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  1. Just commenting to add that I've also had this issue for a long time. I actually thought it was like this at all times on all characters, but the character I just checked *doesn't* have the issue. So, I'm not sure what causes it, but it happens to me more often than not.
  2. Hi JJ! Can I request an Invlun/EM Tanker build? Can't find anything since the recent changes. Much appreciated!
  3. Hey man, your builds are awesome and super helpful for people like me who are not great at putting them together. I was starting to put together an Invuln/EM Tanker using your Nova Infinitium build, and noticed that since the recent changes to Pool Powers and EM, it doesn't line up with the server anymore. If you ever plan on updating any of those, could I request an up-to-date version of that Inv/EM tank? Again, love the builds. Thanks!
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