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  1. Thank you so much! Amazing work! P.S. don't mind the tears... my eyes are just really sweaty right now is all..
  2. Not sure if this is the post to talk of the Glitch with the Nemesis Plot Wedding but, it seems to be tied to the Arc-villains. If you defeat Lord Recluse and the rest. The mission kicks you out. Anyone else seen this? Love this re-release of the wedding though, brings back memories. Funny, I had to look up Ether, had never seen her before. Not sure how I ever missed her. She's awesome! P.S. is the leak about Wind Control coming, true???
  3. in 2025! maybe? Oh, I also wanted to add. Does it really surprise anyone that the Mastermind numbers are so HIGH! They do in fact, have the least amount of primaries to choose from.
  4. <-- first one, globally ignored by everyone on Victory
  5. I'm not sure if mine settings are off or my graphic card just can't handle it or there is a mod that I don't have. But I got caught on someone's stream the other night and my Frost Path Aura looked like a Snowflake under my feet. (Loved that!) Mine does not look like that at all. Is there any way I can get the Snowflake look?
  6. Had a wild and crazy thought, what if. What if? Once you receive the Believer Badge for Sally. She becomes friendly and players can no longer attack her but, can instead buff or aid her.
  7. I don't have any PvP toons, think it's just been in Bloody Bay for that long and that's what caused it. I've loaded more toons in exemplar down states and going to wait to see if that is the cause for the warning.
  8. I found a bug with the name release that would cause a lvl 50 to lose their name!
  9. It's odd that you didn't put your foot down on having more than three accounts to be able to multi-box. I'm still always taking back by those you run seven+ accounts at the same time. I've seen players joke about having more than 20+ accounts.
  10. I just respec'd out Liquid Nitrogen altogether. Took everything else though.
  11. I would love to see the knockdown taking off this power and replaced with immob since the power set doesn't seem to have immob. Think having it as a location -spd with inherit immob proc that would cause damage when mob is immob would make better sense. Plus being able to slot with slow movement and immob sets would help round out this power set.
  12. I'm going let GM_Cobalt explain this one. If... he.. chooses to. I just wanted to prove that it is out there. Feel... my journey here is done. My OCD can final rest.
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