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Posts posted by Ironblade

  1. On 7/13/2020 at 1:44 PM, Dafydd Hywel said:

    I assume you would need to be WAY over levelled compared to the normal.

    You actually can't be 'over-leveled'.  The Citadel TF, for example, is listed as level 25-30.  Anyone above level 30 will be exemplared down to 30 (thus losing a number of powers, including all your Incarnate stuff).


    The older task forces are EASY to solo.  I would guess that any character could do it with some temp powers.  If you build specifically for soloing AV's, you won't need temp powers for most of them.  The newer TF's are much harder to solo (Dr Kahn, Ms Liberty, Lady Grey).  Fortunately, the 'newer and harder' ones tend to cap at level 50 so you can have your incarnate powers.

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  2. On 7/13/2020 at 2:19 PM, CFIndustries said:

    Paragon City Search & Rescue (PCSAR) supergroup on Virtue--and I think on other servers--back on live was one example.

    PCSAR was actually founded on Infinity, then expanded to some other servers.

    We are now on Everlasting.

  3. 1 hour ago, cohRock said:

    Can it be done, and if so, how?  Should I bother looking for that CDRom?

    No it can't and never will.

    Having said that, yes, you should find that CD-ROM because there is an online tool to extract the costume data and save it in the file format that CoH uses.  And the 'costume' data includes the character's height, build, face, etc so you can perfectly reproduce what they originally looked like.


    So far, I have recreated a number of my old characters and four of them are level 50 so far.  I have only created one completely new character and made changes to the builds of a couple others.


    One more thing: Hi there!  A lot of people from Infinity are on Indomitable but a lot are on other servers.  Most of my characters are on Everlasting.  Drop by.  🙂

  4. On 6/26/2020 at 2:52 PM, Ironblade said:

    On the bright side, I am leveling a corrupter specifically for these runs with the same build I had back in the live game.

    Unfortunately, my corr won't be 50 and fully incarnate by July 11th.


    I guess I'm more nerd than I thought.  My corr is 50 and incarnate powers all tier 3.  Working on getting a couple of those to tier 4 so, once I get the badge on Ironblade, I can bring the corr for any future runs.  Just like the good old days.  I did the Magisterium dozens of times back on live.

    • Thanks 1
  5. I'll start off by saying that, for me, this computer is old.  I normally build a new one every 3-4 years and my current system is from August 2014.  Probably because I haven't started playing any really high-end games that would require a newer system.  I blame Steam's summer sale last year.  My brother and I picked out eight games to buy, many of them a few years old, so those have kept us busy.


    CPU:  Core i7 4790K at 4GHz

    GPU:  Asus R9 290 w/ 4GB RAM

    Memory:  16GB G.Skill DDR3

    Drives:  Two SSD's with a standard HD for back-ups.


    My case is an Antec 900.  I love it because it's tall and wide.  I used to run SETI@home so my CPU was at 100% utilization 24/7 so I had a massive Zalman heatsink.  The Antec case has two 120MM intake fans on the front, the usual exhaust fan at the back and a 220MM fan in the roof of the case.  That's almost the size of a 9" dinner plate.

    When I build a new system, I keep my previous system as a back-up.  My previous build was also in an Antec 900 case, which I will use for my next build.  I like having a spare monitor, too.  I had a Samsung 22" die with 2 months remaining on the 3 year warranty.  I shipped it back for repair (free shipping and repair - they absolutely honored their warranty) but I couldn't be without a monitor for two weeks.  Conveniently, Samsung had just released their first monitor with LED backlight so I got that and am using it right now.


    I'd post a photo, but my case is on the floor between my desk and the wall with about 6" clearance on the window/grill side for ventilation, so the photo would be mostly desk and wall.  So here's a photo from a review.


  6. 2 hours ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

    IMO a personal channel should be named after its creator or creators main SG if they want it to be seen as more than a single persons chat channel.

    Or maybe they should name it whatever they damn well please.  Especially if the name is perfectly descriptive of the channel's purpose.

    • Like 2
  7. On 6/29/2020 at 1:04 AM, SuperPlyx said:

    Umm,the deadline I was referring to was for the HC team. It takes 2 to negotiate.


    So many keep saying it's in NCS best interest to just drag the talks out. But is it in HC best interest? And if a C&D is all it will take to close HC then go ahead and turn it off now, 

    Yes and no.

    Yes, it is in Homecoming's best interest to let the talks drag out.

    No, let's not shut it down now just because you're having a snit.

    • Like 1
  8. 22 hours ago, SuperPlyx said:

    Which is why I think there should be a deadline...At some point you have to move and build with what you have.

