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Everything posted by AzureAngel

  1. Trying the Bio Armor Challenge(tm) Dream of the Sea is an ocean spirit (Natural Sentinel Water/Bio). Dream has no gender and no agenda but to live their brief life gallantly before crashing upon the Far Shore.
  2. Trendsetter ๐Ÿ˜
  3. I get excited about costumes that you change into for combat or when using certain powers. Here's a character I recently made (Science Sentinel Fire/Fire): Dr. Sylvester 'MTembo was an experimental ceramics engineer at an aerospace research facility in Malawai when it was the target of a terrorist attack by anti-government insurgents. He was taken hostage and forced to help complete work on an exosuit project with military applications, with the insurgents threatening the safety of his family if he refused. With his application of heatproof polymer ceramics, the exosuit was a resounding success, and unfortunately, many people lost their lives in the resulting coup. With the facility only lightly manned during the assault, Dr. 'MTembo commandeered one of the prototype exosuits and escaped. He quickly found his family and they fled to Paragon City, seeking asylum. Now, under the heroic moniker Hotplate, Sylvester 'MTembo uses his suit to perform security work for the city's various scientific establishments, hoping that one day he'll have done enough good deeds to clear his name in the eyes of heaven.
  4. ะก ะ ะพะถะดะตัั‚ะฒะพฬะผ from Red Moroz! (Natural Sentinel Assault Rifle/Ice Armor)
  5. These are so clean. Photoshop?
  6. Interesting idea, thanks. I might have to borrow a friend's computer for that, though. Along those lines, I wonder if using AE might be another option. ๐Ÿค”
  7. Hello ๐Ÿ˜ƒ I'm trying to take better screen shots of my toons. Specifically, I'm wondering what the best way is to take full body "photos" of my toon without losing too much resolution. Currently my strategy is to rotate the camera around and play with the zoom. Usually I'm only able to zoom in on the toon from the waist up, or else I have to zoom out very far in order to capture a full body shot. For example: Is there any way to detach the camera so that it can be positioned better? Or is there a better method for getting full body toon screenshots? Thank you for your help!
  8. A couple of days ago, Pantone chose Ultimate Gray and Illuminating as the colors of 2021. A blurb about the colors: "Illuminating is a bright and cheerful yellow sparkling with vivacity, a warming yellow shade imbued with solar power. Ultimate Gray is emblematic of solid and dependable elements which are everlasting and provide a firm foundation." I wanted to create a toon that featured these two colors and embody the two color personalities. Thus, I unveil to you Sun Seraph, a Technology Defender Storm Summoning/Radiation Blast heroine.
  9. Harold Jorgen had it all. His father was a coal tycoon and he was star quarterback at his posh college prep academy. His girlfriend was the daughter of a Swedish ambassador, and it was arranged that he would have a full ride at Lund University--IF he completed a year-long internship at the coal plant he was intended to take over. That's when the attack happened. An assailant sent by a rival tycoon that Harold's father ruined threw acid in Harold's face, melting his skin and eyes and damaging his lungs. In a desperate attempt to save his son's life, his father authorized the use of forbidden science to stabilize him. Blind and disfigured, Harold is forced to breathe an exotic mix of gasses for his transplanted "lungs." The alien tissue has given him the strange ability to see and psychokinetically manipulate quantum energy, which manifests as radioactive fire. Now, as Hazmat Harold, he's become his father's willing hitman, although he secretly aims to discover what, exactly, they implanted into his body. (Science Dominator Fire Control/Radiation Assault)
  10. Setsugekka Sensei had moved to America with her late husband fifty years ago. Hailing from a lineage of samurai, she worked tirelessly to preserve her family's style of Bushido. Many of her students eventually ended up founding dojo of their own. At 71, she still has no plans to retire. Some say her heirloom sword and armor are blessed by an ancestral spirit. Others say it's her unrelenting self-discipline. Regardless, she can still go toe-to-toe with those half her age. (Normal Scrapper Katana/Ninjutsu)
  11. Remixing a bunch of the recent costume ideas on this thread into a new one: Succubuzz (Science Corruptor Sonic Blast/Pain Dom) A mad scientist tries to create his perfect love slave using genetic material stolen from the Vahzilok when fly DNA was accidentally mixed in. Before he could terminate his mistake, his creation subdues him and feasts on his vital fluids using her... posterior proboscis... When she's not flying around disturbing the denizens of the Rogue Isles with her ecstatic moans, she can be found enjoying the comfort foods of her fly heritage.
