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Posts posted by DrInfernus

  1. On 11/14/2021 at 9:43 PM, DarknessEternal said:

    Please give example.

    Got four /Invul Sents, all with the capped typed defence (all except Psi) and capped S/L. 

    NRG/Invul/Lev - Probably my favourite, but only because he’s most Golden Age.

    Fire/Invul/Fire - One I had highest expectations of, but didn’t really do it for me.

    Psi/Invul/Psi - Best damage with great Proc options. 
    Elec/Invul/Mu - Probably the one I use most, due to ranged nuke and sapping fun. 

    Off on a trip for two weeks tomorrow but will post some builds when I get back if people are interested. 


  2. Love Super Reflexes on Sentinels. Best version of the powerset on the game. Sentinels probably get best Regen too. 


    Favourite Sentinel secondary is definitely Invul though. It’s just beastly when you can cap S/L/E/N/F/C defence and S/L resist, AND still have Dull Pain there if you need it. 

    Sentinels need some work but they really are great as they are IMO. So durable. In the last two nights alone my Elec/Invul has been the last man standing (hovering) on a TF wipe and he was able to manage it so everyone else could safely pop wakies. Sure, other ATs kill faster than him, but he’s Mr Consistency just keeps on plugging away slow and steady and who’s there when he’s needed. Love him (and my other Sents too).

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  3. I was certainly disappointed that no real Sentinel changes are in the new patch. I know the devs can only do so much, but ‘it needs work’ is about the only thing about Sentinels that the whole player base agrees on, so it’s a shame to see that pushed to the bottom of the list again. 

    Like @oldskoolsays, some communication at least would be nice. 

  4. On 11/10/2021 at 9:37 AM, biostem said:

    Maybe I'm interpreting the OP too literally here, but the "character" is not an agent - they do not make decisions or "pick" anything.  Now, if what you're instead asking is whether certain powers or combinations or powers are or become much more appealing to certain players, or due to certain play experiences said player has had, then yes, those are definitely huge deciding factors on what one chooses to play...

    Definitely taken it too literally!


    For me, it’s nowhere near as simple as you suggest. I don’t particularly like NRG blast and Sentinel-level damage - especially in a build that doesn’t use any damage procs at all - don’t appeal to me anywhere near as much as other powersets and combinations. 

    And yet, for some reason I can’t explain, that particular character calls to me. 

  5. Been giving this question some thought and interested in getting some wider opinion. 


    If you were to ask me what I want from a build on CoH, I’d say loads of AoE, mostly ranged with plenty of spike single target damage. 

    Got loads of them too. I’d say two thirds of my 30-odd level 50s are that type. 

    And yet, by far and away my favourite character is a NRG/Invul Sentinel: Lower end of the damage scale, restrictive AoE cap, half the range of a blaster, who spends most of his time in melee punching people in the face with knockout blow. In other words, just not what I would’ve asked for at all. 

    So does the player pick the character? Or is it like Harry Potter where the wand picks the wizard? 

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  6. A week or so ago I had just completed T4ing my Ice/Cold corruptor. That’s usually the point where I’ll start a new character and begin the cycle all over again. Sat there looking at the AT select screen for ages and couldn’t started thinking: ‘you know what? There’s nothing I really fancy playing here. I think I’ve made the lot.’ I felt sad. 


    About half an hour later I’m slashing my way through Nova Preatoria with a Katana/Ninja Sith Lord character and thoroughly loving my life. 

    And that’s why COH is the best. 

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  7. On 7/21/2021 at 2:34 PM, Snarky said:

    I am trying to stand up a viable (and actually strong) fully ranged Electrical Blast character.


    It seems to me Blaster AoE vs, say Sentinel is off the hook.  Hands down winner


    Surprisingly I find that Sentinel ST damage seems to WAY outpace Blaster.  


    I have not examined Corruptor...or Dom, or any other.


    Can I get some feedback on what is really good and what is....something to be aware of?   Thanks.

