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Posts posted by Diantane

  1. 59 minutes ago, biostem said:

    TBH, I'm past the point of calling for specific ATs or roles, and will gladly take whomever responds, and it's the proverbial "cherry on top" if they are friendly and competent! 

    Yes, but if you do that you might end up with a team full of controllers. Had 6 once and took us 3.5 hours to complete Frostfire. Never again.

  2. 1 hour ago, Lunar Ronin said:


    I'd very highly recommend viewing and taking in this table of Archetype damage modifiers.  Take a look at the Dominator numbers, then take a look at Blaster numbers, Sentinel numbers, Scrapper numbers, Stalker numbers.  Then take a look at Defender and Controller numbers.


    Do you notice anything?

    Yes, but you have to look at Dom melee vs Blaster ranged. Sentinels got some love a few months ago and boy did they ever -- 1.100 vs 1.125 on a Blaster? I have 8 blasters and 72 sentinels (see the trend?)

  3. 12 minutes ago, EnjoyTheJourney said:

    Thread title: Don't understand a dominator
    Thread title analysis: Thread title implies "I don't understand dominators", but not clearly worded. Somebody reading the thread title will probably be expecting questions from an OP who is looking to learn more about dominators. 


    Summary of OP content: Only a small percentage of dominators do good DPS, they definitely need rebalancing
    OP content analysis: "I've only seen a small percentage of dominators do good damage" shows absolutely confidence in the truthfulness of one's own observations, just as "they definitely need rebalancing" does for the conclusion. Thus, the OP content provides no evidence of a self-reported lack of understanding of dominators by the OP, despite a lack of understanding being the main takeaway from the thread title. Also, the beginning of the OP suggests dominators may need more DPS. The "needs rebalancing" conclusion seems to hint at broader problems than just DPS, because if that's not true then the OP could just say "dominators need more DPS." Thus, the link between the premise and the conclusion is not made clear. 


    Overall, the thread title and OP content seem incompatible, as if they belong in two completely different kinds of threads. Also, the two key parts of the OP are not really in synch. 

    Recommendation: Re-write the OP to be more clear about what you want to say. Or, start over with a new thread. 


    Okay, why are Dominators telling me they do DPS just like a Scrapper or Blaster?

  4. I've been playing COH since the first hour of LIVE. The team is assembled, they stand right before the enemy and then they freeze. Waiting for something that will start the battle. Its like they are waiting for someone else to do something. Starting the "Alpha" attack which will harm that player beyond belief.


    I've seen this and decided to do something about it. To create an "Alpha Tank" that will immediately jump into a group of baddies and be able to take  plenty of punishment. These tanking players do the same on other mmo's, but there the healer is standing by ready to aid the tank. In this game its rarely that organized. So the tank that I create has to be defensive enough to take a beating without much help from the rest of the team.


    Tried many combinations of tanks and kept failing. They had no staying abilities. So I created a list of goals:


    1) High endurance recovery

    2) Lower endurance use

    3) Very high defense

    4) Very high health


    Tried Invul and it was a very good defense, but ran out of endurance quickly and all of the defensive toggles dropped. The same with Super Reflexes.


    The best defense I tried was Radiation. Not only is the defense high, but they get the essence of two stamina's with Gamma Boost, a very high absorption (1,100 with single origin enhancements at 50) with Particle Shielding, a negative to-hit buff with Beta Decay, a substantial heal with Radiation Therapy and a emergency defense with very little loss when it ends with Meltdown.


    As they say, your best defense is a good offense. I found that Ice Melee gives you the best "defense." Using Ice Patch keeps most from touching you. With two recharge reduction enhancements and Hasten, I can keep up to two patches going at once; casting another in 2-3 seconds. And Frozen Aura does just as much AoE damage as Foot Stomp does with Super Strength. Except all of my other attack powers slow the enemy down and accept a "Slow" enhancement.


    In first creating this tank, I chose only defense powers with my first attack power at level 10 (Taunt) and my second at level 20 (Ice Patch). My third attack power came at level 30 -- tier 9's Frozen Aura. But by then I had all of my defenses including Tough and Weave. After that I filled in with the other secondary powers. I also trained Leadership's Maneuvers and Tactics so I could see through "blindness." As well as Teleportation to get Fold Space so I could tighten up nearby groups.


