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Everything posted by AzureAngel

  1. After learning how to up the graphics and working on my "photography" a bit, I present my latest design: Busybee Tech Kinetics/Water Blast (colored to look like honey) Still working on an in-game bio. 😄 -AA
  2. Just read through this whole thread today, haha. Recently returned to CoX. I was never really good at playing--I just loved the costume creator and concept making. I prefer making characters with ambiguous morality--neither obviously good or evil. Here are a few hero concepts I made recently (still need to learn standard screenshot protocols): Justin Finity: Science Blaster Beam Rifle/Time Vala Atemu: Magic Mastermind Necro/Storm Doc Noxious: Science Corruptor Rad/Poison Wisp Engine: Tech Dominator Dark/Psi Now to work on taking better images... -AA
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