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Posts posted by DrInfernus

  1. It depends really on what you’re going to want to be doing Solo. 

    If you’re wanting to do >x4, then primaries with solid AoE soft controls would likely be best, such as Dark Blast or Water Blast. Then pair that with one of the more survivable secondaries such as /Ice or /Temp. 

    If you’re wanting to just run through content at <x4 you’re probably better off with the stronger single target damage sets like Fire Blast or Ice Blast, and pair it with a good self buffing set like /Energy. 

    From my own personal experience, my Fire/NRG is great solo. He can handle x8, but it’s just a bit messy without any soft controls at all. On the other hand, he can Solo any AV in the game in about 3 mins or less, so he’s got that powerful feel to him. 

    But ultimately, any blaster built well these days can solo better than fine. 

    • Like 1
  2. I always respec at level 50. Always a big difference for me between the ‘levelling’ build and the end-game build. 

    My 3-4 ‘mains’ sometimes get a respec or two after that too. Customarily I’ll look at their build again in Mids with fresh eyes every few months (even if I’m happy with it) and alway - always - find ways to improve it. It’s just the benefit of experience I suppose. 

  3. It’s easier to make a survivable blaster than a damage-dealing Sentinel. 

    I like Sentinels. They get the best versions of Beam Rifle, Electric Blast, Regen, and Super Reflexes. They get quicker recharge nukes than other ATs. They solo great, they feel tough. 

    For me personally, though, there are just too many compromises. Their damage is too lacklustre, and the AoE cap just too low. They might feel tough, but they don’t feel strong. 

    • Like 7
  4. 14 hours ago, GM Miss said:

    I love complimenting people on their play styles, interesting themes and concepts. I teamed with a ill controller last night who had the cutest theme with his little decoys and I stopped to tell him how cute they were. Kind words can really make someones day and we should use more of them. 🙂

    I hope it wasn’t anything too serious 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤒

    • Haha 1
  5. I absolutely love defenders but I find expectations on you from teams can vary massively. There seems no consensus on what defenders are specifically for and what they should be. For the most of the rest it’s generally simple:


    Tanks/Brutes: Take alpha

    Scrapper/Blaster/Stalker: Deal damage

    Controller/Dom: Lock them down


    But what about defenders? Heal? Buff? Debuff? Damage multiplication? Take full responsibility for a team’s green bars? I’ve had expectations of them all depending on which character I’m actually playing, sometimes by any of compliments for what I can do and sometimes criticism for what I can’t do. 

    I’ve always considered defending to be all about simply making a team greater than the sum of its parts, in any way you can depending on your power set. So my questions are:


    1) Do you agree with that, or is there something more specific to it?




    2) Based on your experiences in-game, do you think the wider CoX community share a common definition and expectation of defenders?

  6. My Altitis is a mere audition process. I want one top performing character for three roles: A damage dealer, support, and a meat shield. Currently they are:


    Damage Dealer: Fire/EM blaster

    Support: Cold/water defender

    Meat Shield: SS/Invul brute


    My time in game is split between playing those three and levelling other combos and characters. If I find one I like more, they knock one off the above roster and take their place. 

    I do try to give a new 50 that I THINK I love, or could love, a 1000-merit road test though. I’ll know for sure after 1000 merits of content.

    • Like 2
  7. On 6/18/2020 at 10:47 PM, Mister Mass said:

    Quoted for truth.  I used to be one of those shy people reluctant to form a team, just waiting for someone else to do it.  Now I am that someone else, & I almost always can get a group up to do the thing I want.  The tools are there to form a group.  Just use them, & they will come!

    I tried this tonight. Normally I’d log in and entertain myself until I saw something forming on the LFG channel and try to join it. 

    Tonight, I logged in, decided what I wanted to do, then formed it myself. Ended up doing the three TFs I needed to get TF Commander, all of which I’d formed, undoubtedly helped others get stuff they needed too, and had a blast with some really fun people as I did. 

    Highly recommended. 

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  8. 13 hours ago, ZeeHero said:

    My intention is not to  state my opinion as universal fact but as a fact for most players of these games today. a game with COH combat system but not COH customization and freedom would never survive today. why? becuase the combat system in the opinion of an overwhelming majority is garbage. some may like it, and good for them, it means they can have even MORE fun with the game.


    but those people need to accept that that opinion is a tiny minority, and most people think the combat is trash. most people also recognize the game itself is great, no game is perfect.

