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Eva Destruction

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Posts posted by Eva Destruction

  1. There really isn't a commercial center, just shops scattered everywhere.  Probably the touristy places would be in Atlas, the upscale boutiques in Founders, trendy hipster places in Talos, Steel Canyon canonically still has some of the old jeweler's shops. 


    As for quiet suburbs, there's Woodvale...oh wait no.  Or maybe Eastgate...oops, not there either.  I think the lesson here is that urban sprawl is bad. 

    • Haha 5
  2. For placing objects on tables, yes the "surface" placement.  I do find that if you set the grid to 1/4 it sometimes places the object inside the table, so you have to raise it up a notch, and then it'll sit on the table.  (I try to avoid turning the grid off because of base shift).


    For NPCs on chairs, what I did was:  put down a glass plate, then rotated it to the angle I wanted the NPC to sit at.  This saves from having to try to select the NPC to rotate them.  Selected the sitting NPC, set them to surface, placed them.  Then placed the chair under them.  Anything to avoid having to move an NPC.

  3. I would like to submit my arc for consideration


    Freaks, Geeks, and Gunslingers, Arc ID 1644


    It's carried over from live and is a little bit outdated since there are KoA in it, but I'm still pretty proud of it.



  4. 31 minutes ago, Coyotedancer said:

    Remember that the game is still balanced around SO builds, not what you can do with IO sets and specials.

    Well then Bio can have its defensive capabilities boosted to compensate.


    An SO TW build will have long recharge times and insane end costs.  Heraclea is right that it's painful when exemped down too far, and probably even more so when you don't have a bunch of global recharge set bonuses.

  5. 19 minutes ago, Apparition said:

    There are story arc accolades for Nova Praetoria, Mercy Island, Atlas Park, The Hollows, Faultline, Striga Isle, Croatoa, Rikti War Zone, and Dark Astoria.  That's it.

    There are also accolades for Imperial City, and Neutropolis, as well as for completing all the story arcs for Warden, Crusader, Power, and Responsibilty, and for completing all the patron arcs.

  6. 12 hours ago, Sir Myshkin said:

    I think a lot of folks would be staggeringly baffled by the fact that War Mace does about just as well as Titan Weapons, yet no one's protesting that one.

    Yeah, I'm thinking bio armor needs a looking-at too.  -Res and -regen and +dmg in an armor set is overpowered, and any survivability tradeoffs can be compensated for with IOs and incarnate powers, plus the fact that TW has knockdown on a bunch of attacks for additional mitigation.

  7. All prestige did was reward farmers and SGs who spammed invites in Atlas.  People who just want to be in a small SG with a few friends will not join a bigger SG if you bring prestige back, they'll just get mad.  And the base builders' rage would be visible from space.  Besides, SGs predate global channels; those serve the social aspect just as well, if not better, for many people, since you can access them from any character, any alignment, any server.


    No one is ever in the PvP zones because most players aren't interested in PvP.  If people were interested in zone PvP they'd visit the seagull and switch to villain. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, longdayinrehab said:

    I actually found it somewhat less immersive that this zone was considered so dangerous, but the contacts were just hanging out right there in it like they had plot armor so thick nothing could get through it. An airdrop into the hostile territory situation (by changing the entry to helicopters or boats) would make far more sense to me.

    There are civilians hanging out in all kinds of dangerous areas.  Like,, there are a bunch of armed fascists hanging out on a street corner on their soapbox doing their "we are going to take over the world" speech and people just stroll on by, like "pffft, whatever," like you'd do with someone standing on a street corner trying to tell you about Jesus.  That's just life in Paragon City and the Isles; if you waited until it was safe to go outside, you'd never go out.

  9. 14 minutes ago, Tyrannical said:

    Like I said, the missions would still take place in Striga, their doorway points would simply change.

    there are whole hero mission arcs that take place in places like the Rogue Isles or Praetoria (and now even Galaxy City) , but that doesn't mean your mission contacts are situated over there, does it?

    And making Striga an Echo takes away a big fat nothing. The badges are the same, the mobs are the same, the day job locations are the same, the only thing that's different? there's no contacts there.... they just get moved.


    It takes away immersion.  You have a zone with no contacts and contacts with no zone.  The Striga contacts are situated in Striga because they live there.  One thing that CoV very much improved on is that where the contacts are and where they send you is actually integrated to the game world.  They're not standing on a random street corner and sending you to a random door in a random zone, they're standing in the casino and sending you to the St Martial slums to track down the guy who owes them money, because they're the kind of person who would hang out in the casino and the slums is where your target is hiding.  They only resort to boats and submarines and helicopters when the mission takes place in a zone your character can't access.  Story zones have the contacts and missions completely integrated into the zone, and taking them out and resorting to boats and submarines would be taking something away.



