momentum .....I can never get that working worth a damn, I  just gave up on it.


    I dunno, TW is most fun when you get prime time unloading. It's least fun when mobs die quickly that I have to reposition or left putting down onesies and twosies. The obvious psychological solution is to just make mobs flow endlessly and stack but you'll just be frustrated when you can't.


    I suppose I often take the bad with the good. The good is also just the fun in watching my character swinging that weapon aroundv or running around with it wielded. The bad being it's clunky by design compared with a normally sized weapon like a katana or staff.

  3. 14 minutes ago, EmperorSteele said:

    So while i LIKE the IDEA of combo mechanics, whenever I play such a set, it rarely "feels good". Like, hey, this bad guy is almost dead, but NOW the orange ring shows up and it's like, do I use it? I don't have to, but if I don't, I feel like I've wasted my time?


    Or it's like hey, I've built up my 3 points of whatever... too bad there's no one to use it on oh HEY there's a mob over there, I'll just- oh. My counters just expired. Sigh.




    Do you dislike playing Brute? I couldn't imagine being able to function well leveling up or even in any team capacity with that mentality.


    As far as combos as a whole, I guess I'm in that odd outlier that thinks all combos and styles are good it's just some are better than others. I might not play Dual Blades as often as other sets but I wouldn't want the set reduced or look at the function with disdain because power sets, like most games, are like ice cream or food in general. Just because I don't want a flavor right now doesn't mean I won't want to have some later or even if I don't like the flavor, someone else likely does. If it's okay to love, it's okay to hate. 


    With regards to new sets, the OP highlights an important point in that there are only so many ways to dress a set. Without extra features from unique mechanics, there's only so many combos of damage types and secondary effects and even then, many of the existing damage types and secondary effects provide precious little in the field of "uniqueness" to justify the set existing.


    Concluding on the subject of gameplay, fun factor and strategy, it's no secret the game is limited on naturally building difficulty which limits strategy. Requiring the player to successfully perform to maximize their performance is a common gameplay loop while requiring the player to be aware of their surroundings and the enemy is the other. The latter is not as prevalent, especially on teams, so the former is likely going to be the only portion you're directly concerned with. I'd say, those that don't like interacting with various combos simply don't want obstacles in maximizing their performance which is understandable but foolish since it's practically the only loop left that makes the game categorized as interactive.


    I think the best approach moving forward, both with current combo sets and new sets, is to iron out wrinkles that could make the combos too clunky but don't be too concerned with inconveniencing the player if the hoop has a reward. Further still, I'd like to see more combos similar to Dual Blades (like a ranged boomerang set) but I think it's also important to introduce sets with mild combos that are mostly background like Rad and Psi melee. Shock Therapy did this well, being mostly a background combo functionally, but don't be afraid to make something more involved. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. Buff/debuff sets are the most varied sets in the game so their effectiveness is often going to lean on play style, build and preset combination.


    Poison is a more active debuff set that can stack a lot of effects if the fight lasts that long but the beauty is going to shine when you pair the set... Just like the rest of the sets.


    I went poison/dark defender because dark has a lean towards prolonged fights and safety. Throwing out a Blackstar opens up to them put down a trap or start dropping resistance or spreading out those slows/disorients. It's got some melee ranged powers to chain if power is going to be the goal. 


    The only contention you run into with sets is if your expectation for every set is the same this ultimately playing the same.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 8 hours ago, TKDGUY23 said:

    I was wondering how well would an energy control that focuses around stuns, immobilize, holds, and a power that stuns a huge group that's like Nova but geared for a large stun radius.


    I noticed how you left out one of the other defining aspects of "energy" powers in this game: knockback.


    But I'll agree with Aurora_Girl on this and say Energy Control would literally be Gravity Control. Even ignoring the strong conceptual ties to gravity, the aura created by Gravity Control's powers are very shiny and energy-looking and could be conceptualized as the user controlling a coating of energy to shut down enemies.  Your pet is even a ball of energy.


    Now if you'd like to create a set suggestion around energy, that might be more entertaining as you could show us how it would differ from other control sets similarly to how posters have made suggestions for Light Control despite Illusion Control existing.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Marshal_General said:

    I think how great regen seems to be is colored by the perception of what you paired it with. I have a thread on the brute forum where I am testing an ice/regen doing +4/8 radio missions on the test server against Council, CoT and CoS and never died and never had to use MoG or IH. I rarely had to use Reconstruction except when the CoT debuffed my regen into the red.

