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Eva Destruction

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Posts posted by Eva Destruction

  1. Blappers are absolutely a thing, and with the new Sustain abilities, plus the availability of ATOs and Winter IOs, and Incarnate abilities, they are a thing that doesn't have to live in constant fear of faceplanting.  They're the new Scrappers, but with nukes.

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  2. I have this same issue with people who want to actually use the base I tore down and am rebuilding.  What I did was move all the storage to the 10x2 rooms that fill in the top of the plot, plunk down the 24x24 room, filled it all in, then created a few "rooms"  in the 24x24 room and build an "it ain't pretty but everything works" functioning base there.  Then, once the above-the-base build is ready for use, I can just move the entry portal and storage up there.

  3. 5 minutes ago, TheAdjustor said:

    But anyway to rephrase your question, why bring an AT that is bringing the second least of everything to the team ?  or as I asked in my original "The Emp getting bored ? "

    Because they're not bringing the second-least of everything.  Blaster damage still on par with, if not greater than, all other ATs for general PvE, barring maybe a few FOTM Scrapper and Brute builds.  You bring a Blaster to kill everything, you always did, the i24 changes just mean that the emp might still be bored.


    On 8/16/2019 at 10:03 PM, Tahliah said:

    But I've seen some super impressive blappers (that can't touch my own dps, but are way more survivable), so it's all in what you want to build and what you are willing sacrifice to build it.

    Maybe on paper, and if the blappers aren't Fire or /Fire.  But in the reality, the Blapper can solo on x8 which means they get a ton of inspiration drops, which they can convert into reds and chug, because they don't need to save space for purples or even a lot of greens.  On a team, they can run off by themselves or maybe with a Scrapper and take full advantage of all their damage instead of wasting it on things that the rest of the team has half-killed already.


    9 minutes ago, TheAdjustor said:

    Don't want to be confrontational on this, But if blasters aren't bringing top tier damage, why invite one to a team ? You need venge bait or it's to dull healing the incarnate tank ?


    By that logic, why invite anything that isn't an FoTM powerset with a top-end build?


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  5. 16 hours ago, ShardWarrior said:

    One important disadvantage to keep in mind doing the 1 room thing is that it becomes very tedious to find objects using the Current Room tab.  It can get away with using separate rooms, however it becomes tricky when editing as you'll fall through the grass floor when crossing over doorways and such.

    Make a second build with hover.  It will make your base-building life so much easier.

  6. Hmm, Dark Armor then maybe.  It would fit the concept and I don't have one yet.


    But Pines says you only get 1.9% def from Hide, including to AoE, which I assume is what you get when you're not hidden.  Is this wrong, or is the softcapped AoE def only while hidden?


  7. I hadn't even noticed the lack of Build Up in the Scrapper and Brute versions, I just want to hit things with a stick.  It looks like I'm making my first Stalker then.  Form of the Body seems like the one you'd be using most often at higher levels anyway, since you can get recharge and end mitigation from IOs.


    I'm kinda leaning toward Super Reflexes because I think it goes well thematically with flashy animations, and everything and its uncle has def debuffs in the newer content.

  8. I'm not aware of any Praetorian-only badges that can't be earned by Primals through Ouroboros.  If you're referring to the Escapist badge, for leaving Praetoria, it can be earned through Ouroboros, although you might have to wait until 50.


    Afaik, the only permanently missable badge is Efficiency Expert, since the timed missions required are all one-offs and not part of an arc and don't seem to be available through Ouro.

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  9. I have an idea for a Staff Fighting character, and I'm thinking of making him a Stalker since I have several Scrappers and Brutes already and no Stalkers.  Is Staff Fighting halfway decent on a Stalker?  Or would it work better on a Scrapper or Brute?  And if yes Stalker, are there any secondaries that synergize particularly well with it?  I would prefer a "natural" secondary, but it's not absolutely required.

