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Everything posted by Lunglescrops

  1. Thanks @PeregrineFalcon! Such a relief.
  2. Do seasonal contacts disappear from your list of contacts after a seasonal event is over? The thought of Father Time haunting my contacts list, unfinished, for an entire year is sending me into apoplexy.
  3. If you want some guidance on how to follow and experience the central story of each "side" (hero and villain), I highly recommend checking out @Gulbasaur's guides: The Good Missions Guide: A Heroic Levelling Journey through Story Arcs and The Mean Missions Guide: A Villainous Levelling Journey through Story Arcs They are a great way to enjoy a lot of the main story in a way that is coherent and makes the grindier aspects of the game feel rewarding. I hope that helps!
  4. Thank you for these responses. Both your contributions are really helpful. I've not felt that I'm lacking from not taking Taunt, so I think I'll forego it for now. I desperately need another attack in my rotation, so I can justify taking Kick a little earlier now.
  5. I'm currently playing an Invulnerability/Street Justice Tanker completely solo. It's slow going, but I'm enjoying the survivability of my build so far (even though I only have Initial Strike, Sweeping Cross and Brawl as attacks). My question is, what are the benefits of Taunt if I intend to only play solo? Do I need to take it? I appreciate it's kind of staple power that the Tanker is built on. This may be a really dense question, but I avoided Tankers my entire time playing live, so have next to know experience with the AT. Any feedback people can offer would be great. Thanks all!
  6. I love to see some creativity and positivity coming out of this thread!
  7. They are, exactly; you just can't place them on top of the Spectrum costume piece, which stops my character concept dead in its tracks. I know that sounds dramatic, but I will not compromise! I've had a couple of animal themed characters that I just couldn't get right. I wish there was a horse head helmet for us to use, it would really be a game changer for me. Despite the number of cat head we have to choose from, I've never been able to make the panther character I've wanted to. I just keep making King from Tekken, but purple, which is not what I want. That's more my fault for having little concept beyond "purple cat man" though.
  8. The title is pretty self explanatory, but I'll start off just in case there's any confusion. Following my comment in the New Costume Pieces Request thread, I've been reminded of a couple of character concepts that I just cannot get to work. My first is a living marble statue character. Using the brightest white as your primary colour and the darkest black as the secondary colour on the Spectrum costume option gives you a pretty much perfect statue effect. I have a character name and backstory all made, but I just cannot get the costume right - given the character's name, it's pretty essential they wear a mask, but the Detail 1/2/3 options for the head just do not match what I see in my mind (a simple domino mask). It's so jarring that I just cannot bring myself to make the character proper. I've also had an idea for a Tanker I've wanted to make for a while with a Pegasus theme that leans more toward the super-heroic than the Greco-Roman but, try as I might, I just cannot find seem to make a costume that satisfies me. Finally, I've a character that I really want to be a War Mace/Dark Armor Scrapper, but every time I play them, it's just a deeply dissatisfying experience and it breaks my heart as I had intended them to be my main at one point. How about you lot - what character concept could you not get to work?
  9. You know, you've just reminded me of the biggest obstacle to my original request: I have a character concept that is dependent on having the secondary colour on the Spectrum costume piece available, which makes applying an pattern overlay on top a little more challenging when thinking about its practical application.
  10. Not a new costume piece request, per se, but I'd like to be able to apply patterns on top of the Spectrum costume piece that makes your whole body glow. Being able to apply the face mask patters as an overlay would be a dream come true.
  11. Yeah. I will always have the Walk power active unless it's contextually appropriate to turn it off (imminent danger, combat, etc) and only use travel powers when absolutely necessary. I also only enter any building using its leftmost doorway, enter lifts (elevators) using the doors on the left-hand side of the left-hand corner of the room and will always take a left-hand side path in an instanced map when the path diverges. I refuse to the use the first two Inspirations that you obtain during the tutorial, but keep them equipped at all times. I play all of my characters using Hardcore rules (if they die, delete, remake).
  12. I walk everywhere, unless there is a contextual reason for running, especially when indoors. I never use Sprint. I rarely use travel powers unless, again, there's a contextual reason to do so.
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