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  1. I just wanted to bump (necro :P) this because I just discovered it on my Brute, and to date (and it was also posted about back in 2021) it has neither been fixed nor explained if not a bug.
  2. Thank you! Clearly my search-fu is weak. I did search the topic on the forums a couple of times and didn't get hits from searches like "Brute Fiery Embrace". Also, when I saw Scrappers had it I didn't check to see whether Tanks did--so double weak sauce on my part. MIDS thinks the tag is there for Brutes, and when I activate it, it sure makes a difference. Makes me sad I don't have it :..(. Anywho, thanks again!
  3. I checked ingame info and City of Data, and then tested ingame. Brute Total Focus is the only Melee version of Total Focus that doesn't get the Fiery Embrace tag and so doesn't get any damage from Fiery Embrace. This can't be intended. Has anyone noticed or has there been an explanation for this anywhere?
  4. Like, is it buffed by other Fiery Aura powers like Fiery Embrace and Buildup? Is it buffed by Brute fury? Does it get Scrapper crits? Do you still get the heal and 15 seconds of Untouchable like you do if you use it as a Rez? And how exactly does that "stronger the closer you are to death" scale? So... many... questions... I'd appreciate any information or guidance on where to look. I've done a little looking around both ingame and on interwebz but haven't been able to find much detailed information. Thanks!
  5. You can color every other blast in the set except for that one. That can't be intentional. Is it a bug? It really throws a wrench in costume themes. Any plans to fix it? Thanks! And thanks for bringing our game back to us :D!!!
  6. Thank you! While I have your attention... Speaking specifically of scrapper Mace Mastery... why can't you color-customize the snipe, and is this something that's ever going to be fixed? You can color-customize the other blasts in the set, why is just this one left out?
  7. Thanks for the answer! Ok, so, just to make sure I'm understanding you--you're saying that you're sure that Epic Pool ranged attacks for scrappers definitely use the scrappers current melee damage modifier? And if so, this is the same for Brutes?
  8. Maybe my search-fu is just weak, but I'm having trouble finding Epic Pool damage scale modifiers--specifically Patron ranged damage, more specifically Scrapper (and Brute) Mace Mastery blasts. I *think* maybe it's the same as the ranged modifier, but even that I can only find on Homecoming Wiki and so I'm not sure it's up to date. Can you see damage scale modifiers for powers ingame anywhere? If so that'd be great because I'd know they were current. So, if anyone could tell me where to find *current* (or upcoming if they're changing with 27) damage scale modifiers for Epic Pools, or knows them for sure for Scrappers (and Brutes if possible so I can compare for a concept I'm working on), it'd be really appreciated. Sorry for cluttering up the forums with a thread on this, but I've been looking on forums and google, and asking ingame and looking on MIDS for a while now and can't find it. I'm sure I'm just missing something 😕
  9. BRING ON THE COMING STORM... ...but this time we win! 😁 Seriously, I want to kick some Battalion bootie. Other than that. Fun! Lots of fun. For players and Devs. Fun all 'round for everyone. Keep the fun coming! Too many games forget that fun is the whole point and get serious about this, that, or the other thing. Keep it fun!
  10. One of the most bad ass single target hits in the game with screen shake delivered by a high five with your back heel daintily lifted? When there's another animation that looks like the melee version of the Wave Motion Gun? Best if you're into the whole Millennial ironic or "that's so random" thing, maybe.
  11. I don't know if this idea has already been floated somewhere, but I always thought a name exchange and/or market could be awesome. ...or they could keep globals unique and make names non-unique like some other games have. I mean, how many Captain Marvels have there been, even just within Marvel Universe?
  12. Regardless if this thread is necro, SS is in bad place right now and the bug fix was a bad idea. Since doing a major update anyway, they should roll back or fix it. But I guess I'll park my beloved old main till that day. Just can't stand to to watch the poor guy struggle so hard compared to all my other melee toons 🤕.
  13. Quick question for those who know more maths than me--how did Brutes do compared to other ATs? ET sure didn't seem popular for Brutes before. Are the changes as good for Brutes as they are for the other ATs?
  14. Agreed. For example, my main is Energy Melee, and just speeding the two big hits a little and increasing Whirling Hands damage would have solved the single target DPS and AOE problems without changing the set. Hi Cinn 🙂
  15. Yeah, I mean, they could at least put it in as a customization option or something. Just at least an alternative to a dainty high five for one of the heaviest single target hits in the game with screen shake!
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