    You keep on claiming you’re talking ‘for the overwhelming majority’ but it’s important you accept you’re only talking for yourself. That’s all any of us can do and, to be honest, it’s enough.

    Your opinion is you don’t like the combat system. Absolutely fair enough. My opinion is the combat system is really good and I enjoy it immensely. Neither of our opinions are worth any more than each other’s, and no matter how much you try to amplify yours and undermine any alternative view, that won’t change. 

    Please stop talking down to us like you’re some kind of singular truth-seeing guru and voice of the masses. You’re not. Period. 

    • Like 6
  9. 38 minutes ago, oldskool said:

    Is there a reason why you can't just skip the melee powers in Devices and just go all in on this ranged-only concept?  I think you'd find that if you started to pair other secondaries this is going to be the same question.  With Tactical Arrow you could skip utility powers just for the sake of layering defense bonuses.  The end result is identical though in both cases.  You're skipping powers in order for you to fulfill a concept.  

    I’m currently playing Beam/Dev (lvl 28 atm) and this is exactly what I’ve done. Targeting Drone and the sustain/stealth power is all I’ve taken from Dev, and I plan on taking the tier nine too. I’m loving it, I have to say. 

    I did the same with Doc Infernus, who’s a Fire/Em blaster. Just took the many self buffs from EM and left the melee attacks so I could stay at range. 

    All powers are options, ultimately. No more, no less. 

  10. I definitely don’t team as much as I used to but that’s just me. Back on live I had a huge global friends list and great SG who were all very close. On HC I have none of those things tbh. In fact I’m a literal Billy-no-mates when it comes to my global friends list now. 

    That said, it’s probably more down to how much I’ve changed in the last 12 years than how CoH has. I was a young man back then, confident, brash, single, loud, loved attention. Now I’m a mild-mannered middle-aged divorced English bloke with kids, and I’m just not as outgoing as I used to be. 

    Think it’s quite easy to blame the game and/or community for changing, but it’s been such a long time since CoH started and finished that it’s an unavoidable fact that we have probably changed as people far more than it has. 

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  11. 9 hours ago, MTeague said:

    I can sort of understand that, but do you find yourself hamstrung on that character if you flashback to a low level mission? (e.g. long pauses or holes in attack chain because you don't have enough lower level attacks?)

    In the past, yes. However, since attuned enhancements you tend to keep enough global recharge bonuses to keep yourself going no matter what. 

    • Like 1
  12. I’ve found joy in all ATs except two: 


    Masterminds: want to play the game. I don’t just want to manage AI bots while they play it. So so dull. 

    Scrappers: They just bore me with their wholly unsophisticated playstyle. There’s no skill to scrapping that I’ve ever been able to identify so it’s tough to gain any real pride from it. Just a whole AT completely devoid of any finesse. 

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  13. On 6/5/2020 at 4:09 AM, Solarverse said:

    Council of the Rose could always use fun people. We are accepting of all, although I don't think we are really politically correct. We have players of all sexes, races and sexual orientations...we have a ton of fun and are pretty tight. However, our only downfall (some may think) is that we aren't really politically correct. We don't offend or anything like that, we just keep things lose and fun is all. If that sounds like something you might be interested in, send @Rose or @TrixieChrome or @Solarverse a tell and we'll be more than happy to have you. Cheers!

    I teamed with these guys on a Faathim TF last night and got to say they were great. Really fun and absolutely welcoming. Not in their SG myself but can’t recommend them highly enough. Some of the absolutely most enjoyable teaming I’ve had on CoX, whether it was Live or Homecoming. 

    • Like 1
  14. 5 hours ago, JnEricsonx said:

    My problem sometimes winds up being that the Epic or Patron Pools don't mix with my chars.  I have a fresh 50 Water/Cold corr.  Not even the Mako set works because her power is from a river spirit.  So I just took Power Mastery instead.

    I have a fire/SR Sentinel. Love him. Well, LOVED him. Then I took Psi Mastery epic for the much needed procced damage boost from Dominate. It ruined him for me. 

    Can’t go back to lower damage as the Sentinel REALLY needs the boost, and can’t remake him as a Psi/SR/Psi (I tried) because Psi blast animations just felt glacial to me.


    Honestly, it’s maddening!! 

    • Sad 1
  15. I don’t know if it’s an OCD thing or what, but I have always found myself a complete slave to the thematic in CoX. 


