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Posts posted by TheZag

  1. I agree with the reasons for the original implementation of NoPhase,  but its highly debatable that the tiny buff icons are a usable indicator for when a power is usable again.  Buff icons dont have a time remaining number or change in size as their duration completes.  They can start flashing when about to expire but that is unreliable at best as buff icons bounce around constantly in combat.


    We have timed toggles now so NoPhase isnt needed to drop an individual toggle but it may still be needed to prevent the activation of a second phase power.  Having a recharged ability but with remaining cooldown through the lockout period of a temporary power that is granted and then later revoked and doesnt display that cooldown period in a way consistent with every other power in the game is kinda janky.  (And if that sentence was word salad,  I'd say it represents the current state of implementation accurately).


    Yes,  hibernate isnt that critical most of the time,  but we are playing a game where cooldowns are king.  Have the icon grow at the speed of the NoPhase timer or slap its timer on the icon but dont leave a recharged power that isnt 'recharged' with a hardly usable indicator for when its ready.


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  2. I used to be an out of bounds hunter and spent a good amount of time out of bounds.  Using the /stuck command will usually bring you back inbounds and deposit you at the nearest door.  If you have any fly and teleport power you can sometimes jam your head through the floor and teleport back in bounds.  Most mission maps dont have a lower safeguard barrier but dropping down to the bottom of the map will place you back inbounds on the maps that have one.


    The giant empty box under the map is actually filled with the interior rooms.  It is usually a black box when viewed from the inside and its purpose is to prevent tiny cracks on interior rooms from showing exterior map geometry.



  3. So u want to take development of a mod away from the player who updates it and force the team do it.


    Or you want to force a player to get hired by the team in order to continue updating the maps.


    As much as i would love to not have to update my maps anymore,  forcing the maps on the team or taking them away from AboveTheChemist (the current mod updater) is the opposite of options.  Players have the option for them now,  all this would do is remove options from the people doing the work.


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  4. The solo player,  solo griefer,  solo troll,  solo afk'er,  solo anybody (all different people)  have no hope of ever defeating hamidon solo.  They all need the league leader to organize a league and secure the win.  There are only 2 major zone events where a league is commonly used -  hamidon and MSR.  Currently league leaders can choose to run iMSR which gives them some extra options to deal with trolls and griefers - removing a player from the league removes them from the inatance.  In over 150 iMSR's that ive attended,  not once has the leader needed to remove someone.  Either the trolls dont join in the first place or they participate because league removal means instance removal.  


    Hamidon leaders dont have this option available currently.  The availability to remove players from the instance cleaned up MSR instantly.  The mere presence of a league moderation tool weeds out bad actors without ever using the tool.  I will admit that for hamidon it may see some use before the worst of the bunch either stop attending or start participating,  but without these raid leaders there is no raid.  It is a zone event which means anyone can be present,  but if we arent nitpicking,  it is their event.  Anyone can step up and run a raid but anyone didnt.  I would love to see an instanced version of the hamidon raid so league leaders can actually lead instead of just being the person who issues the instructions while most people help and a few people do whatever they want and get the rewards that everyone else earned.



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  5. I used to take the medicine pool on almost every character that didnt have some form of self healing.  As i got to know the game better and improved my gameplay/enhancement selection,  i stopped taking the medicine pool altogether.  Now i consider the medicine pool to be mostly pointless since i use defense and resistance to keep myself healthy and if you wanted a healer then invite a character with it in their primary or secondary.  If medicine were buffed it would still be 'bad' because as a pool power it would never be better than a defender,  corruptor,  or controller's healing.


    • Staff of Aesculapius 1
  6. Brutes damage cap is 200% higher to account for fury 'getting lost' with team damage buffs.  While it does mean that fury isnt required on teams with high damage buffs,  it also means you have an extra 200% damage right out of the gate on that same team without having to build up that fury.


    Tanks are more tanky,  scrappers are more damage-y,  and brutes fall in the middle of both most of the time.  Not every AT needs a stand out feature.  Brutes have above average damage and above average survivability,  that is their thing.


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  7. He suggested this and was already told to turn off his taunt and damage toggles 10 days before this topic.  Repeatedly suggesting the same thing is usually a good way to ensure it doesnt happen.  Repeatedly suggesting a bad idea is a guarantee since it would never happen anyway.


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  8. The login server has almost no communication with the game server.  That is to say the game server hasnt loaded in the characters (in game) as you click around the character select screen.  The game server doesnt keep character information at the ready,  the information isnt available until the character gets logged in and loaded. Having the login server make dozens or even hundreds (depending on the player) of character loads in order to retrieve character information just isnt feasible.


    I wouldnt mind having additional information on the character select screen but you probably should track the information on your own.  This may be possible but its not likely.


  9. So they gave 1000 xp before no matter what your level was?  That sounds useful at low levels and useless at high levels.  Patrol xp is kinda pointless at low levels because of how fast you burn through it and more useful at high levels.  It seems to me like the fix would have been to leave the xp gain for usefulness to low level characters and just add the patrol xp to make exploration badge rewards useful across the entire level range.  As the usefulness of direct xp becomes lessened,  the patrol xp will pick up the slack as you approach the maximum level.


