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  1. Not sure if you are still looking... But here is something if you are! Stone Staff Tank.mxd
  2. Here is something I made, not great on psi resist, but soft cap on psi def! Stone Titan Tank.mxd
  3. I don't know if you are still looking, but here is something for basically everything in the game. Stone Titan Tank.mxd
  4. Nathaniel424


    I know this is on a brute section, but if you want something virtually unstoppable, here is a Stone Armor tank build. This has 90% res to all but psi and 45% def to everything (including psionic) Stone Titan Tank.mxd
  5. Thanks for the build, War Mace seems to be a little stronger
  6. I love the build, I appreciate your help!
  7. I am looking for a really tough _____/Stone armor build. I know it has a psi hole, but I have heard that it is the toughest set out there with some of its setbacks. . If anyone could help me with a stone armor brute with some good resists and defenses.
  8. Thanks, I will look at psi, earth, or fire for my attacks!
  9. is Electric/Rad a bad combination of primary and secondary?
  10. So I am not very good with mids hero designer... Could anyone help me out with a Electric/Rad Dominator build that can solo +4s?
  11. Either works for me!
  12. Do you think you can make a Psi/Shield Scrapper with tons of damage output?
  13. I have played with many tankers so far and my main tank is Stone/TW. If you can get past the setbacks of both Stone and TW then the combination is amazing!
  14. Here is something I made, hope it helps! Stone Titan Tank.mxd
  15. Ok! Thanks for the build and the secondary power idea, I will put some thought into it!
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