    I have both an Elec/Elec/Elec Sentinel and a Elec/NRG/Elec blaster and although I sort of agree with you on the ST v AOE. Blaster single target felt pretty weak until I procced out Tesla Cage and Shocking Bolt, and now it’s one of my favourite characters. 

    I love the Sentinel version too, but not really for the damage, just for the sheer fun factor. He’s a tanky sapper and pure pest. 

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  8. 14 hours ago, Crysis said:

    Being serious with this reply there are really only two things I like about the current Sentinel AT:


    1) There are certain thematic builds only available via Sent class.  Want an AR using super soldier with enhanced regeneration abilities?  AR/Regen.  I’m not saying these are by any means optimized builds but thematically it’s hard to replicate some themes in any other way.


    2) Because their defensive capabilities are easy to soft cap/maximize they are cheap to build and cheap to throwaway if you don’t like them.  They have no lasting value to me like other AT’s and I seldom take them through incarnate levels as a result because even maxed out they are still subpar to just about everything else.  But they are these fun little excursions now and then to take to 50 just for the sheer economy of them.  I’ve got the influence and then some to spare but in general I only invest my time in alts of lasting play value to me and that’s the opposite of a Sent.

    I think you need to rethink whether 2 is something you like about Sentinels, because it reads as, at best, damning with faint praise or, at worst, a passive aggressive open condemnation of the AT. 


    I do find it a little odd, to be honest. Just looks like all you want to do is troll people who DO like Sentinels. I mean, I don’t like Masterminds or Stalkers, but I don’t go on the forums for people that do, find a positive thread, and tell them the AT they like is a pile of crap. Doesn’t bother me either way, but it’s definitely very odd behaviour. 

  9. Just been through the whole Maria Jenkins arc on my Psi/Invul Sentinel and solo’d all the AVs except Nightstar (just too much Psi resist 😡) without a single death. By contrast, when I try it on my blaster (main) he can kill the AVs faster but also suffers a few deaths here and there when a big attack penetrates his defences. 

    Long story short: My Sentinel feels like my blaster’s more dependable yet less flashy big brother and I love him for that. 

    • Like 2
  10. It’s clear that I’m in - or am - a tiny majority, but I really like Blazing Blast. It’s brilliant solo and it negates tougher foes, which in teams is good when you’re trying to get a boss away from a weaker teammate. 

    I love it 🤷🏼‍♂️

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  11. The independence. 

    Waiting for a team to fill and no tank turns up? No bother, I can handle my own aggro. No buffer? Peachy. Can get by fine without them. No debuffer or healer? I’m fine thanks, can look after myself. 

    Ranged damage-wise, Sentinels are always going to be the poor relation to blasters, and I can live with that. We’re the dependable cousin, slower and sturdier but in no way turdier. Might not be the Mr Saturday nights of the team demanding the spotlight but we get the job done with a quiet yet dignified authority and confident command. 

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  12. Fire/Thermal is one of my favourite characters to play. Fire feels good damage regardless of AT and Scourge is a nice bonus. 

    It’s definitely one of those combos that demands compromise in terms of end-game build, though. My (pre-incarnate) wish list was:


    • Heals

    • All teammate buffs

    • Ranged defence cap

    • Perma-hasten

    • Procced out Char

    • No end issues 


    Couldn’t do it, so had to choose what to give up and in the end it was the Procced out Char. Just didn’t have enough slots. Didn’t REALLY get endurance issues fully under control either, but Alpha slot and accolades helped fix that.


    It’s a really fun combo though. It allows you to slip into ‘healer’ mode if required - which many teams just don’t need anymore at high level - but blasts, buffs, and debuffs keep you actively contributing plenty generally.  

  13. 2 minutes ago, Hexquisite said:



    I'm starting to wonder how some people here handle traffic lights, or the time it takes to microwave a burrito...


    It's ten bloody seconds. I never even notice it. I just keep punching.


