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  1. The flow and feeling of combat seems off. It's an odd combo of low damage + waiting a bit to long for some powers to come off CD's. There are 2 low CD abilities for spamming, and 9 times out of 10 players will only have 1 or the other not both of them. Right now the current recharge times I see are: Tranquilizer - 6s Cryo Freeze Ray - 8s Sleep Grenade - 45s Liquid Nitrogen - 1m:30s Cloaking - Not needed for this. Smoke Canister - 1m:30s Flash Bang - 1m:30s Tear Gas - 4m Cannon - Not needed for this. Maybe the below timings: Tranquilizer - 6s Cryo Freeze Ray - 8s Sleep Grenade - 45s Liquid Nitrogen - 1m:30s -----> 1m or 1m:15s Cloaking - Not needed for this. Smoke Canister - 1m:30s -----> 1m:15s Flash Bang - 1m:30s Tear Gas - 4m Cannon - Not needed for this. Sleep Grenade damage change: I'm all for new power concepts, but there needs to be something that better compensates for what is being removed. Right now the traditional T3 immobilize that usually has a CD of 8s is replaced with a 45s CD power. For this length the power should do some more damage to compensate. I think this would help achieve more of a balance with the changes above to recharge times as well. (Used by level 50 Controller) Average Damage: 18.35 -----> 36.7 (Double) - Compensates for the long CD + No immob (Used by level 50 Dominator) Average Damage: 31.70 -----> 63.4 (Double) - Compensates for the long CD + No immob The powerset's utilizing a gun, at the very least one ability should pack some on-hit direct crunch lol. Flash Bang change: -5% To Hit -----> -10% To Hit New changes and concepts are more than welcome by ALL of us believe me haha! However, the overall flow and how good a set feels to play should outweigh everything. This isn't Blizzard lol. OPTIONS = the name of the game, if the team feels locked into the powers that are currently in the beta phase. That's all good! However, offer other potential options to entice players to want to play the set and try various builds (altitis) upon release. This way we avoid the whole "hit the shelf" after 1-2weeks of the past. Let's learn and grow together. Make the changes that keep players playing the set enough to where you have those who actually want to "main" it. That and as mentioned prior the overall flow and how good a set feels to play should be the goal always and forever. No one wants to play something that doesn't feel good. If that were the case, NONE of us would have games we dislike. Thank you for coming to part two of my Ted Talk. 😁
  2. Probably way out of left field here lol but.. I would like to see Tear Gas with a nice -Res added to it. For what it actually does to someone IRL, I believe it would truly live up to the "ultimate crowd control tool" saying with that added!😁 Tear Gas Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Hold, -DMG The Tear Gas canister is the ultimate crowd control tool, it will make enemies choke and unable to take any action as well as debuffing their damage output. Adding more +Def(ALL) to Cloaking Device. Something that makes it more of a "I should definitely invest slots into this" instead of the usual "alright let's make sure I have the fighting pool" If that makes sense? - I feel this could maybe open up more build diversity, at least a little bit. Cloaking Device Toggle: Self Stealth, +DEF(All) This Cloaking Device is the ultimate in infiltration technology. It uses an LCD body coating to become all but impossible to detect. While concealed you can only be seen at very close range. If you attack while concealed, you will be discovered. Even if discovered, you are hard to see but will retain some of your Defense bonus to all attacks. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. LOL
  3. LETS GOOOO!!!! Happy Holidays everyone! 🙂 Thanks for all of the hard work team, it's very much appreciate!
  4. Ahh I see! Awesome, thanks for that information! That definitely sounds super interesting going the route of macro's mainly over the tray swaps. That definitely sounds like something I could get used to haha. I think I'll give that a shot, creating a bunch of macros and see what the play flow seems like in comparison!
  5. Hi Doom, Do you have any cool macro's/binds for quick switching and using abilities? I've heard from some people that is like half the battle with tri-form warshading lol. Currently leveling mine at the moment and I have the standard tray switching macro which helps a ton between the forms! Looking for anything that would help with making attacks feel more fluid and quick! Thanks!
  6. Thanks for the amazing feedback and information! Also that's definitely some very interesting insights for Caltrops indeed. I've often thought lesser of the ability but this has caught my interest indeed!
  7. Hello All! I've been planning on making a char with Plant/ but I've been stuck on finding a solid secondary to pair with it. I dabble in everything, and would probably run it through some farms with some friends as well most likely. I've been thinking on /Fire, /Martial, /Rad and /Earth. Any input you guys could provide on the secondary performance you've experienced would be great! For instance I've been wondering if Explosive Shuriken is viable/works well at all? It sounds like the AoE portion of the attack is splashed and not on impact? If that's correct, is it any good/useful?!? Lol sounds like such a weird weird power, but interesting all the same! I'd also be curious to hear what the dominator farming experience has been for those out there that have tried it out! I know /Psy is most likely going to be a crowd favorite there I'd imagine lol. Look forward to your responses, many thanks!
  8. Super new to stalkers and wanted to give them a try. I've been thinking of playing Elec/Rad and Elec/Shield! Is Elec/Rad fluid overall to play together? Also can the /rad mini nukes crit? Can you guys list some of the benefits of playing one versus the other? Also I assume both of these secondary's would have no issue going into a farm to help out as a hitter clearing everything right? Another questions is it worth to play these two as stalkers or should I go Scrapper?
  9. Hey All! I've been thinking of creating a couple new brutes to run around with. Curious for any thoughts on the pairings: Ele/Rad: I'm thinking AOE monster with LR + 2 mini nukes from rad. Not sure if this will work how I'm thinking though for some reason lol.. Fire/Shield: This seems like it would be a nice pairing for solid AOE and single target take downs. Sav/Shield: Captain Nightcrawler? Kin/Fire: Something super different..
  10. Thanks for the input everyone!
  11. As title states! With the new changes to TA would you say they warrant going Defender over Corrupter? Also has anyone tried the combo out before (either combo)? Look forward to hearing back!
  12. Awesome, thank you! Will definitely get one of these leveled up and let you know how it all goes/feels!
  13. I'd be interested in seeing the other build you're talking about here. I've been thinking of diving into Blasters more.
  14. Hi all, Curious how people feel about water and ice with /atom pairing. Seeking answers for both regular content as well as farming. Influence wouldn't be an issue, just curious as to which would feel better/smoother. Does one have more synergy with /atom then the other would? I've also thought about going /mental with either of them but unsure! Let me know your thoughts, thanks!
  15. Hey all, Are there specific settings that should be used within Mids when putting together builds? I ask because I noticed some builds that I've made personally will have significantly lower Damage then some that I've downloaded. To test I've remade the same exact build that I've downloaded before and still that build had wayyy higher damage being reported on the downloaded build vs the exact copy that I create on my end. Just curious for any input here! Thanks!
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