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Eva Destruction

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Posts posted by Eva Destruction

  1. They're not intrinsically tied to the Malta Group.  They're mercenaries, Malta wants to have people offed, they hire the Knives.  They show up in a few redside missions that have nothing to do with Malta.  Honestly, I think they have more story potential as their own group.


    Who knows, maybe the Talons picked on them because they'd lost their way, and the group was formed for some greater purpose than assassins for hire?  (okay, we know it's really because the devs had no idea what to do with them, but bear with me here).  Maybe the survivors go back to the old ways.  Maybe they don't recruit again, and keep it to 100 members.  They wouldn't be a faction per se, no more missions full of them, no more picking caltrops out of my shoes, but sometimes maybe people just...show up dead.  You go and investigate, because of course you do, fight your way through a bunch of other factions, looking for clues, interrogating some dudes, the usual drill, and the final mission takes you to a seemingly empty map, where you're ambushed by a handful of KoA bosses, with a bit of variety to their powersets just so they're more interesting to fight.

  2. There are some tidbits in character descriptions that suggest there is more to the group than "we are a bunch of mercenaries who will kill you with thumbtacks."  It's really too bad nobody ever did anything with them besides kill them all off in service of the New Shiny.  They would have been a good candidate for a revamp, like the Skulls and Family got.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Peacemoon said:

    To be honest my original post is completely facetious, and I was hoping it was evidently dripping in sarcasm enough for people to see that! 😆


    I hate the ToV earth effects. The first time I met them I was almost defeated because my screen was shaking and completely obscured by earth effects. It was like a blind power targeted on the player! It’s really over the top, especially for lieutenants. 

    Well you can never tell, considering how much some players love overly flashy, obscuring, and lag-causing powerset animations.  I'm sure there's even someone out there who wishes the demon MM pets would roar even more.

  4. If you're planning on a Scrapper or Brute, I would suggest WP just because Invul doesn't get mez protection until level 16 and there's a lot more mezzing going on in Praetoria than in primal content at those levels.  This one time my Praetorian /Invul Brute got dribbled to death by a bunch of Destroyers.  Not fun.

    • Haha 1
  5. I've had this happen.  I deleted the pillar, replaced it, and then it worked.  No idea what was wrong with the first one.   I didn't do anything else, other than delete it and place a new one in the exact same spot.  It's been working fine ever since, so I'm just choosing to shrug and chalk it up to the editor being a buggy mess.

  6. On 5/13/2020 at 1:23 AM, RialVestro said:

    That's actually a loaded question. There are many MANY reasons a mob could be triggered to run away. Just look in AE, you'll find a list of different triggers for mobs to run. Health reasons which can be set at various levels. If a certain number of NPCs has been defeated or if a specific NPC has been defeated it could trigger the survivors to run. Some enemies are triggered to instantly start running as soon as you even get near them. They could start running because of some other objective in a mission was completed.

    This is a different mechanic, where enemies are scripted to run to the mission door when certain conditions are met.  If they reach the door, you fail the mission.  There are only a few missions that do this, because players found it incredibly annoying.  It has nothing to do with ordinary mobs running away.

  7. Okay but that doesnt' explain why these beacons, which are rotated on one axis, are so screwy, while the FF and Brickstown beacons, which are rotated exactly the same way, are not.  Or why those FF and Brickstown beacons became screwy when the base reloaded.  Also, after we had that conversation on the base builders global channel, I went in and replaced them with beacons rotated at 1-degree increments.  Same thing happened.  But only to those beacons.


    So I can only conclude that I've somehow managed to cause a rift in spacetime in this spot.  One which will expand to warp my entire base, and then eventually the whole city.

  8. Most of the sub-level 40 TFs shouldn't be too tough to duo, especially if you're running higher-level IOd characters exemped down, and/or one or both of you has debuffs, and /or you use inspirations heavily for the AVs.  Babbage could be tough, but you can call in outside help, and killing him isn't required to finish the TF.  Dr Q is easily duoable no AV, and is the TF you'd most want to do in chunks, since it is way too long.  Justin Augustine is also easily duoable due to no AV.



  9. Dr Aeon (can't remember his real name) was the lead writer when those arcs were introduced.  I'm not sure who actually wrote them.  Aeon was not a good writer either, he leaned on gimmicks over substance.  After reading through the developer AMAs from the years after Sunset, there was some really hackneyed writing philosophy going on there.  I think, ultimately, you had writers who were more focused on "well, I think it's cool" than "will the players think it's cool?"  Which is why we got the Origin of Power crap, issue after issue of Praetoria, Fusionette showing up everywhere,, the whole Incarnate storyline being yet another Nemesis plot, etc.  I'm willing to concede that the marketing department might have insisted they insert Captain Hotpants and Emo McPlotdevice into everything they could possibly be inserted into, since they're the sig characters for Going Rogue, but for the rest of it, no excuse but a couple of nerds who think they're more clever than they really are.

  10. Some of these have been mentioned before, but I would like:


    *A "No transparency" option for all stealth powers.  I would also like to have the transparency removed from the stealth IOs, but I'm not sure if that could be made optional and I suspect some players want the visual.

    *Why are electric powers so freaking loud?  Can we turn them down please?

