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Everything posted by Laserbow

  1. No reason. Apart from: - XP - Merits - Influence, Salvage, Incarnate components if you're 50, and extra Notices if it's a WST - Camaraderie and banter with other players - Enjoyment of actually playing the game and doing content But these are reasons often overlooked by players whose only goal is the constant strive to always be advancing their character to the next step on an arbitrary ladder. Grind for more components. Maximize further progression! Get T4 in every slot! Must maximize numbers. Fun? What does that profit me?
  2. Returning to the scene of the crime! Thanks, @Wravis, it's beautiful, like they all are, and I'm impressed at the breadth of styles and fonts!
  3. Thanks for the ducking great fun contest! ((Autocorrect humor, geddit??))
  4. Wow, one minute apart! And I even double-checked the list before posting, should have refreshed.
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