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  1. 00Troy00


    I've got him to 50, but unsure as to how to build him outany advice?
  2. 00Troy00


    Anyone have a killer build for this combo?
  3. I appreciate you taking the time!
  4. 00Troy00


    Anyone have a topnotch build for me?
  5. Thanks for that.
  6. Does one prove more survivable over the other?
  7. Why do you say so?
  8. I was thinking fire blast for my primary, but I'm open to suggestions. For my secondary, I want something that requires minimal involvement. I was thinking Inv? Again, open to ideas.
  9. I haven't yet, but have enjoyed my Claws/SR
  10. Also interested in opinions re synergy with thse above named primaries.
  11. How well does it play?
  12. Why do you say that?
  13. Stone on a stalker seems so odd concept-wise.
  14. 00Troy00

    Regen Brute

    How would this do with Dual Blades or Savage Melee?
  15. 00Troy00

    Regen Brute

    What were your results?
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