    *A "no looping sound fx" option on all powers that have looping sound fx.  Even better if this is a blanket clientside option so I never have to hear anyone else's Quills again.

    *An option to turn down the visuals on other people's powers.  I want to see my powers, and I don't want to keep turning down particle fx every time I join a team, but I would also like to see what is going on instead of just a VFX soup.   Same goes for enemy powers,

    *Demons.  Shut the hell up.

    *A minor issue, but I would like alternate animations to be available with the default color scheme.  You can't always match it with customization.

    *Costume change emote choices to persist after logging out.



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  11. 1:  Eh.  Yes, big bases are impressive, and sometimes you have to go big to suit your concept.  I've visited bases that are near the item cap that are less laggy than some mission maps.  As for being overwhelming, if you take into account point 3, your SG can take or leave all the extras.


    2: This is really subjective.  What is logical to you might not be logical to someone else.  I got lost in your spaceship and had to /stuck my way back to the entrance a few times, even though it clearly had a lot of thought put into the layout.  Of course, it would help if we could rename the teleport points, and I'm sure it's easier to get around for someone who is in the SG and has memorized what TP points go where.


    3: Yes for keeping them near the entrance.  As for making them look good, that depends on your SG.  Some people expect salvage racks to look like ugly salvage racks.


    4: Again, as with 2, it's subjective.


    5:  Yes on this too.


    I personally have another guideline, which is that it's my SG's base, not my base.  I want a cool base that I can show off on Discord, but they mostly use it as a transport hub; the fact that it's IN SPACE is gravy.

  12. 4 hours ago, Coin said:

    Confirmed! Just solo'd it and got the badge! 😄


    I wonder if the other couple of TF's are soloable that I need. May give them a go 🙂


    If it's in Ouroboros, it's soloable.  If it's not, you'll get AVs and the spawns will set to the minimum team size for the TF (even though you can start them all solo, it still goes by what the minimum is supposed to be.)  A lot of them are technically soloable; whether you can solo them depends on your build, but the lower-level ones should be doable with a Blaster if you're decently IOd and grab some large purples and reds and maybe breakfrees for the AVs.


  13. The sonic resonance graphics were not great.  Even aside from the fact that they were triggering migraines, they were mediocre graphics.  I'm not one of those players either, but keeping the game accessible to players who were unable to play in case a drive-by buffing resulted in hours of agonizing pain is more important then keeping a graphic some people "liked."  (No, I don't believe that most people who claimed to like those graphics actually liked them.  They were not that great.  Sometimes this player base shows its ugly side, and the sonic resonance graphics argument was one of those times.)

  14. Yes, I know how to afk-farm those badges.  My point is that those kinds of badges shouldn't need to be afk-farmed.  It's one thing if some ATs need to afk-farm them, but if everyone needs to, the requirements are too high.


    On the other hand, there are the damage dealt badges.  They can be earned just by playing if you're a high DPS AT.  It takes quite a lot of play to earn the highest tiers, but it should, IMO.  I think the requirements for those are about right.

  15. On 3/26/2020 at 1:56 AM, Display Name said:


    1) Allow multiple tries for Efficiency Expert.


    Yes, this, a million times this.  A badge that if you fail, you fail forever isn't in keeping with the casual-friendly spirit of the game.

    On 3/26/2020 at 3:07 AM, Voltor said:

    Also a badge that I try t forget how much I hate is the Avoids the Green Stuff in the Keys Trial.  I grow weary of people not turning off their TP prompt, or having alleged lag spikes that keep them from moving away in time and thus costing that badge for the whole league.  Incandescence is great to have in that trial but ti doesn't guarantee a badge win.  Can be adjusted to fail only for the person or persons that get trapped and not the whole league?

    Nearly every time I've failed this badge it's because the beam hits during a time freeze.  People CAN'T move.  You can try to coordinate the team to stop damage just before the beam hits, but it's akin to herding cats and if you fail, the people who didn't listen won't necessarily be the ones who get hit.


    I'm also wondering if there's anyone who has earned the top damage taken or time mezzed badges without afk farming.  The top heal badges are excessively high too.  The damage dealt, inf earned, and debt badges are all doable through  normal play (the debt badges could actually be a little higher) but the other ones are set too high.


    I would like to see more badges for some of the mini-arcs, like Chameleon, Do No Harm, and Nemesis Rex.  The Rogue Robots arc and A Titan Named Joe seem to me to be good candidates.  Redside, some of the arcs from the unlockable contacts could be given badges; Doc Buzzsaw, Slot Machine, and Seer Marino are some of the best content redside and adding badges might encourage more players to do them.


    Tl;dr:  more badges you earn by playing content, fewer badges you earn by grinding or farming or herding cats.

  16. The final map of the Hess TF is still the best, because there is a giant robot in it.  The two maps leading up to it are also cool, since you can see the giant robot through the windows.  It really makes it feel like the missions are taking place IN the game world, as opposed to many of the "click this random door to be teleported to a random lab."


    The final map of the Silver Mantis SF is also great.   I like maps that are instances of the game world in general--again it makes you feel like the missions are taking place in the world--but the Sky Raider base is a particularly neat feature and the design makes so much sense for them.


    The Eden trial is gorgeous.

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