    That type of perception isn't limited to just Regen tho.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. 16 hours ago, Aurora_Girl said:


    Pretty sure we know how fast thoughts work, champ. 

    Do you have the formula? Also any variables like transmission medium that isn't a cerebral synapse.


    I'm not even being that pedantic. I'm sure there has been in-game lore about the study of mental powers since characters like Mother Mayhem had a while branch of medical professionals that end up creating such meta-humans. It's not something I look for but I wouldn't put it past the writers to make some tongue-in-cheek references to the slow "thought projectile speed" of the game because it is a rather unique style of mental powers in CoX.


    On the other hand, most other media portray mental powers as near instant when, in reality, thoughts are certainly not instantaneous.

  8. 2 hours ago, Aurora_Girl said:


    I don't need the damage to happen X seconds from now. I need it to happen now. 


    Why in the hell arrows travel instantaneously while thoughts take three seconds baffles me. 

    Because one is made of metal/wood while the other doesn't follow natural laws of physics or understanding?

  9. 1 hour ago, Sovera said:

    I really dislike resistances. It should be nominal at best and roleplayish, not dumb numbers like 30% and above.


    We return to the whole 'what does this add to the game?' and what it adds is more time whittling enemies down.

    But that's all they are regardless of having or not having resistance. Requiring more time to defeat enemies is kind of the point unless you'd be fine with literal practice dummies for mobs (and for a lot of builds, that's all they are because they don't have much time to use their powers).


    Anyways, someone mentioned the concept of enemies being weak to confuse. I think there might be enemies that have weakness to KB but not sure about other mez. Would be interesting to make a foe difficult to hold but easy to confuse or something like that.


    Another prospect I pitched was giving mobs powers that either suppress while mezzed or maybe weakened afterwards... Like if you put a mob to sleep for 3 sec, they have a passive that stacks -res on themselves. The point would be to introduce alternative methods to engage enemies rather than the standard. You could just charge at such a foe but they might take a lot more punching to take down than if you put them to sleep and blew up the hard targets one by one after they were asleep for a few seconds.


    And the above is mostly just briefly thought it hypothetical to demonstrate my point, not a direct suggestion.

  10. 3 hours ago, arcane said:

    HARD NO. The ability to stack damage from multiple attacks in one instant of time by understanding the varying projectile speeds is the #1 coolest thing about the set. 

    Same goes for Seismic Blast.

    I was actually going to post how it would be a neat mechanic if there was some kind of power that would "freeze" your next few projectiles for a few seconds before unleashing them all at once. Probably not something to implement since players only care about speed and AoE but it certainly has is used when you're trying to burst down a pesky target.


    Psi Lance is one of my favorites of the set. If changes were made to the set, I wouldn't want it to be made faster as it doesn't actually make the gameplay faster or more responsive, but rather less impactful with not much commitment in your use of powers.

  11. This mission is a nice change of pace. Depending on what kind of loadout your teams have will change how you approach the mission.


    As mapped out above, there are 2 paths the pumpkins run through to get to the escape. To priority is clearing anything so you can push out to the mouths of those 2 paths. You split the team so you get equal coverage on both but if your team is lopsided, you might have to make a more "scout and report" strategy where you're communicating where the runners are instead.


    A buffer is going to be bouncing around to refresh the team, a controller or debuffer might aim to act as goalies to slow down the seams, a ST focused character might scout and draw in more groups, the tank may focus on purely herding for slaughter and the nukers are just getting rid of everything as quickly as possible.


    But as described above, top priority is pushing the assault to the mouths of the paths that lead to the henge. There, it's easy to move back and forth between the openings and you have space to lock foes down before they get close to escaping.

    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    I hope you don't regret it. I for one am happy that you took the time to test it and post the results.


    The purpose of this wasn't really to "prove you wrong", it was to show people, and hopefully the developers, a couple of things:

    1. That people want Regen ported to Tankers.
    2. That Regen is provably the worst armor set for melee characters and needs to be improved even if they're not going to port it to Tankers.


    Oh sure, I was giving you a hard time. Well, not just you, but everyone who kept saying "Regen is fine" in the face of obvious evidence to the contrary. You may be unhappy that you were proven wrong, but your test might very well result in Regen being improved and possibly even ported to Tankers. In comparison to that accomplishment a couple of laughs by some old knucklehead on the forum who's named himself after a bird shouldn't matter.


    Lol I think you're jumping the gun. Throwing around terms like "proves" is just as hyperbolic as your view of posters saying "Regen is fine". I'd have said something more like "that's supporting anecdotal research for adding improvements to the set".


