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Dylan Clearbrook

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About Dylan Clearbrook

  • Birthday 10/04/1960

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  1. First of all..THANK YOU for the hard work and the new material 🙂 Second...I DO have to question the one decision that has (so far) affected my toons. The reordering of the Mental Manipulation Blaster secondary. Telekinetic Thrust was a major aid to lower/mid lvl toons. I question why it was moved to the bottom and why its CD was increased. I had three toons that had this already and have not played them yet since the changes...will it still work? I only discovered it when I created a water/mental blaster last night. As it stands now...I will probably scrap that toon and try something else.
  2. okay...uninstalled Bitdefender and reinstalled Malwarebytes...seems to be no problem.
  3. Yeah...I have Bitdefender...it does NOT like it at all. Before I jumped through hoops yesterday to temporarily shut down Bitdefender so I could reinstall...I got this: Feature: Online Threat Prevention We blocked this dangerous page for your protection: http://cdn.homecomingservers.com/hc/launcher/2744/win32/launchercli.exe.xz Accessed by: launcher.exe Threat name: Gen:Variant.Fugrafa.6013 Dangerous pages attempt to install software that can harm the device, gather personal information or operate without your consent.
  4. Same here. I can do a fresh install...and it works great...until I try to launch the game again later....then I get "Could not load bootstrap package....."
  5. In the small town I live in...three cops have lost their lives in the line of duty over the last two years. Their lives mattered! Blue lives matter...black lives matter..ALL Lives matter...but say anything but the second one and you are a "Racist or a bigot!" Having said that....this is a game. I do not appreciate the GMS tossing that into the MOTD...but oh well. I don't have to read it and can go on about playing.... I believe my reaction was just a bit of irritation at the intrusion of RL stuff that has divided GOOD people on all sides of the issue!
  6. I saw this motd....and shut down the game. I now have to decide what I am going to do...ignore the fact that that the admin is inserting something that is undeniably divisive in the real world into the game a lot of us come to in order to get away from all that crap....or something else..... at this point...just don't know.
  7. Thought I would put this one in here. Ran into an issue the other night...had more friends on than allowed in a team (8 is the max). Now not talking about leagues, TFs, etc. Just regular teams for doing missions and radio. I posted about it in COH Survivors on FB and it was suggested I bring it up here. Would it be possible to up the max allowed on a regular team to something like 10 or 12? Not sure what that would entail...just wondering.
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