This is how I was originally going to set my binds up but I ran into a weird issue. Instead of going off of whichever power I actually had in that form, it would attempt to activate that last power, even if it wasn't accessible at the time, and leave me standing there waiting for a teleport power to activate. And then it would just stick there. My workaround ended up being to call a bindfile specifically for each form when switching into it, using the same macro I already had set up to change forms and switch trays. Tp_clear just clears all my teleport binds, tp_warshade is for the human form teleports, and tp_blackdwarf has the dwarf specific one. A bit complex to set up, but it works much better for me than gambling on it getting stuck on the one unavailable power.
If anyone is curious, my form change macros now look like this:
/macro_image "UmbralBlast_DarkNova" "Nova ON" "powexectoggleon Dark Nova$$gototray 8$$bindloadfile C:\Games\Homecoming\Keybinds\tp_clear.txt"
/macro_image "UmbralBlast_DarkNova" "Nova OFF" "powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$gototray 9$$bindloadfile C:\Games\Homecoming\Keybinds\tp_warshade.txt"
/macro_image "UmbralAura_BlackDwarf" "Dwarf ON" "powexectoggleon Black Dwarf$$gototray 7$$bindloadfile C:\Games\Homecoming\Keybinds\tp_blackdwarf.txt"
/macro_image "UmbralAura_BlackDwarf" "Dwarf OFF" "powexectoggleoff Black Dwarf$$gototray 9$$bindloadfile C:\Games\Homecoming\Keybinds\tp_warshade.txt"