    Regarding thematic context... you decide the context for your character. IC, most of my characters don't "crash;" they remain as strong as they always are. IC, they don't get enraged - sometimes, I play it as getting focused. Sometimes, I play it a literal surge of power that they can't maintain indefinitely. One character doesn't actually have super-strength - her power is point-blank telekinesis, and the 'Rage' is her exerting intense, migraine-inducing mental force, which takes a lot out of her. Sometimes I even RP the crash.


    Hm. What was my point?


    Right. It's ten bloody seconds.


    Maybe I just can't wrap my head around the issue.

    I don’t microwave burritos or tackle traffic lights for fun, tbf 🤣

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  14. 6 minutes ago, Lazarillo said:

    I must have missed the part where "it makes you useless to the point you might as well alt-tab and do something else every two minutes" is somehow "simply much better than any other power in any other melee set".


    Rage = The only melee power that penalizes the player for using it

    Should therefore also be

    Rage = Should make that melee set stand above others to compensate for that penalty.


    Thanks to the specific penalty invoked, I'd never call SS fun, personally, regardless.  But that's a somewhat different argument, and the point remains that as long as it's the only set that has to pay to achieve mediocrity, it's not balanced.

    Again, hard to disagree. My personal experience is Rage crash makes SS feel a little under powered, and changing it will bring it back up to par. I don’t see SS becoming overpowered without a root and branch rework, so I struggle to see Rage crash as the kind of honourable anchor single-handedly keeping SS from breaking the game as others apparently do. 

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  15. 2 minutes ago, arcane said:

    (1) Sometimes. Some of my fav heroes sure get tired. (2) Why is it a problem for a set to not be #1? As long as it’s not one of the worst in the game I sure don’t care.

    I feel like you aren’t listening to what people are telling you though. No one is advocating for SS to be the best set in the game. 


    But it’s not a dichotomy here of massive damage crash or ridiculously overpowered set and, I may be wrong and apologies if I am, it looks like you’re trying to reduce the discussion to just such a dichotomy. 

    There are many other possible costs to Rage to explore that could potentially open up SS to other people while not affecting the balance of it all. 

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  16. 9 minutes ago, arcane said:

    Alas, I suppose that’s why we have thousands of possible powerset combinations we can create. In case someone likes one and not another or something like that.

    This is true. Plenty of sets I don’t love out there. Only one I really find unplayable though. And when that powerset is a culturally very popular one, I think inclusivity should be a priority. But that’s just me. 

    • Like 3
  17. 11 minutes ago, arcane said:

    I don’t see it that way. I don’t think you’re paying a damn thing in net terms. You get something for your downtime: the best overall self damage buff in the game. If there wasn’t downtime, the buff literally wouldn’t be justifiable, and you could no longer have it because, yes, that’s how balance works. We could give SS Build Up, but I have a sneaking suspicion everyone would suddenly show their true Rage fandom if that was done.



    Suppose that’s where subjectivity comes into it. Because if the cost overpowers the gain, which it evidently does for many, then that’s not balance either. 

    But I don’t think anyone believes there shouldn’t be a cost and there shouldn’t be balance. So many options about what the cost should be though. 

  18. 31 minutes ago, siolfir said:

    The problem with the mutually-exclusive power selection option is that @Captain Powerhouse is on the record as saying that he doesn't like it and doesn't want to add any more. So I just treat it as not an option from the beginning of the discussion.

    That’s a shame. I mean, he’s probably right for 95% of cases, although with this one it feels like that leaves taking away from one group to satisfy another is the only option left. 

  19. 2 hours ago, arcane said:

    Agree to disagree. I think it certainly feels stronger than some sets.


    I am not opposed to reconsidering the nature of the crash, but many ideas do feel like too much for me.


    I could see the set being not too overpowered if one of its cons was removed. The damage debuff or the defense debuff or the scalars of the attacks but not two or more of those things.