    I could flip the logic and say a set that can do the mission with SOs only and solo is too strong and should be nerfed down but I'm not taking one circumstantial test as proof.


    That said, I certainly think Ice Patch would have bridged a lot of gaps for practically any armor set in such a situation. Is Cross Punch providing that much burst damage and mez? I suppose I'm one of those old hats that like to keep situation powers in my pocket for instances like this rather than going all in on offense which doesn't suit Regen. And Burnout is just not available often enough for me to ever want to pick it up (I'm also not a huge fan of hasten so I don't even get that often).


    Speaking of Burnout, I believe I heard suggestions to improve Regen's Revive by giving it a similar effect to Burnout but only for your Regen clicks.  Using it while KO'ed would mean you're put back on your feet with all your heal/regen clicks available again to start anew and using Revive while alive would refresh your Regen clicks but put Revive on a x2 recharge...something like that...it would still be a niche power...not sure how OP that would be in the grand scheme of things.

  13. 13 minutes ago, Replacement said:

    (first, as an aside: understood on your first response.  Thumbs up for clarification)


    Onto the quoted bit: this either doesn't make sense or is just irrelevant. 

    Buffing Kinetic Melee buffs all Kinetic Melee characters, but it does not buff War Mace characters.  


    If you are saying buffing Kinetic Melee buffs Bio Armor because you can combine them, that's irrelevant to Bio Armor.  Because stronger Melee set+Bio Armor combinations exist as the natural ceiling already.  If a Kinetic Melee buff brought it up to, say, Rad Melee levels, and Regen were simultaneously buffed up to Bio Armor levels -- that just means it's competing with Rad/Bio combos.  Those particular characters are improved, but the AT as a whole is still not contributing more than was previously expected of them.


    If my delineation of "at the AT level" is confusing or seems random: it's the core "package" level.  Only AT defines what Primary+Secondary(+Epic) combinations are possible, and therefore what the performance ceiling of that particular package can be.


    Of course, if we want to get lost in the weeds on this topic... for some reason?  Yes: the exception is "emergent" combinations.  AKA "The Soul Drain" problem.  You can take a mediocre set and combine it with the right set and get a sum greater than the parts.  I boil this down to a simple A+B=power level for simplicity in conversation (five pages into a tired topic that has now doubled that in a few hours), but I'm not ignorant of this reality.


    Thank you for coming to my TED talk, etc...



    While I can understand your clarification, one could argue that this also exists on the AT level.


    While all blast sets don't have snipe attacks, the changes to snipes was a power creep change. Same with removing crashes from nukes.


    The changes to Tankers could also be argued for power creep or the HP increase/inherent changes for Stalkers.


    With regards to the Regen set, buffing the set isn't technically power creep but buffing Regen to be at or near Bio would be power creep. You used the example of Kinetic Melee (lol, I see what you did there). Kin does need help, I don't think anyone is arguing that... But buffing kin to be equal to TW would certainly be power creep.


    It's going to be a case by case thing here. Buffing Regen with some niche utility and maybe a bump in mitigation by making Revive more useful is different from buffing Regen to compete with Rad or to change it to Sent Regen.


    The concept of Power creep kind of relies on a logic fallacy, but if there's provable evidence to back the assertion, it's not as much a fallacy anymore.

  14. 13 minutes ago, Erratic1 said:


    The first four powers in Dark Armor are toggles. Leaving aside the damage aura (and its 0.52/s cost), if you want the full spread of resistances and mezz protection you are looking at 0.63/s cost for Dark Embrace, Murky Cloud, and Obsidian Shield (all available by level 10 in the secondary position).  Electric Armor will run you 0.73/s for its equivalent powers (also all available by level 10 in the secondary position).  Electric Armor is running you 0.10/s more.  So Electric Armor does run more, but the amount is negligible. Compare that 0.1/s to the cost to use the initial attack in Savage Melee, Savage Strike, which is 1.2/s. Savage Strike, which you are highly likely to have taken and be using in the 1 to 35 level range, is consuming 12 times as much endurance. Slotting one SO in Savage Strike saves you nearly 3.6 times as much endurance as the difference between running Electric Armor's base required toggles and running Dark Armor's.




    There is also the prospect of facing Freakshow...heck, a much better chance of it in my experience. You kind of laugh at their endurance drain too. 😛



    Yeah, but Electrical Armor brings its own endurance recovery to the party. 😁

    Ah, so you're saying my intuition was correct lol but yeah, energy is a pain for DA early on and it's refreshing being able to shrug off their electric attacks and drains but DA also has a moderate resistance to drains.