    Fire/Fire, ice/cold, elec/storm, archery/TA, ss/invul, that kind of thing. That very much extends to epic power pools too. I just couldn’t even fathom playing a non-thematic build, and I know because I’ve tried! 

    Is anyone else like that or am I just one lonely loon in a prison of self-restraint? 



    • Like 4
  16. 2 hours ago, UltraAlt said:

    As I pointed out, the comic book is no longer binary good versus evil. It used to be very much that - especially when it was tightly controlled by the Comics Code.


    As for Batman, that may be now, but that wasn't in the fact in the Silver Age and most if not all of the Bronze Age. He did kill some villains during the Golden Age, but most of them were psycho killers - it is debatable if this is hero or villain as he was a vigilante as he was not law enforcement. I have no idea how Batman has been portrayed for like the last 15 or so years, as DC Comics had editors that ruined the comic books that I read and I cancelled my subscriptions. (I still have a large comic book collection). Back before the crazies started making Lex Luthor president and turning the Green Lanterns into some kind of Rainbow Brite/My Favourite Pony fantasy (sorry, but that's how I feel about it. Love the Ret-cons if you like. To each, their own), Batman was definitely fought crime along side of Commissioner Gordon and wasn't hunted by him.


    There were periods when Spider-man was hunted by the police, so, technically, a vigilante, but he was not a criminal even if J Jonah Jameson wanted him to be. He doesn't rob banks (as far as I know)


    Hulk was created to be a monster. Hulk was the combination of Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde and Frankenstein's creation with a dose of vampire thrown in. Originally, he reverted back to "normal" when the sun came up. He was pure rage and destruction. Bruce Banner had no control at all. Later, like Frankenstein's creation, Hulk was portrayed to have a gentle side which when this state set in calmed him down enough to revert back to Banner. When he was a member of the Defenders, Doctor Strange placed mystic incantations on him to keep him in Hulk form but in a much calmer and controllable state. The Hulk is only really a hero when he is in this controlled state. Is Hulk a villain when he is in his uncontrollable state? Then I ask is Godzilla a villain? Hulk isn't going to rob banks or join a group of villains trying to take over the world.


    Going Rogue does. CoH and CoV doesn't.

    There is already a path to change sides.

    Don't force everyone to have access to both sides just because you want to have the ability to do so without having to become a villain in order to behave like villain.

    This is a role-playing game and you have to role-play the change.

    If you don't want to play a role then you might as well stay in the AE and fire farm all day - once again, my opinion.

    But no one would be forced to GO to both sides, would they? If you wanted to stay in the Rogue Isles as a villain, no one would force you to go to Paragon City. If you’re a hero happy in Paragon, you can stay there too. What you’re talking about isn’t forcing people ti do anything, you’re talking about denying people something. 

    And as for roles... Joker and Batman share Gotham. Lex Luthor and Superman share Metropolis. Spider-man and Green Goblin share New York. There are AVs in Paragon City already and there are Heroes in the RI. So if AI-controlled Heroes can go to the Rogue Isles, why can’t player controlled ones go too?


    I just don’t get the argument FOR continued segregation. I really don’t. 

    • Like 2
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  17. 21 minutes ago, Patti said:

    Ohno!   Not the comic book arguments!  Run for cover!  Get to the bunkers!  No one will be safe!

    Good lord, I certainly wouldn’t want to start one of those! 

    Merely feel it important to challenge a conclusion based on any premise that comic book culture is binary. 

    A huge part of CoX has always been the potential for true individuality. That should extend, as much as possible, to a character’s motivations as much as it does their look and powers. In my opinion at least. 

    • Like 3
  18. 1 hour ago, UltraAlt said:

    I'm trying to figure out "why increase the population of the villain side?"

    I played before the sunset.

    I played in the CoV beta, was there when they shut down the CoV beta test, and bought CoV when it came out.

    I made characters ... not anywhere near as many villains as as heroes.

    I can't even remember if I made it to 50 with one villain character. Maybe one. Maybe just into the high 40's.


    I would only play villains when I felt like being a villain which wasn't all that often. The most fun I had was in the bank heist missions (opposite of the safeguard missions). (or - as usual - just making the character)


    So I had a bunch of characters that I made as villains before the shutdown that were kind of fun to play, but I never really enjoyed playing them as much partially due to the population. So I can can understand why people playing villains would want more people to game with.