    I think it’s really important to protect what people love about rage now. A lot of people love their SS characters exactly how they are. Don’t see why they should have to lose out just because for many others the crash is too much. 

    If we went down the Master Brawler/Practiced Brawler route, players could choose which one they wanted. For example:


    Rage: How it is now. Big damage/tohit buff, double stackable, no changes. 

    Authority (or whatever anyone wants to call it): Slightly smaller damage/tohit buff, unstackable, no crash. Or even a toggle with a decent end cost if you like. 

    Then no one has to change, no respecs are forced, and everyone gets to define their own theme/character. 

    That’s where I’m at with it I think in terms of a ‘fix’ 


  20. 1 hour ago, Naraka said:


    To clarify going 3 quotes in:


    -Someone mentioned the *benefits* of Rage and rebutted with how people fixate on the negatives

    -You then state, if several other sets had the negatives of Rage, would the benefits still be benefits.

    -I asked do those sets you mentioned have a damage buff equivalent of Rage.

    -You say I'm missing the point.


    The interesting point is, I'm actually in the camp that would consider reworking SS because of how wonky it is built but then I do not play the set.  But I'm also in the camp that would consider putting in more drawbacks to work around in various powers OR pullback some effects to make room for improvements across the board.


    I view a lot of the arguments as requests to get rid of the negatives partly because they're inconvenient and partly because of RP.  Said arguments could be compelling to some, but I'm not buying it.  Super Strength is merely a powerset name.  I've been making characters for years that takes a powerset and ignore the name and name it something else.  Just because the set is called Super Strength doesn't give it a pass to be better than every other set lol

    I think we are pretty much in agreement tbh. Only places we really differ are that, while I know it’s different for everyone, I think a powerset name is more than just a name. To me, it’s a concept and a key part of a character’s identity. It does matter to me, tbh. 

    And another, I suppose key, difference is I don’t think SS even WITH Rage is better than every other set. It’s a heavily resisted damage type, relatively light on AoE, matures very late, and has a couple of long animations. I think Rage brings it up to standard rather than sends it over the top, so it’d be nice to have that more than 90% of the time. 

    But, like I’ve said before. There isn’t really a right or wrong here. We all experience CoH differently and those experiences are all as valid as each other. So it can be frustrating when people (not you) oppose making changes to make a powerset inclusive to all. 

  21. 5 minutes ago, arcane said:

    I was avoiding SS on HC for a long time because the tradeoffs all sounded over the top. Once I actually made an SS character again and recalled the true strength of SS with Rage, I’m afraid I no longer agree the tradeoffs are too punishing. I have not had a reason to need Jab or Punch, but Haymaker absolutely ceases to be atrocious once Rage is factored in. 

    I can accept that. We all play this game and we all love it and we all experience it differently. I’m not saying your opinions or experiences are wrong. I’m just telling you what mine are and asking to be allowed them. 

    Perhaps it’s time to look at a solution where the path diverges and each side of the argument has an option to satisfy them. A Master Brawler/Practiced Brawler style solution, if you like. 

  22. 1 minute ago, arcane said:

    This sentence doesn’t seem like it’s coming from someone who’s in touch with the concept of game balance, sorry. They tried implementing this exact philosophy on Titan Weapons, but it created an imbalance that had to be nerfed. Not going to happen.

    This is the problem right here. I disagree with you but I’m not saying you lack understanding or aren’t clever enough to get it. 

    I’ve got and have had about a dozen tanks and brutes over the years on live and HC. I wouldn’t say my SS ones feel any more powerful than my War Mace or Stone Melee. That’s because the set feels balanced by the weak filler attacks. 

    For that 10%, though, SS certainly feels weaker than every other powerset, AT, or build I’ve ever played. 

    In my experience and opinion, and mine are just as valid as yours, Rage is what is making the set unbalanced right now. Fixing the crash (note: not removing - I think a trade-off is fair) REbalances it. 

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