    I've been working with this 50 vet often and he's definitely a team pleaser.

  5. I've been hosting teams for 4.6 years. When I call DPS players, I will sometimes get a Dom calling in. But the attacks of a Dom are their secondary powers (about 25% (not 5%) less powerful than a Primary attack. That would be like a Defender training a ton of their secondary blasts and think that they are a Blaster. Or a Tank training their weak secondary attacks thinking that they are a scrapper or brute with more armor and health.


    So Dom's are not like a Blaster, Scrapper, Brute, Stalker, Sentinel,  Kheld or Soldier. A MM primary is damage, but I've only seen a few that do much DPS. They definitely need some balancing.

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  6. Well that's a switch. I go talk with Borea and she acts like she's never seen me before (have done at least 75 missions with her already - they did say they were impressed with me for what I've done so far). She tells me to go kill 10 ritki and I do. Then she sends me to talk with Gussian who leads me to Dark Watcher, then The Grey Lady and then to Levantera who gives me missions. No idea why it didn't work before. 


    Oh also got a badge that allows me to collect Vanguard Merits. Finally something.

  7. 7 hours ago, Techwright said:



    Glacier Peak was trying to aid you.  I'm making the assumption you didn't realize what GP was implying.  Go to the Ouroboros zone and click on the pillars of fire and ice in the building.  These will give you a chance to play out most missions you've advanced beyond.  You can replay them, too, though that doesn't sound like your style.  You can recruit a team to play them with you, if you so desire.  You should know that once you commit to a mission, while you are on it, you'll play at its level. If I recall correctly, it will be the highest level for its range.  If you're a badge hunter, this will give you a chance to complete any mission badges you may have missed.


    Thanks and no. Not a badge hunter - lol. I see badges as an achievement with no reward except those that aid your Long Distance Teleport Accolade.

  8. 5 hours ago, Mister Mass said:

    All of the RWZ story arc contacts extend up to level 50, so they will talk to a level 46 character - but you will need to progress through the contacts in order.  If Dark Watcher is telling you to talk to another contact, that probably means that is the contact to whom you need to talk in order to get the contact chain working.


    As I posted earlier in the thread, the contacts are as follows:


    Levantera (lvl 35-50)

    Serpent Drummer (lvl 40-50)

    Gaussian (lvl 45-50)

    The Dark Watcher (lvl 45-50)


    I would suggest checking in your contacts to see if you have any of these already.  You should have Levantera & she should be either willing to give the next mission in her story arc(s) or to give you an introduction to the next contact in the chain - Serpent Drummer.


    I spoke with Levantera, but all she does is introduce Borea

    Serphent Drummer tells me to talk with Levantera

    Gaussian send me to Levantera or Borea.


    Now when I do Borea, she always gives me two missions. I've always selected the second mission since the first one is on all contacts is to kill 15 Outcasts or others. You do enough of them and the team breaks apart. I'll try doing the first mission selection. The second one is just a grind.


    So it all stems from Borea, before you can move on.

  9. 12 hours ago, Ukase said:

    So, allow me to try and shed some light here. 

    Levantera is the first contact anyone gets in RWZ, regardless of alignment. She's a level 35-50 contact. Her first mission is to have you speak with Borea, and then Borea would have you kill 10 Rikti (I almost always go after the monkeys because I can one shot them most of the time) and then you return to Borea, who introduces the player to 
    Serpent Drummer
    Dark Watcher
    Lady Grey. 

    So, if you had actually started any content in RWZ, you should know where Dark Watcher is. 

    If you ever use the LFG, you can select Infernia's Story arc, and be teleported to her. 



    I say to do this because, other than using a /loc - which might require an explanation of how to use a thumbtack (Dark Watcher is at 287.0 -56.0 -2123.3, by the way) 
    I think this is the easiest way to describe how to find him. 

    Fun fact: No sewers in RWZ. There are underground tunnels, but no sewers. 

