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  1. This post saved me from calling support! Thanks!
  2. Yep, I found an old thread that identified a blackout for the proc of 11 seconds, I don't think that should be the case, unless the devs have clarified something lately. The PPM should only look at your slotted recharge, not your global recharge. I could be wrong, though, I'm not an expert on this stuff.
  3. Hi all, I'm leveling an Ice/NRG stalker right now, just dinged lvl 28. I six-slotted my Assassin's Sword power with the Stalker's Guile set. Problem is, I find the recharge in the set tends to drop the proc % to fire. Has anyone else noticed this, and if so, do you accept the drop or do you change your slotting strategy?
  4. Depends on your resolution. Good monitors have ruined me.
  5. If your base HP + Absorb is big enough to survive the alpha, and your Regen is high enough, you can get away with less mitigation. I take your point about Rech though. That can undercut your Regen on a Bio.
  6. That's all I've ever done. I can get a room io'd out this way by the time I reach 50, if not fully Purpled out.
  7. My cat decided to be affectionate with my keyboard while I was crafting last night. Bought a fair few Luck Charms for 250,243 each
  8. You must be doing a good job. Unslotters seem to have a very stalble price to me
  9. It's a Regen tank. Healing has no holes.
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