    I made one villain since I have been back. Not fun at all to play the low levels. The map is horridly overpopulated for a low level character not in a team.

    The area really isn't enjoyable to run around in. There was no one else there. It just wasn't fun.

    I made some of the character that I had made as villains as heroes.


    One of the things that really dishearten me about some people's need to get more people to play the villain content with the is the dropping down of walls between the two sides. Honestly, I don't even really like the concept of "Going Rogue" and, honestly, between that and - what I saw - as a downslide in the quality of gamers that farming in the AE, Power-leveling through AE, and the game opening the F2P option ... I stopped playing a good 6-9 months (at least) before the sunset. I was over it at that point. The game I had loved had had some great improvements over the time, but the quality of gameplay I was experiencing had dropped drastically (and I will say again - from my view point).


    Comics were very ... I hate to use the term these days, but ... black-and-white.

    Heroes were heroes. They were good guys. They stood for high moral values and did good things for the benefit of society and not themselves.

    Villains were villains. They commited crimes for their own game. They would sacrifice their flunkies to save their own skins. They were bad people and you were supposed to want the heroes to defeat and imprison them.

    Comics have strayed far away from those ideals to be uplifting and inspirational. They mire in muddy grays. Heroes are villains. Villains are heroes. A villain can be President. 


    Playing City of Heroes - like reading comics - is an escape for me. An escape to a place where it is obvious what is good and what is bad (I say "bad" because not all villains are necessarily "eviL" <--- a discussion for another day). I don't like seeing mingling of heroes and villains. I don't like calling the sides "Blue" and "Red". They aren't "blue" and "red"; they are Hero and Villain. 


    Like I said. I have played villains. If someone wants to play a villain, that's fine. But don't drag down what it is to be a hero so that villians, can be villains and still run the same missions as Heroes. If villains want to game with heroes, make a hero or follow the path to go rogue.


    For myself, I'm not going vigilante with any of my heros, and I really don't want to be forced into that status because there aren't enough people playing villains.

    To each, their own.

    Have to say I completely disagree that comic book culture is binary. Sure, some heroes are heroes, and some villains are villains, but there is a vast amount of grey between those two extremes. 

    Batman, for example, does the right thing but for the wrong reason. He’s a psycho with a bloodlust and some very dark methods at times. He just directs it towards criminals. Hulk is seen as a villain by the authorities due to the damage and destruction he causes. Then you have the likes of Magneto who does bad things but in the name of a noble ideal. Wolverine is much more or a hero now, but he has a dark past when he showed he was capable of bad things. Would we call Jean Grey/Dark Pheonix a hero or a villain? Lex Luthor is a ruthless vicious character, but much of what he does is motivated by a desire to protect earth from alien threats.

    Sure, you have your Superman/Captain America style full-blown clean cut heroes and they’re awesome, but thank god they aren’t all like that. Comic book culture is far more about flawed characters battling their own demons more so than perfect heroes battling absolute villains. 

    Personally, I love that CoX reflects that and gives us the chance to create and explore characters who tread the line between good and evil. 

  19. 58 minutes ago, johnnysc said:



    I'd also like for people to start leveling as Rogues or Vigilantes from level one.  Use the promoted AE content for rogue or vigilante contacts.  Much of the existing villain content would map well to a rogue or vigilante character.



    I love this idea. That’s what makes Gold side so fun for me. You get your powers, start your journey, then make your decision at 20 once you’ve got to know your character a bit. 

  20. 1 hour ago, Apparition said:

    Heh.  That just shows how people are different.  To me, it’s a bonus that red side does not have a social hub zone.  If it did, I would probably avoid that zone like the plague, like I do Atlas Park.


    IMO, Kallisti Wharf should be the social hub zone anyway as it was clearly designed to be one and is co-op.

    Completely agree that KW could be a great co-op social hub. Bit like how you used to be able to choose between starting in Galaxy or Atlas, be great if both Heroes and Villains could choose to start in KW. Of course, would need to populate KW with content and contacts first. 

    @Redlynnemakes some AMAZING points but personally I can’t get away from a feeling that populating red side better lies in more co-op rather than more segregation. Plenty comic book lore to support heroes and villains teaming together. 

    I just think so many mistakes were made with CoV at the start really. You feel heroic in CoH, but I never really feel villainous in CoV.   

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