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Posts posted by Ironblade

  1. On 5/6/2020 at 8:58 AM, Greycat said:

    Of the two, physical storage is insanely cheap. And when I look at demorecords of old bases - some of which could get pretty complex - none of those (uncompressed text files, honestly) even approach 1 Mb in size.

    Yep.  Before shutdown, I took demorecords of all of my (five) bases and all the other (21) bases that I had access to.

    The largest file is 178KB.

  2. I have an earth/rad controller that I really like.  Earth control gives you two holds and radiation emission gives you two more.  The earth pet hits really hard and rad gives you a variety of debuffs plus a rez and AoE heal.  Super versatile, in my opinion.  Also, easy enough to come up with a theme.  My character is Agent Pitchblende (pitchblende is uranium ore).

  3. On 5/2/2020 at 11:22 AM, EmmySky said:

    Also some trials, like Cavern of Transendence still require you open the contact before you can start it, although you can join someone else's.

    Same with the Hess and Katie Hannon task forces.

  4. On 5/2/2020 at 12:18 AM, Call Me Awesome said:

    You'll find that the BAF and Lambda are run quite often while the others are more rare, I don't think I've been on a Magisterium since shutdown.

    They're definitely being run.  I've been on every iTrial except Lambda on Homecoming.  And I saw at least one successful run to get the 'Really Hard Way' badge, but I was not on that one.

  5. 5 hours ago, Digirium said:

    The normal rules of economics (if anyone in the real world really thinks they're normal or benefit everyone, not just a few) do not apply in a video game.


    That's been said so many times I wonder why it's not sinking in yet?

    It's not going to sink in because it's wrong.

    The game DOES have an economy and the basic rules of economics DO apply.

    Is the game economy the same as the real world economy?  Of course not.

    Are there enough similarities in the systems that we can draw conclusions and make predictions?  Hell yes.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Twisted Toon said:

    Then, why did you use those words? 😁

    (shrug)  I wasn't trying to impress anyone so I didn't bother.  Then someone gave a snarky response which was based on THEIR ASSUMPTION of my lack of relevant knowledge, so I corrected them.

  7. 15 hours ago, Lockpick said:

    Are Hami-Os no longer profitable? I thought when I first started joining the raids that Hami-Os were the recommendation?

    HO's are a total crap shoot.  If you get a Golgi (heal/end), it's worth like 5,000 inf.  On the other hand, I often take the HO because I'm looking for Cytoskeletons (to hit buff / def buff / end red), which are pretty valuable for my invuln tanks.

  8. 3 hours ago, Herotu said:

    So how can weaknesses be realised in a meaningful way that doesn't seem like you're being trumped? Let's brainstorm!

    Well, if you want to sort of model this after PnP gaming systems.


    Each player could (as you noted - OPTIONALLY) elect to have a weakness to some type of damage.  I think a good way to make this more balanced and make more people interested in the system would be to have the weakness countered by a strength.  i.e.  The Human Inferno is very resistant to fire but very weak against cold.


    A player could choose to have Slight, Moderate or High 'weakness' (minus damage resistance) to a type of damage and would therefore be more resistant to the 'matching' category.  I would group them just like the damage categories are grouped.  Doughman is resistant to smashing but weak to lethal.  Pulsar is resistant to energy but weak to negative.


    This seems like something that would be relatively simple to code.  During character creation, the player has the option of taking an always on power that gives +resist to X and -resist to Y.

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  9. 12 hours ago, Panthonca7034 said:

    If anything, it's become a lot easier to get burnt out trying to grind for inf or trying to get to level 50 in order to get some kind of inf, and a lot HARDER to get motivated to follow one particular storyarc chain.

    Then people are playing the wrong game.

    You should be playing CoH because you ENJOY it.  If your focus is grinding for inf or "trying" to get to level 50, that doesn't sound fun at all.  ('Trying' to get to 50?  Getting to 50 is inevitable.)

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  10. 1. I'm downloading the game now, but it's moving REALLY slow. Is this normal, and how long does it usually take?

    By modern standards, this game is TINY (4 GB).  Back when I first played this game, it took me 3 hours to download.  Now, on 50GB fiber, the download took minutes.

    Keep in mind that almost everyone is on and using the internet currently.  Everything runs slower - often HALF the speed it should.


    2. Are there certain days of the week /times of day the servers are busier than others?

    Same as any game - prime time is prime time.  Normally, that would be weekdays about 6-midnight EST and all day long on weekends.

    With the coronavirus shelter in place, you can usually find teams all day every day.


    3. Is there anything that differentiates the two regular (non-rp or EU) servers?

    You just have to know which is which.  The important one is Reunion - that's the EU server and it's hosted in.....  I think Frankfurt.

    Everlasting is the RP server, but I play there and I don't RP and I don't see much RP.  To be fair, I hardly ever visit Pocket D.

    And there are five servers: Indomitable, Excelsior, Everlasting, Torchbearer and Reunion.  Excelsior is the most crowded - that could be good or bad depending on you.


    4. Do people still run super teams? For example, back in the day, my friends and I all made Radiation Defenders, and would run in teams of 8. We melted anything and everything that got infront of us, and discovered that it was a great way to level toons QUICKLY.