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  10. Michiyo pays for the wiki privately and is now a member of the team but wasnt when starting the wiki.  A team member maintaining the wiki isnt the same as the wiki being maintained by the team.  I trust Michiyo to do an excellent job but that wouldnt stop someone from doing something malicious on one or more wiki pages and then shooting out easy slash commands for unsuspecting players to copy and paste.  It is insanely easy to open your browser and search the wiki yourself while accepting the responsibility of your searches.  A command ingame implies that the resulting webpage is safe and that is a risky stance to take with even the best intentioned people behind it.  We cant even directly access the forums with commands ingame.


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  11. A lock/unlock for tip mission overwrite would likely alleviate the problem,  assuming its even possible.


    The tip spam suppression mentioned above will solve the issue for most players that ignore the tip system or dont care what they get.  But for those that actively seek certain tips,  having them constantly get overwritten still wont help.


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  12. my buff bot from the Dr. Meinst mission has


    Empathy.Fortitude,  Empathy.Clear_Mind,  Pain_Domination.Enforced_Morale,  Pain_Domination.World_of_Pain,  Pain_Domination.Painbringer,  Thermal_Radiation.Forge,  Time_Manipulation.Temporal_Selection,  Cold_Domination.Benumb,  Radiation_Emission.Accelerate_Metabolism,  Empathy.Heal_Other,  Thermal_Radiation.Cauterize,  Time_Manipulation.Farsight,  Poison.Envenom,  Thermal_Radiation.Fire_Shield,  Cold_Domination.Ice_Shield,  Trick_Arrow.Disruption_Arrow,  Stone_Armor.Granite_Armor


    here is the original post i made about the mission.  it didnt get much attention back then but with the influx of new players i did some advertising ingame for a few days.



  13. I pulled the relevant patch notes from page 4,  August 23, 2022.


    Architect Entertainment [Focused Feedback: Architect Entertainment]

    • The Architect Entertainment tutorial NPCs and mission arc that were formerly found in Atlas Park & Mercy Atlas have been moved to Port Oakes & King's Row AE buildings.
    • Fixed a bug with Experience Boosters granting too much experience in non-Dev Choice AE missions. 1.5XP was giving double XP and 2XP was giving triple XP. These have been corrected to the intended 1.5x and 2x, respectively.

    Custom Enemy Changes

    • Power point values for all Custom Enemy powers have been normalized. Some powersets in the same category were set below standard point values and some were set above.
    • This means existing AE arcs may need adjusting if any custom enemies were using the bare-minimum power selection for max rewards with powersets that were above the standard values for that type.
    • Primary sets now have lower recharge timers than secondary sets.
    • Custom Enemy powers that require the target be grounded are no longer calculated as ranged attacks for point value purposes.
    • All Custom Enemy ranged attacks have a minimum range of 80ft.

    Advanced Enemy Power Customization


    • You can now manually assign extra powers to Architect Custom Enemies by using a text editor program (like Notepad) to edit their .critter files found in the Custom_Critter folder where your Homecoming install is located. This allows them to have up to 25 powers from any available custom enemy powersets.
    • Be aware the AI is not any smarter for this, and it may completely ignore powers you give it depending on its attack chain. Expect to experiment some to get intended results.


    • Any custom enemies that are using advanced power customization will give no rewards. This restriction was required in order to prevent farms from being created using only enemies with broken attack chains.


    • Advanced power customization was added exclusively as a tool for writers/creators to give unique-functionality to enemies for the sole purpose of enriching their story arcs and missions.


    Opening the critter file in a text editor should look something like this.


    • If successful, the game should immediately recognize the custom critter's powers upon loading them, keep in mind this will not update arcs that may have been using that enemy definition until you reload the arc in the editor.

    Wow, that sure is a lot of pets! Hope he's not too difficult...


    • Note: When saving your custom critter after editing, or the mission that uses the critter, the list of additional powers will be collapsed to a single comma-separated line like this:
    • Power  Mission_Maker_Attacks.Earth_Control.Animate_Stone,  Mission_Maker_Attacks.Ice_Control.Jack_Frost,  Mission_Maker_Attacks.Fire_Control.Fire_Imps,  Mission_Maker_Attacks.Illusion_Control.Phantasm,  Mission_Maker_Attacks.Electric_Control.Gremlins,  Mission_Maker_Secondary.Plant_Control.Fly_Trap
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  14. Ive noticed that the thumbnail portraits seem to be made by loading the character model on the red or blue backround and then taking some sort of screenshot and cropping it.  This is more easily seen by looking at a characters costume slots when they have an aura and all the slots are still the same - the character is in a slightly different idle pose and the aura is further along in its animation for each costume.  Cel shading probably takes just a tiny bit longer to load and the server takes its 'screnshot' before all of the assets have rendered.  Is it fixable?  I dont know.  But if it were possible to add 1/30 of a second of time (2 frames at 60 fps) before the server grabbed its thumbnail,  the issue would likely be fixed and players wouldnt notice.  Now if that is something thats even adjustable or causes problems elsewhere in the game would be above my pay grade.


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