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Everything posted by TaleFromYourPocket

  1. Here's a small quick one, that's suddenly become relevant with the new lore update-- tintable IV bags; we have all sorts of blood colors here, our hospital equipment is way too human centric right now! More long term-- greenscreens, or really any large flat surface that we can tint, would go a long way towards cutting down on repeated object usage. Just building a wall that isn't mansion fancy can take hundreds of pieces. Fabrics-- blankets, pillows, towels, cushions and the likes. We use modern paintings for pillows and towels a lot. A few more animal NPCs wouldn't go amiss, either. I love the challenge of inventing kittens wholesale, but it's a little frustrating to build spiders from scratch when we've Seen the assets in the game. 'Hostile' NPCs, that just have the skins. It would be nice to stock my faction bases with employees of the appropriate faction! If the glass pieces we Have could get fixed so they line up properly on the grid, that would be great. And similarly, single panels of the 'glass floor plate' pieces. I'll second the request for smaller alphabets; right now, if I want text that can fit in the corkboards, I have to make the letters out of soap. I'll also second that request for more wall textures, or even more stand alone wall pieces, given the amount we break up spaces. Similarly, I would second the request for the sizing of the SG tables being fixed- and I would also like to ask if the sizings of the casino tables and wooden chair 4 could be fixed to be usable by human beings, too. (The office chairs in the sets and attached to the desks could use resizing too; and the cubicles with chairs attached are unusable by players.) One or two single person beds wouldn't be horrible. The vanity is missing Part of it's texture in back, but only part. And cobwebs, for our abandoned buildings, would be sort of nice. Clothing racks that are straight instead of round, maybe, for building our closets with? And following that theme, versions of the trash bins, waste basket, and recycling with trash actually in them? Cluttering one can take a dozen individual items easy. And, finally, one small, silly request- supergroup mugs. Like the arachnos mugs, but tintable and with our emblems instead of Arachnos. So we can have custom coffee mugs at last.
  2. Look, I know what I'm about, and I'm about 'exploring the effects of ongoing developmental trauma and burn out in a setting where ignoring such things can have outwardly disastrous consequences'. (I was going to be a psych student, can you tell?) In a setting where ignoring your mental health can have consequences such as 'you lost control of your superpowers and burned your house down', I think it's a little fascinating to take a character with horrific mental health and push them just a bit further until they have to either face their issues or break. And that's naturally going to result in 'edgy' behavior- edginess is, by its very nature, a self destructive behavior. If you're writing a self destructive spiral, that's one of the loops it can take. And it's fun, too, to see what makes them soften. What turns an asshole into a heart of gold? Is it worth the grit, to see the glitter beneath? And then- the question a lot of these characters, I think, are silently asking--- Can you meet the world, edges sharp and surface ugly, and still be seen as worthy of being? Are you allowed to just be angry? There's a value to those questions, and there's value in the process of seeking the answers. Everyone you meet in these games is writing a story, and whatever that story is, there's a reason they are writing it. (And, of course, there's always the obligatory 'look, edgy hot, okay,' and that's fair too! There is value in self indulgence- isn't that what all RP is, on some level?)
  3. Will the blueside one be getting the same treatment?
  4. Yeah, we sorta are giving our feedback, and the reasons for it??
  5. Honestly- more convenient access to Null really isn't worth it? I know what Replacement is getting at, I think- it's the same thing I'm complaining about, the lack of incentive to not run straight to the AE from level one. Getting to Pocket D from the starting zones is already pretty darn easy- walk just a short ways to the base portal, zone-8888, bam, you're there!
  6. Alright, that's legitimately fair- but at the same time, it coming with removing the mid-level entries to the club, it still is an unpleasant combination of factors that I can't see it not aggravating already existing problems. On it's own, in a vacuum, the change is fine- but it's not in a vacuum, even in the beta.
  7. Precisely! It's just less incentive not to power level to level fifty as fast as you physically can.
  8. Honestly though, the Kings Row and Port Oakes entrances do get used- and more than that, they spawn RP in the zone they're in. Same with the Founders one- I don't know about St. Martial, I don't go there. But if the entrances are removed from those zones, the RP scene will- well, wilt, at least a bit. Frankly, I don't understand why the devs can't just- plop down a couple more manholes. This change really bugs me, as someone who's always enjoyed lingering in the mid-ranges. I know, I know, it's all about the rush to max level these days- but every time content gets pushed up behind another level lock, it's a smack in the face for all of us players who truly enjoy the mid-range content, who like knowing the world is a little bigger than our characters. Because- yeah, sure, Oroborous exists, but it's not even a little the same. Not really. There's a world of difference between running around the zone at level, slipping past mooks and mobs or stopping to fight them and possibly even losing, jumping from contact to contact to contact and experiencing every angle of the story at once, and just- talking to a crystal, getting the missions divorced from context, divorced from the other arcs you'd normally be playing concurrently. It's a choice between getting to do one of the most fun task forces in the game, or getting to do stuff in Founders Falls, St. Martial, Croatoa, Brickstown, Crey's Folly, Eden, Nerva. And, frankly- if the dev team goes through with intentions of removing Founders Fall club entrance, and the Saint Martial's club entrance- and bumps Lady Grey up to 45- that's three less reasons to ever be in the level thirty to forty range for longer than it takes to farm past them. Which will just further increase the utter drought of players in those areas, leaving them even more of ghost towns than they already are. Looking at it with that slightly widened perspective, it's... really disheartening, honestly. This game isn't just about the level fifty content. Levels twenty through forty have some pretty neat writing, and it feels like we're not being encouraged to so much as stop to look at it. Which is a crying shame, because when you take the time to stop and smell the roses, we really do have a beautiful little environment here.
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