  10. I attune all my sets because I exemp a lot.  I buy them as soon as I can slot them.  Procs and such, I buy at the minimum level because it doesn't matter, and the recipe and salvage is sometimes cheaper than the crafted IO.  Anything that's not part of a set, I boost.  I buy attuned lower-tier sets to put in powers that will eventually have purples, then either unslot them or respec them out at 50 and put them in base storage, so either my SG-mates can use them or they'll be available for another alt.


  11. Look, we're Blasters, we have ONE JOB, and it's killing things, and by gosh we're gonna do it.


    Either split up or suggest turning up the difficulty if your team is steamrolling everything so fast you feel superfluous.

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  12. 4 hours ago, Novacat said:

    Having many times the faceplanting rate and risk was the devs own words on the matter. It was why the i24 changes were so heavy (+50% recovery and 225% regen is no small tweak)

    Yes, they had a higher faceplanting risk.  The reason they had many times the faceplanting rate was because people didn't account for that and tried to play them like Scrappers.  Now they've been buffed to the point where you can play them like Scrappers, everybody is doing so and calling Blasters "finally soloable." 

    • Like 4
  13. On 8/11/2019 at 1:36 PM, Novacat said:

    Back in the day before i24, that was a spurious claim. Blasters could solo just like how I can play when on satellite internet: Technically. I can log in, technically I can get past the character select screen, technically I can run around on the map and do things... just ignore the 750 or so ping and mapserver disconnects if I dare try to team on top of that...

    A Blaster's ability to solo was nothing compared to basically every other AT - difficulty and time required were magnitudes worse than anybody else.


    This is utter BS.  Blasters could solo before i24.  You had to be a bit more careful, the margin for error was smaller, but they could solo, and much faster than some ATs.  "Can't solo like a Scrapper or Brute can" doesn't mean "can't solo."

    • Like 1
  14. 18 hours ago, krj12 said:

    Thanks for the info.


    Not sure I understand what you mean by spinning the camera, and what does that accomplish?


    It pans around like in an action movie and looks really cool.  Because what else are you going to do during that long animation?

  15. All my experience with AR/Fire comes from live, so it's hella outdated; no insta-snipes, no sustains, no ATOs or Winter sets, but with that in mind:


    Combat Jump is extremely useful, since you have a short,narrow cone in Buckshot, a short wide cone in Flamethrower, and a long narrow cone in Full Auto.  And then there's Burn.  So you want to be mobile.  Tough/Weave are probably necessary if you want to build some defense.


    You could probably justify Mace Mastery thematically if you want to take Scorpion Shield and go for S/L/E defense rather than positional.  If you want to stick with Fire or Munitions, I'd pick Fire.  The only real advantage to Munitions was the no redraw when paired with AR, but now that AR has a no-redraw option, it's purely a thematic choice.


    Full Auto is terrible Single-target DPS.  Assault Rifle is terrible at single-target DPS.  So yes, if you can fit insta-snipe in, I'd do it; it will make your single-target DPS less terrible.


    Range enhancements in Flamethrower and Buckshot are nice, if you have the slots to spare, Flamethrower especially.


    Damage for Alpha probably, since it's easy to get a lot of recharge from purples and ATOs.


    I wouldn't suggest leading off with Full Auto either; use Flamethrower first, and watch your enemies burn while you gun them down.  Or put a KB-to-KD proc in M30 and lead off with that, so they will fall down and can't hurt you while you are setting them on fire.  And don't forget to spin the camera during Full Auto's animation, this is crucial to playing AR properly.



  16. 7 hours ago, Illy said:

    All "hardcore pvp games" compared to your average MMO. In my opinion, if you want to discern the most common attitude toward challenge, and challenge as it presents itself in video games, these popular shooter games seem to indicate the opposite point: that people want to compete. 

    Well those people who want to compete should go play those games then.  CoH was never a game for people who want to compete.  There was no PvP at all at launch, and even after it was implemented it was never very popular; in fact, there was, and still is, a significant portion of the playerbase that refuses to ever participate in PvP, some of whom refuse to even enter PvP zones to do the PvE content there.  The same goes for player-created PvE competitions; a very small portion of the playerbase participates.

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