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Col. Kernel

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  1. The operative phrase here being "...when used correctly." I'm a guy who had a Storm/Energy Def as my main for the longest time, and I agree that attitudes to KB and Repel need to change. But I'm also the guy who slots KB>KD in every power that has radial KB, because that stuff is just disruptive to the rest of the team. I use KB for positioning the mobs where I want them. One ran away from the Tank? BAM, back to Daddy you go. Someone escaped a debuff/damage patch (e.g. Freezing Rain or Rain of Fire)? Ok buster, back into the pool. I'll say right up front that Imperious (aka Clappulus Maximus) is a real PitA, so when I'm running an ITF I try to be the first one in the door so I can dump him on a wall somewhere and get the Romans to murder him.
  2. I would appreciate it. Every post I've found someone says the devs won't implement this idea, but I haven't found a post with a dev comment yet.
  3. I did. And I still agree with the OP.
  4. There are keybinds for targetting teammates. How do I make a keybind to target a specific one of my T1 or T2 henchmen? I'm not making custom keybinds to tag my T1s and T2s by name for every MM I have.
  5. Not my first rodeo, chief. I use Sandolphan's MM keybinds to direct them. As for running out of End if you're over level 20 and running out of End you're not well slotted, or you're facing foes that drain your End. Those are problems you can fix. In nearly 20 years of playing I've only had ONE toon that burned End so fast that even a billion Inf build couldn't fix him. I haven't recreated him on HC yet because I just don't have that kind of Inf to burn.
  6. The blaster's attacks don't run off and die, or aggro other groups, when left unsupervised. To keep my "attacks" alive and not lose them (to death) I have to constantly micromanage them, even in bodyguard mode, or keep the henches in Passive mode (in which case, why have them at all?)
  7. Ok, it's fixed now. Thanks AtC. Close your open brackets people. I freakin' know better...
  8. Ahh, ok. No, only the one install of HC. Did that, it didn't open. @Jacke helped me with a similar issue a while back, maybe he can shed some light on this.
  9. No hostility here. Yes, I stop attacking to buff or heal as well. Finally some useful information. I'll have to dig up those threads and see what their reasoning is for not performing a simple QoL fix on a broken AT.
  10. I KNOW the workarounds, this isn't my first MM. Withdrawing my henchies from the fight means my team mates have to pick up the slack, or may get additional aggro they can't handle well. If I'm solo it means that they leave off attacking. How often do you stop attacking in the middle of a fight? Well Rudra tell you what. Why don't you take one of your main powers out of your combat rotation every 3rd fight or so. Get back to me and see how you like it.
  11. See attached for what I have installed. I ONLY have this popmenu on Live, and not on any of the others. That code snippet is not used in any other popmenu. Is there a limit to the number of lines you can have in a popmenu? This one has 206
  12. Every Single Time. My irritation isn't with you, it that it makes troubleshooting issues like this a nightmare.
  13. Thanks for getting back to me. Prior to your post I had deleted the old PopMenu, checked that the directory (Games/Homecoming/data/texts/English/menus) no longer had this file in it. I then did a Save As and saved the menu to the directory with no issues. Looking in the directory, the file is there. I've added menu selections in the past with no issues. I have 2 other PopMenues in that directory that continue to work without issue, though I do probably need to update them. I'm on Linux (Nobara 40) but that hasn't been an issue in the past either, so I'm discounting it now.
  14. I have a PopMenu I use to create macroimage macros. I've recently added a new one for Marine Affinity > Barrier Reef, but the Divide, Title, and Option for it don't show in the PopMenu. The one above it does. I've tried everything I can think of so far, so I'm open to suggestions. Menu "&De/Buff" { DIVIDER Title "Nature Affinity" Option "Lifegiving Spores" <&macro_image "NatureAffinity_LifegivingSpores" "Lifegiving Spores" "powexec_location target Lifegiving Spores"&> DIVIDER Title "Marine Affinity" Option "Barrier Reef" <&macro_image "MarineAffinity_Wellspring" "Barrier Reef" "powexec_location self Barrier Reef"&> DIVIDER Title "Storm Summoning" Option "&Freezing Rain" <&macro_image "StormSummoning_FreezingRain" "Freezing Rain" "powexec_location target Freezing Rain"&> Option "&Tornado" <&macro_image "StormSummoning_Tornado" "Tornado" "powexec_location target Tornado"&> DIVIDER Title "Time" Option "Distortion Field" <&macro_image "TimeManipulation_DistortionField" "Distortion Field" "powexec_location target Distortion Field"&> DIVIDER Title "Traps" Option "FFG" <&macro_image "Traps_DroppedAoEBuffDefense" "FFG" "powexec_location 0:10 Force Field Generator"&> Option "Caltrops" <&macro_image "Traps_DroppedAoEDebuffRunSpeed" "Caltrops" "powexec_location 0:5 Caltrops"&> Option "Seekers" <&macro_image "Traps_DroppedAoEDebuffDamage" "Seekers" "powexec_location target Seeker Drones"&> } Again, everything shows up as expected except the one Divider and the entire Marine Affinity section. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
  15. We get it, our henchmen are not our friends, they are indeed disposable (despite also being a sizable chunk of our HP and damage output). Resummoning them in combat is to be expected. Trying to chase down the ONE zombie you just resummoned to Upgrade them will almost certainly result in the death of at least one other, if not the entire T1 squad. So please, can we get the MM Upgrade powers made into passives, so the henchmen are already upgraded when summoned if I have the power. Thank you.
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