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Velvet Mystique

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  1. There is an object in the Labyrinth that I saw very briefly for the first time yesterday. I didn't have time to use the Power Analyzer on it before it was gone. Searches of this forum, CoH Discord, Wiki, CoD yielded nothing - not a scrap of information! Tried the link_info slash command and got bupkis. I've also been unable to locate the object again since I saw it (briefly) yesterday, and I've been trying for hours today. This puzzle is teasing and tantalizing! Do you know what the annoying thing is? There's a smidge more detail hidden in the spoiler for people who'd rather explore the Labyrinth on their own. Clues, hints, tips, appreciated!
  2. The lore and the mechanics combine to make this zone sing!!! Exciting to get some insight into the development process, too.
  3. Thank you, Homecoming team!
  4. Congrats to the winner, Vault Luxe, and all of their competitors! Well done. A special shout-out to Rampage City for bringing a fresh, novel concept to life. It was a real pleasure touring this base because it inspired people to pause and play. I was amazed to watch other base visitors stomping on cars, batting at buildings, and zombie-walking through neighborhoods in spontaneous acts of play. This base sparked so much joy! Thanks to all for allowing the community to appreciate your creative works.
  5. Levantera, Welcome to Vanguard. Levantera gives an error instead of the mission when a character with a period in their name tries to talk to her. I changed my character's name to one without a period and she granted the mission.
  6. Props to Dacy for organizing these polls and getting more visibility for builders! My votes have been submitted.
  7. Terrific event, great fun! Highly, highly, highly recommended. If CC does another one of these in the future, I'll put a larger team together for this. Rah!
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