    • Confused 1
  10. Except with Striga, like with every other story zone, the story arcs are intrinsically tied to the zone.  The story of Striga only makes sense because it's not part of Paragon City, it's kind of a no-man's land where various villain groups run around unchecked, the Council set up their base, and now they're building a giant robot inside a volcano.    You can't just move it to Talos and Boomtown, any more than you could just move the Croatoa storyline to Atlas Park.  And banishing it to Ouroboros does take something away from Blueside.

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    • Confused 1
  11. The personal vault and difficulty-setting NPC are optional, since you can access those things from the UI.

    Quartermaster and buff tables are necessary.  The quartermaster is just too convenient not to have, and the buff tables are the only place you can get those buffs.  They can give you a nice little boost, and they count toward crafting badges.  The nurse is optional if you have the med item that sells inspirations and the one that sells break-frees.

    More salvage storage than enhancement storage, since you'll want to have lots of salvage available when you go to your base to craft.  You can't access the AH from the base, so if you're short a nevermelting ice for that IO you want to make, you'll have to go out, buy it, and come back in if there isn't one in storage.   You can also fill one with Halloween salvage during the event, so new alts can grab a set without paying the high off-season prices on the AH.  I'd also suggest having some inspiration storage, so if you're soundly defeated and hosp to base you can pick up some large inspirations on your way out and go back and get your sweet revenge.

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  12. 20 hours ago, Chris24601 said:


    It could be insane for some, but not all... it wouldn't be for Captain America, for example. No one would accuse him of insanity for doing so, even if the odds were long... because motivation is key. Regardless of their actual ability, the end the hero is trying to achieve is the continuation of things like running water, prepared food and being able to binge Avatar the Last Airbender on Netflix. If they're capable enough to live through the effort their life and that of those in the path of the giant robot get to continue to enjoy good things that if the robot was left to run rampant you and others probably would not.


    Likewise, even if you know you can't beat it, but are willing to risk your life to give others the chance to get out of the robot's path while you distract it, then you're not crazy, unless you consider every law enforcement and rescue services officer to be crazy for risking their lives to protect others.


    By contrast, regardless of whether a villain is capable of conquering the world to rule it with an iron fist or intending to cause the world to burn, you are objectively making your life more difficult. You are either desiring your life to become an over-complicated mess where you'll never know another moment without rampant paranoia or desiring to live in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where the few remaining people are fighting over the last Twinkie and roll of toilet paper. 


    In short, being a hero (if you're capable of it) is generally in your long term interests... being a villain (if you're capable of it) with the conquest or burn the world motivations is against your own long term best interests. The only sane villain path is "acquire large quantities of money by whatever means you're willing to pursue and then spend it on things you want; hookers, drugs, politicians, a movie about how awesome you are, an endless supply of Twinkies, your ailing mother's medical bills..." because that is the only villain path where you're not automatically making your life harder in the long run (you still might if you piss off enough people getting that money, but its not automatic).

    It is insane for Captain America to do it.  He only survives because the plot requires him to.  Under the real world logic that you're trying to apply to a goofy superhero game, giant robot make Scrapper go squish, continues with rampage.  Under the comic-book logic that the game properly operates under, the Scrapper survives the Kronos ambush long enough for people to come help defeat it.


    And power is a motivator.  Money is power but you'll never get enough just by robbing banks, and even if you could leveraging it into power is an entirely different skillset than building an army of killer robots and siccing them on anybody who opposes you.  Also, boring.  This isn't City of Hedge Fund Managers.  You amass power with killer robots and doom rays and the heads of your enemies on pikes because it's COOL, and who cares if people try to take you down, you've taken out everyone who stood in the way of your rise to power, you'll take them out too. 


    As for watching the world burn, you  might be taking that a little bit too literally, maybe?  Plenty of villains with that motivation in comics.  Some are just "lol crazeeee" like the Joker, but others have motives.  Revenge.  Tearing down the old world because they think a better one will rise in its place.  Destroy all humans because humans suck.  Be the Immortan Joe who holds the last of the toilet paper and twinkies.


    I suppose you'll just play the mercenary contacts because they're the only ones that "make sense," but I want my doom ray, tyvm.

  13. 44 minutes ago, Yoru-hime said:

    This feels like something that could be feasible if implemented in phases, rather than requiring some massive large-scale rework. Just add a few arcs here and there to flesh out the various motivations. The old arcs can stay as they are, much like the classic Issue 0 blueside content is still there if that's what you want. Maybe some of them get tagged Mercenary or Chaos as appropriate, but there wouldn't be a reason to banish them to Ouroboros or anything. Everything could be additive and done piecemeal as resources are available.