  12. This is so, so good ๐Ÿ˜
  13. You have a gift for the grotesque. ๐Ÿ˜ต This is about as edgy as the costume creator can get.
  14. Newest young villainess on the Reunion server... Biological Daughter. Sarah and Donahue thought they couldn't have their own children, so they raised four adopted children in a loving home. Then, Sarah unexpectedly became pregnant with a girl. At first, Annabel was like any other child. Then, she began demonstrating precocious intellect, along with sociopathic and narcissistic traits. When she turned 7, her parents brought her to a child psychologist, but soon discovered that it was more than her personality that was toxic... (Mutant Mastermind Necromancy/Poisons) The first two zombies' names are "Daddy" and "Mommy." ๐Ÿ˜
  15. Here's Lost Little Boy, who seems to have gotten away from his 4th grader field trip some undisclosed time ago but so far has been having a blast fighting alongside his favorite heroes. (Mutant Psi Melee/Willpower)
  16. Created a new costume for Rift Watcher after he reached Incarnate. He's a Magic origin hero that specializes in "space bending" and survived an offensive fusion with a Nictus, giving him dark energy powers (Dark Blast/Force Field/Soul Mastery Corruptor). My characters share a universe where "Q-Matter" is a kind of magenta crystal that can be tapped to power techno-magical devices (known as "converters.") So Rift Watcher's gauntlet is the primary source of his powers.
  17. Made a Fortunata calling himself Fatal Flaw. Through his highly-trained psionic abilities, he's become convinced he's trapped in a virtual reality where both heroes and villains are controlled by entities known as "players," and will stop at nothing to either escape the simulation or end it. ๐Ÿ˜› In Uniform In his "adventuring attire" The costume he wears when he's infiltrating the "blueside"
  18. New hero I've been working on--Rift Watcher. Derron Sephini was a Midnighter training in Soul Mastery who ended up getting possessed by a hostile Nictus... but used forbidden magic to absorb the alien into his own soul, stealing its dark energy powers! However, the invader's consciousness wasn't completely eradicated. Occasionally it visits Derron in nightmares, and even tries to control his body in times of distress. He injects mystical potions to keep the Nictus at bay... but for how long? [Magic Origin Corruptor, Dark Blast/Force Field with focus on Experimentation Power Pool]
  19. I've been working on a queer hero that references LGBT culture without being too campy. This one is named Radybug on Reunion server and he has more than a few costumes inspired by different zones. His backstory is that he acquired a used warp backpack, tricked it out with some friends, and now fights crime and goes on adventures and makes webisodes about it (I don't actually do this in real life lol). He's a Psi Blast/Radiation Armor Sentinel with a Teleportation theme. Flexing in Atlas: On the beat in First Ward: As a cyborg in Praetoria: Leather daddy in Pocket ๐Ÿ˜ง As a dark reflection in Night Ward:
  20. For me, I try to think keep a character in mind rather than just a costume. I don't have a specific workflow, but in the past I've started with a primary color I've wanted to explore, then Googled personality traits and word associations with that color (there are many opinions out there--choose the ones that you like). I pick about 3-5 words and start thinking of a personality around them. Then I think about what goals that character is trying to accomplish, and how they want the world to see them. That's usually when costume ideas start coming to mind. Of course, this is a very general "character creation" strategy and not necessarily costume specific. I do, however, have a costume creation TIP that I've used when costume ideas just aren't jiving. First I save the costume I'm working on, then Link Colors and set everything including Skin to pure black. Then I set the brightness of the background to maximum white. That way, I get a silhouette version of the costume I'm working on. According to many animation guides, if your character is recognizable in silhouette, it's probably a sign of a strong design.
  21. Hello Heroes & Villains! I'm currently working on a Guide for Expressive Character Design for CoX. Since I love creating characters in games and speculative fiction, I thought I'd create a helpful guide to organize my research and hopefully inspire anyone who might be interested. I wanted to share my example hero I created for the guide: Kikkit!
  22. Hi Greycat and everyone else! Hope you don't mind me trying out your palette challenge. ๐Ÿ˜„ I made two costumes. I felt that the Freshhh palette used all cool colors, so I ended up using a fifth color as a warm contrast (brass/gold). Hope that doesn't break the rules! Thanks for the thread! -AA
  23. This is the best thread ever ๐Ÿ˜„ Wanted to try my hand at designing something with the lizard monster head. Something subversive. Presenting. . . Princess La Vah (pronounced "la-VAH") A mutant Earth (lava alt)/Savage Assault Dominator Plus an alternate costume She's 15 (in dragon years), half dragon, half human, with a dragon mother and a. . . Well, needless to say she has some daddy issues. ๐Ÿ˜† She thinks she can do whatever she wants. Sometimes that's true. -AA
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