    Yes.....  My *impression* is that there are less fixed teams, super teams, supergroup activities, etc.  I *think* this is due to the fact that supergroup bases are now free (no prestige costs) so there is less motivation to join supergroups.


    5. Does the game play much differently than it did before?

    Not really.  It's a bit more casual-friendly and new-player-friendly.  There's a new AT and some new powersets.  But, overall, it doesn't play differently at all.  It's very much the same game it always was.


    6. How are the servers maintained? Is there no membership cost?

    Voluntary donations only, accepted up to the monthly target.  Donations are accepted on the last Saturday of each month and shut down once the target is hit.

    They do a breakdown of expenses each month.  The last one is  https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/17076-april-2020-donations-finances/


  11. 1 minute ago, justicebeliever said:

    What is the garden dome in Atlas?

    There's a building in Atlas that has a garden on the roof, enclosed by a glass dome.  I forget which direction it is from City Hall, but it's easy enough to spot if you are flying.  You can get inside the roof dome by taking the stairs at ground level - there are doors with a staircase symbol.

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  12. 1 hour ago, BigGotter said:

    I really would like to see this whole mess fixed right once and for all. From what I've been reading in these forums, the whole community is divided now on the subject of nerfing influence.  I myself have hardly logged any game time since the patch release, instead I sit in the forums looking, waiting for answers. Where are we headed? How can we fix this so everyone can have fun again?   Putting bicycle tires on a Ferrari will slow it down, but then all you end up with is a fancy looking Prius.

    If you're sitting on the sidelines waiting for a resolution, you are very much in the minority.


    The FORUM community may be divided in their OPINIONS, but they're still playing the game.  Most people are blissfully unaware that any change was made.


    Where are we headed?  We're there.  How can we fix this?  They already did.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  13. 20 hours ago, FourSpeed said:

    Just for the sake of clarification.  As noted, Signature Arcs (the "Who Will Die" series) are 20 Merits per week, or a lesser number (5?) if run more often than once a week successively.

    And, for additional clarification, don't forget that you get one 'free' run of each chapter (per character).

    This means you can do what I did - run all 12 chapters in one sitting for 20 merits each.  Then pick one and run that for 20 and THAT starts the one-week timer (for that character).

  14. 29 minutes ago, Seed22 said:

    It doesnt curb inflation. I mean, inflation cant. Be. curbed. ever.

    Well, this is wrong.  I'm not sure why you would say this.  I THINK you don't actually know the definition of the word 'curb'.  It means 'restrain', not 'eliminate'.


    Of course, there isn't always inflation.  This is why the word 'deflation' exists.  But I agree that inflation is both normal and desirable.  The only issue is the RATE of inflation - which this change will have a favorable effect on.

  15. 1 minute ago, golstat2003 said:

    Farms have never been the best way to earn inf. Folks just think it is cause they don't want to learn about converters or the market. 🙃

    Depending on your definition of "best".  Farming is the simplest and most straightforward.

    Yeah, some people don't want to learn about converters or the market because they don't find that to be FUN, while hitting things is fun.

  16. 3 hours ago, Crysis said:

    You and many others keep saying that Marketeering gets influence faster and easier.


    This is absolutely false or it wouldn’t have been the reason the Devs nerfed AE influence awards ENTIRELY while exemp’ed.

    It would be more accurate to say: Marketeering gets inf faster and easier IF YOU ARE AN EXPERT WITH THE MARKET.  You need to actually work at it, learn it and pay attention.

    Is it hard?  Not for me.  I made billions that way back on live.  Is it hard for some people?  Absolutely yes.  Too hard for them to bother, too hard for them to find it tolerable, let alone fun.


    Farming, on the other hand, is incredibly easy.   You can look up a build, read about what AE missions people are using, and have at it.  You literally don't have to figure anything out.



  17. 13 hours ago, ivanhedgehog said:

    Everyone cannot marketeer. when someone buys at a low price and sells it at a high one, someone has to pay out. If they want to make the markets better for the average joe...increse the purple drop rate. make them a little less scarce and the prices will drop. Inf game was cut for every play style that makes inf, so average joe will be lucky to be using regular IOs much less being able to afford purples.

    The purple drop rate probably is a bit low.  I've gotten two characters to 50 (one is vet 34), three more in the 40's and a few more in the 30's and I've gotten FIVE purples ever.  Maybe I've just been unlucky, but that much playtime across that many characters seems statistically valid.

  18. 15 hours ago, Coyotedancer said:

    Just a reminder that farming isn't the only thing minting top hats and monocles, and that if they want to curb the impression that regular play isn't enough, they'll probably have to look at that source of wealth-accumulation, too. 

    I think the real problem here is that the impression that regular play isn't enough is a FALSE impression.  They (and we) need to communicate the fact that you don't need to farm.  You don't need to marketeer.  You CAN, but you don't NEED to do any of these things.  Well, unless you want to constantly PL characters to 50 and then purple them out.  Yeah, then you need to generate more money.  But that's hardly typical play.


    Back at shutdown, I had 57 billion inf and had to maintain a spreadsheet to see which characters had room to hold more.  I didn't farm.  I marketeered a bit and farmed PvP recipes.

    Fast forward to today and I'm IO'ing my characters more easily with ZERO farming or marketeering (so far).  I kind of miss having mountains of cash but, proven by the fact my money only went up and up, it was obviously more than I ever needed.

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