    I think one prospect not touched on about Elec armor is, if paired with something that drains END (later on, power sink), you can floor the END of those tough targets with the damage aura. Problem is, that is nearly unusable for other sets like early Savage Melee. 


    Funnily enough, I've drained foes on my Elec/Regen and Elec/Bio stalkers too. 


  15. 1 minute ago, Solarverse said:


    And what I am saying, is that even without the defense from pools, I think...think...that you are more survivable than Regen can heal through getting hit with everything, not dodging a single shot with not much to speak of resistance to damage. I think Regen will drop far quicker than SR would under those circumstances. I may be wrong, but my money is on SR. Not sure why that had to be such a big fuss or why I even had to explain myself. you took a quick reply that showed my lack of faith in Regen that I didn't feel I needed to explain and turned it in to a huge mess. Congrats. Think we can move on now?


    And this is an example of gaslighting, ladies and gents.


    Apparently I'm the one (the sole source!!!) that made a big fuss so I get to take all the congratulations for it. I'm so very grateful lol


    I still think you're being overly critical of Regen.


    In the side discussions about Electric armor, I was commenting about the difference mitigation attacks can make. While Regen does have to contend with all the attacks that make it through, there is a measure of control you can apply to make up for that (depending on your attack set). When attacks get past that, Regen can just head it off while SR has to hope it takes them low enough to get that res to kick in.

    • Thumbs Down 1
  16. 10 minutes ago, Solarverse said:


    I'm not sure how you take somebody attaching "you have the audacity" to you, but when somebody attaches it to me, I take it the way it reads, it's like saying that you think that I know what I am saying is bull, but I am saying it anyway, in other words, calling me a liar. It's a very passive aggressive statement and I have never been one to mince words and I can't stand passive aggressive people. So if you didn't mean it in that way, that I owe you an apology, but if this is the way you meant it, then my responses stand, moderated or not.

    You probably spent more energy justifying your aggression than you did clarifying your statement.


    I told you why I didn't believe what you were saying (taking x% pool def from SR and Regen isn't the same) so it'd be on you to clarify why you think it would be equal.


    Talking about removing the res from toughness would be closer to being an equal gimp to the sets but that's just that one power... The more stacking pool def you remove from both, the more you affect SR than Regen.


    If you want to take subtext out of the use of audacity, it's more that you think I'm that ignorant of how stacking def works.

  17. 32 minutes ago, Erratic1 said:


    Dark Armor is infamous for its toggle costs. Not sure anything comes close.


    Electric Armor's toggle costs are:

    • 0.21/s
    1. Static Shield
    • 0.26/s
    1.  Charged Armor
    2. Conductive Shield
    • 0.52/s
    1. Lightning Field


    Dark Armor's toggle costs are:

    • 0.08/s
    1. Oppressive Gloom
    • 0.21/s
    1. Dark Embrace
    2. Murky Cloud
    3. Obsidian Shield
    • 0.26/s
    1. Cloak of Darkness
    • 0.52/s
    1. Death Shroud

    Full activation of Dark Armor's toggles costs 1.48/s whereas Electric Armor's full activation is 1.25/s.





    You can use them but you of course lose the benefit when you do. It is up to you however when you do. I figured it for me when it was worth holding onto the bonus and when it was worth consuming stacks. 




    I have yet to proc bomb a character though I am considering doing so on my Elec/Rad tanker. Did I mention that Rad is not kind to endurance? I must admit I seriously questioned in his mid-to-late 30s if I wanted to continue to work on the character. The trick was getting Energize to the point of being close enough to permanent that Power Sink would cover the portion of time when it wasn't.


    Yeah, my comparison was mainly on the route of 1 to 35. Early on, you don't even have the mez toggles on DA and if you do later on, you can turn them off mid fight to reserve END (tactically, you only really need them if you are trying to slow enemies from running). Further still, because of the way the resists are spread, you need to run those 3 toggles on Elec but you can opt to run just what you need on DA.


    There's also the prospect of ghosts early on in the game. Elec is getting eaten alive.


    Overall, I think I'm just more experienced with early DA than Elec but having extra tools to stay alive with Elec is good. For DA, you just need END to stay alive lol

  18. 2 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:


    Elude is up a little over a third of the time with 3 recreds and brings SR up to 75.42% to MRA. Going purely primary/secondary, all other power choices become junk, making sure nothing is chosen that might passively increase mitigation, I would, of course, have Elude in the build.