    The figure with the flaming head next to Teflon, (my alt),  is Infernia. Simply shuffle to the left (facing Infernia) and Dark Watcher is straight ahead. 
    As shown below: 



    So now you know where Dark Watcher is. 

    RWZ has some good content. I like DW's content. Good stuff. But some of his missions, if you've not done them before may leave you frustrated with a lack of direction. Especially when you get to the one that requires you to "Find mission exit". 
    If you simply thumbtack your location upon entry when you get to the mission that looks like you're in the shadow shard, that might be something useful to do. 



    I had never been to this section before. Finally found it as well as Dark Watcher, but he just tells me to talk with someone else. Not interested in doing an infinite amount of repetitive missions for Borea, so now I'm at a standstill. She has zero rewards anyway.


    So now my only choice is to grind PI Portals (which I hate and will never do again). So either find something in RWZ (or other place) or go play another game.

  10. According to Wiki she only has ten missions. Well she may only have ten, but she repeats them over and over again. Started there at level 41 and now 46. No end, no badges and no merits. You may as well grind the senseless radio missions.

  11. Ifs fairly easy to get a large number of merits when you are 50, but they are harder for low level players to get.  So I discovered a way to get 90 merits, a few hundred thousand influence and 13 levels in two to three hours time.


    At level 1 join a Death From Below trial. You'll get to level 6 or 7 in ten minutes @ double XP. Then go to the Hollows and get the Wincott and Flux Story Arcs but right about the time you get the last mission from Flux, "Frostfire", you will reach level 14. Its very important to watch this as you must turn off your XP in the Options as you can't go over 14 in order to get the next two arcs (Julius the Troll and Valshak the Mystic). When you reach the end of Valshak, you will have 90 merits.


    Note: when you reach 14 and turn off your XP, delete your double XP buff so you can get influence. Once you finish these arcs, go ahead and turn your XP back on. If you are soloing the last two arcs, you should lower the dif to -1/1. Since you're not getting any XP and you will get through it faster.

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  12. Some of the teams that I host have been made up of all defenders. For some reason the huge amount of buffs, debuffs and protections makes this team rock through mobs pretty fast. I'm surprised more defender teams aren't around.


    Trivia; When LIVE first started, two RAD defenders with the same debuffs on a boss would allow anyone to kill it with one simple "brawl." This was nerfed two weeks later.

  13. When I made a defender I have to train the first attack, but after using it in DFB for a half down levels, Its's removed from the toolbar and I concentrate on my primaries.


    I have a 50 pain/rad defender. Its best blast with 3-SO damage enhancements does 3 x 30 (big deal! ). The only defender I have that does any real damage is a kin/beam 50. All the other ones are very weak damage. A defender's blast are a secondary power and they don't crit.


    I tried dual pistols on a Sentinel and it took me almost two minutes to kill anything during Frostfire. I can't imagine training DP on a defender - lol.

    • Confused 1
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  14. On 3/3/2024 at 9:43 PM, Ironblade said:


    This is really a situational thing.  A team of 8 controllers would be extremely powerful and get through enemies quickly - AFTER they get their pets.  By then, they'll have a good array of powers, probably some IO's and, as noted, their pets which are their main source of damage.


    But you're talking about Frostfire which, as I recall, is in the 12-15 range?  So if people are actually in that range, it's pretty rough no matter what AT's you have.  For this reason, I would never turn up the difficulty.  I do Positron and Synapse at base difficulty.  I only go to +1 once we reach the Penny Yin TF which is 20-25.  By the time you're ready for the ITF, sure, plenty of teams can handle +4.  But Frostfire?  Ouch.


    Doing Frostfire at +4 allows a player at level 14  to advance to 19 in less than an hour + time for wipes. A wipe happens mostly because the PUG team is full of inexperienced players. They would normally play at +0 but all of them want to be 19 fast.  After the first hour of players quitting and re-recruiting, and then playing until they level, it becomes easier. After they level twice, everything gets very easy and fast. I have done Frostfire at no difficulty before and it was dead boring (never again).


    To make it easier for the players, we do the first two indoor missions at +1, then Flux at +3. So Frostfire at +4 is just a little harder.


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