    No.  Because, literally, we have nothing.  If the negotiations fail, it is extremely likely that NCSoft will shut this server down - as well as the other well-known ones.  Ignore the people who are going to say that NCSoft isn't going to spend millions playing C&D Letter whack-a-mole.  They only need to whack about 5 moles and that's it.  Can a thousand people run rogue servers out of their basement?  Sure and no one cares.  Their only concern would be a big server (like this one, which costs $4800 per month to operate).

  9. There are multiple answers here.  DFB is easy mode for new players.


    1.  It gets more difficult when you make it more difficult.  To the right of the chat window where you type, there is a little speech bubble symbol to access the emotes menu.  There is also an option there "Set Notoriety" (or something like that - that might be the villain phrasing).  You can adjust your difficulty by setting the enemy levels from -1 to +4 (relative to your level) and you can set the team size up to 8 even if you are alone.


    2.  The old content is much easier (and often not as well written) compared to the newer content.  For example there are two story arcs 'Who Will Die?' and 'Pandora's Box'.  Some of those missions are really hard.  An old task force would be Synapse or Citadel - not too hard, kind of grindy and boring.  New task forces would be Lady Grey, Ms Liberty, etc which are much better.


    3.  Once you hit 50, you have access to Incarnate Trials which are harder than the regular content.


    To look up details on a lot of the things I've mentioned, I would suggest visiting (and bookmarking) the wiki.

    The original is at:  https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page  which describes the status of the game at the time it was shut down.


    Also, there is a new one that includes all of the above and is gradually (and slowly) being updated with the newer content.


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  10. On 6/15/2020 at 1:44 PM, RageusQuitus2 said:

    3. Also where are the macros stored in COH files?  Ie like I looked at keybinds.txt and dont see my macros.  Wondering if I can load custom macros easier than one at a time.

    You can store them wherever you want.  I recommend storing them where it's convenient for you to find and back up, rather than the default.

    I store them in c:\data\text\coh\binds.txt


    And one of the binds in the file is:  F12 "bindloadfile c:\data\text\coh\binds.txt"

    So I just have to type the line to load the bind file ONCE on a character.  After that, if I edit the bind file, I just hit the button to reload the file.  And I have Alt-F12 set to load my standard chat settings file so I don't need to do that manually.


    And you can get pretty meta with this.  I have one keybind that loads an entire file of binds with text for the mothership raid, and a set for the Abandoned Sewer Trial, etc.  When I'm done running it, I have a bind that ERASES those binds so I can't hit them by accident later on.  And here's the command to erase, for example, the F12 key:  F12 nop   (In computerese, that stands for either No Operation or Null Operation - I forget which.)

  11. 14 hours ago, Fortuneteller said:

    Couldn't this be summed up easier by just saying ''If you ain't talking about TF's in a TF channel then shut ur trap.''

    To be fair, in the absence of other specialized channels, this has become a 'group content' channel.  It's used to announce mothership raids, giant monster groups, etc.

  12. On 6/12/2020 at 5:52 PM, Machariel said:

    I strongly suggest instead using:  https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/The_Incomplete_and_Unofficial_Guide_to_/bind


    ParagonWiki is the site where the information originally came from and was compiled and maintained by fans.

    Fandom.com is a commercial site that simply takes content from other sites and has been infected with malware more than once.

    • Thanks 2
  13. On 6/11/2020 at 3:48 PM, killigraphy said:

    Lowest  bidder, trust me.

    Can't trust you because you're wrong and smug about it.  That's always the worst - someone who is wrong and full of themselves.


    Absolutely guaranteed that each sale goes to the highest outstanding bit.  Trust *ME* because I worked with a group who did extensive testing of the market.  We even analyzed how the sales are filled if there are a bunch of identical bids when someone posts an item for sale.

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  14. On 6/6/2020 at 7:51 PM, JnEricsonx said:

    My comp is running fine playing the game, I'm just more curious as to if those who are more tech-savvy can tell me if a graphics card hitting the high 60s-to 70 C is something I don't have to worry too much about is all.  I'm on a tower PC, not a laptop.

    That kind of temperature is no problem for a graphics card.

    I'd freak out if that was my CPU temperature.

  15. On 6/9/2020 at 4:10 PM, FrauleinMental said:

    Alpha T3+ is described as granting a Level Shift, which applies to all content.

    Lore and Destiny T3+ are described as granting Incarnate Shifts, which apply only to Incarnate content.

    I haven't tried it without the Alpha, but I imagine slotting Lore and Destiny but not Alpha would make me 50+2 for Incarnate content but 50 for everything else.



    And note that the level shift for "all content" only applies when you're normally 50.  If you're doing a task force that exemps you to 30, you're still 30, not 31.

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