    What does regen provide with those same rules?


    I'm not sure what you're asking, exactly, but with those same rules, make sure to take Revive too and take death and travel into the equation.

  19. 6 minutes ago, Solarverse said:


    That would be gimping Regen equally and would remain a fair comparison as far as I am concerned.

    Lol I think you're being overly critical of Regen there. It's no secret that taking away the ability to stack def on SR will hurt it more than Regen. Removing 12% def from Regen and 12%def from SR is not the same.


    I wasn't even being serious but the audacity to make the statement you did? Lol

  20. 4 minutes ago, Solarverse said:


    With SO's. His point is that he can be far more efficient and survivable as an SR with SO's than Regen could ever dream to be under the same rules. Once upon a time, it would have been just the opposite. Regen went from being one of the most powerful to the least desired in a blink of a nerf bat...and that nerf has stuck ever since then.

    My point is, if you want to go around chiding people with arbitrary qualifiers for accomplishments, it can be turned around against you.


    How about only armor powers. No Fighting pool or combat jumping/epic armor powers/etc. How about that?

  21. 2 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    MA/SR nuthin but SOs. 2.26% shy of softcap to all positions. 17.55% SL resists. No elude. No shadow meld. End won't be an issue with 3 slotted conserve power.


    Could also go the blaster route and just load up on shadow meld, rune of protection, unleash potential, etc but that sounds awful. Probably doable though. Course, that would completely negate the test since we'd only be testing how broken some T5 pool powers are.


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    Are you not just testing how much pool def you can stack?

  22. 4 minutes ago, Erratic1 said:


    Savage Melee's inherent mechanics give you an endurance savings when you maintain stacks (admittedly minor over time when you factor in them also boosting recharge). I have reservations about ascribing endurance woes to that set. I did for up a Savage/EA scrapper (so even more +Recharge at work) and do not recall endurance being a horrible problem (say like on my Rad Melee/Shield scrapper).




    DM may have mitigated some of the issues for me since it brings a heal to the table at level 8 and an endurance recovery power at level 18 so you have healing/endurance tools early. But I also am a stickler for slotting toggles with endurance cost reduction (one slot) and attack powers with either one or two slots of reduction depending on how tight endurance is since attacks are where you are really spending your endurance as a melee. It goes without saying that Stamina gets 3-slotted with Endurance mods ASAP.

    If I'm not mistaken, Elec armor toggles are not as cheap as, say Dark Armor. Couple that with an early damage aura and you end up with it being cheaper to run DA early on than Elec.


    Yeah, Savage had an END discount but it also has a penalty built in as well. Sure, you can just not use your blood stacks or only expend them when their not full but then you're looking at fluctuating END discounts. Probably not something to rely on... It's only a moderate to minor bonus.


    I think important factors of leveling a melee character is kill speed, cc/debuff mitigation and animation speed. I feel Savage isn't that bad but it might be a bad fit for Elec armor to start off. I'm sure it gets better when you start proccing it later on but I was making an example of the set early/mid level.

  23. 3 minutes ago, Erratic1 said:


    One of my most powerful characters on Live was a DM/Elec Brute. Nigh unto unstoppable.


    I had a whole ordeal leveling a Sav/Elec Brute. He ran out of END, and his resistances mostly were just a countdown of how long he could last before he had to run or die. Having played out an Elec/Elec Brute and had a decent time with it, I thought the problem was Savage Melee...


    It was actually Elec armors early performance and needing mitigation from your melee set. Expensive toggles, low utility, resistances spread out and a moderate heal that was a grind to get to. Even after getting the heal, it only makes a difference after you can get some slotting going. Everything still feels expensive until you get the AoE drain. Eventually you can make it work but it feels mostly incomplete until around lvl 30.

  24. 9 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:


    Still means you're waiting until 38 for a somewhat functional build and then it still underperforms. But again, you be you. I fully understand willfully playing gimped out characters for the fun of it. Swipe-only/Inv scrapper soloed to 50 comes to mind. As does my new melee-centric dark/sr sentinel that's currently running with gloom, air superiority, boxing and kick.


    Hell, I have an sg-mate that runs a toggle-less inv tank.




    Did they change SR yet so you can get a decent amount of AoE def before level 35 on Scraps and Stalks? 


    [EDIT] OMG, I just had flashbacks of leveling an /Elec Brute. Utter garbage... Until you finally get your heal with slots in it ...

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