    Yes, my thought was to "tag" the existing arcs, or at least change the flavor text you get when you're offered a contact to indicate what kind of content you'll be doing.  For the no-introduction contacts, give them a little blurb, then give the player the choice to accept that contact or not; that way you won't have a contact you don't want cluttering up your list and you won't accidentally get stuck in an arc.  A tag system would be too restrictive to apply to existing content; how would you tag Television, for instance?  Why are you working for Dmitri Krylov, exactly?  I think rewriting the intro blurbs would offer more flexibility while still allowing villains to choose the contacts that best fit their character's motives.  And I think you really do have to work with existing content; in ten issues, before Going Rogue and everything became All Praetoria All the Time, the paid professionals working on the live game added only a fraction of the content villains got at CoV launch and issue 7.  If you're going to rely on a handful of volunteers to make redside more appealing just by adding new content, you're going to be waiting a long time.  Rewriting some text takes a lot less time.

  14. 13 hours ago, Gulbasaur said:

    The broker system punishes people who want to run story arcs by forcing five generic missions before unlocking a contact - rework it to one or two, please! It's a shame, but many of the good story arcs are behind grind-gates like that.


    I'd rather redside had a blueside-style introduction chain running all the way through.  Sometimes you want to do some paper missions without having to run to the broker all the time.


    5 hours ago, BZRKR said:


    Make these into Praetoria-style factions where if you are "Chaos" then "Mercenary" contacts won't give you missions (and vice versa), and sprinkle chances to "Change your Outlook" every level bracket or so. Make sure that the leveling paths are at least as complicated as what we see in Praetoria, so that you'd have to make at least two characters that go through different contacts to "see" it all.


    Oh, and add at least 3 Strike Forces, one each for "Power", "Mercenary", and "Chaos", for about lvl 30-ish so your characters are powerful, but still chasing Tier 9's and do not have access to Incarnates.


    (and maybe change the name of the "Power" subfaction to "Dominance" so as not to be confused with the "Loyalist - Power" alignment.)

    In Praetoria, opposing factions will still give you content, and redside doesn't have enough content to wall a bunch of it off that way.  Besides, if you're trying to take over the world, you'll need money, that's why Brain went on Jeopardy.   So it doesn't really make sense in that way either.  I'd rather see the contacts clearly state what kind of content they offer before you accept them; like how hero contacts tell you they deal with the Circle of Thorns or Crey, the villain contacts would tell you they offer mercenary work, or the opportunity to cause chaos, or kick puppies, or be morally dubious but not actually evil, or you'll be working for Arachnos.  That way, players can say "screw Arachnos, I'm not helping you," and choose another contact.

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  15. Some people here seem to be under the impression that taking things away from heroes will entice more players to go redside.  I think it's more likely to make them leave the game.  Getting rid of Null the Gull is an especially bad idea; fewer people will go vigilante if it requires actual effort, which means an even smaller pool for redside teams.  Every time I form an SF I get at least one "you cannot invite an enemy," usually more than one; plenty of people who play blueside will come over to red when there's something happening, the last thing we need to do is make it harder for them.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Mister Mass said:

    Yes, this bug seems to have been squashed.  I was recruiting for a red side SF yesterday, & one of the team members was sure that he was going to get dropped because of this - & was astonished when it didn’t happen.  I was mildly surprised that anyone still thought it did.

    You do get dropped if you go into a PvP zone though, so make sure you click the right black helicopter.  Ask me how I know.

    • Haha 2
  17. -Let the sun come out every once in a while.  A lot of people complain that villain zones are too grungy; a lot of that is the constant cloud cover.

    -More black helicopters to make it easier to get around.  Move the Nerva North line further north, add one to the other end of Mercy, and the other end of St Martial.  Villain zones are bigger than hero zones, and harder to navigate, especially with Super Speed.

    -More Task Forces.

    -More story arcs, none of which include Longbow or Arachnos.

    -Story zones, like the Hollows and Croatoa.  Heroes have four of them.  Villains have none.  Give 'em Boomtown, or Crey's Folly, nobody goes there anyway.

    -Revamp villain accolades.  There should be no requirement to enter a PvP zone for an accolade.  That includes the Man in Black badge; yes, shivans can be farmed through Ouroboros but no hero accolades require farming either.  And remove the damage taken and debt badge requirements from their respective accolades.


    Ultimately though, people are going to take the path of least resistance.  More people want to be the hero, so blueside will always have more players, which will attract everyone who doesn't care about alignment and just wants to be where the people are, leading to a vicious spiral where no one wants to play redside because nobody is playing redside.  "Nobody wants to play redside" is a lament almost as old as redside itself.  More rewards is just going to attract players who want to play the most rewarding content over and over.  Just like there are more people playing Brutes than any other AT but they're mostly AE farming, there would be more villain players but they'd mostly be running speed Doc Buzzsaws or whatever, leaving villain players who don't want to do that in the same position they started.

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